The underground magic workshop of the Ma Tong family.

"Ah Qiu!"

Su coldly shivered and shook his spirit.

Let's sip his mouth twice, Su touched his head, this weather is not cold, with my physique, will I catch a cold?

Could it be that someone is saying bad things about me behind my back? It won't be Weber and the conqueror, right? Dissatisfied with me for using them as bait.

"It always feels like something big is happening, it's weird." Sue murmured.

"The enchantment has been laid out. Sue, is your arrangement over? The spiritualized Skaha appeared on the side.

Su arranged for Skaha to arrange the final enchantment for the Matong family, and protect the Matong family after they left, although the effect was limited, but at least it could effectively preserve the integrity of the Matong family.

"Well, my alchemy creature has been placed, hidden in the corner of the Matong family, and it is not easy to be discovered."

Su also arranged the back hand, alchemy creatures are not consumable for Su, as long as they are not high-level alchemy items, they can be quickly manufactured in large quantities. These half-functional, half-aggressive alchemical creatures are just up to the task, and to the effect that the heroic spirit may also fall behind.

Incidentally, the Matong family can also be regarded as one of the few resources that Su can control, in case it is a little useful.

"In that case, then this Tong family can be considered arranged."

"Well, that's right."

"So why don't we go to Saber and join them now."

"There's no need to be in such a hurry, it's not convenient to disturb the big night." And I have a little idea to experiment, if nothing else, the results will be available tomorrow, and it will not be late to leave tomorrow.

"Well, you just have a plan." Skaha just wanted to remind Sue that it was time to hurry.

After that, Skaha left the magic workshop first.

After Skaha left, Sue set her eyes back on the workbench, which displayed the finished product of the mercury baby (moon spirit pulp liquid) left by Kenneth, which Sue had long been very fond of.

The three elements of the principle characteristics, extension, change, and mimicry of the Moon Spirit Essence are too suitable for the creation of alchemy machinery, and are very suitable for Su's needs.

Start! Strive to be able to create relatively mature alchemical items in one night.

The sun and moon alternate, the stars shift, and the next day will soon come.

Skaha didn't know what to do, so he came to the magic workshop in the morning to see if Sue was done.

With Su's alchemy level, it was not surprising that he had come up with satisfactory works in one night.

As soon as Skaha came in, he saw Sue with two black circles, not knowing what was on display, the magic in his hand had not yet dissipated, but looking at the degree, he knew that it was roughly completed, and the final finishing work should be carried out.

Skaha stepped aside, slowly poured himself a cup of coffee, and quietly waited for Sue's final production.

After a while, Sue stopped moving and ended the production.


"Well, it's done!" Sue gave a thumbs up.

Thanks to Kenneth, if he hadn't left behind the finished Moon Spirit Essence, Sue wouldn't have been able to finish it so quickly, at least for a day. Praise Director Ken!

"Look, how is this cloak? Is it very much in line with my mage's temperament. Sue walked up to Skaha to show off his work, happy like a small child.

Sue was dressed in modern clothes, the only difference was the gray cloak draped over her shoulders. There is nothing overly embellished and patterned in this cloak, only silver-white trim and a magic mark in the middle.

"That's it? A magic dress cape? "I don't know what it's for, but it's just a cloak and doesn't seem worth a night of it."

"The cloak is just its appearance, and this thing is very versatile."

It took a night to go, how could it be as simple as just a cloak?

As soon as Su's voice fell, the cloak changed differently.

Or, that's not called a cloak anymore.

The gray cloak gradually dissolved and became flowing like a liquid. The silvery-white liquid fluid re-condensed on Su's hand along Su's body, and soon formed a silver-white cane.

"Oh?" Skaha was curious about the change.

"This is my reference to some alchemy machinery, Kenneth's Moon Spirit Essence just has such a function. The form can change according to the needs of the user.

Saying that, the silver-white cane flowed and changed again, attached to Sue's clothes, and reconstructed into a new set of clothing. It can be said that it is very convenient, and I am afraid that I don't need to bring clothes when I travel in the future.

Su continued: "Although its own material strength is not very high, I have added a lot of spell imprints to ensure its comprehensiveness, and the attack and defense are integrated.

"The only drawback may be that the strength is not enough, and it will have to be further improved in the future."

"How? Pretty good. "

Mercury babies, no, you can't name them mercury babies anymore. The Moon Spirit Essence has some abilities, and it also has the ability that the Moon Spirit Pulp Liquid does not have. The ever-changing all-round ability, or else, call it the Changeling Jia Xiu or the Twilight Robe?

This thing Sue couldn't put down a little, constantly changing in his hands, trying. Bows, pistols, swords, glasses, etc., Sue kept experimenting with its ability variations. Long-range attacks, melee strength, spells and defense capabilities are comprehensive, giving Sue a big surprise.

It's just that it does need to be strengthened and supplemented.

How do you name this thing? Su Ru thought.

Mercury baby version of the mage cape, Kenneth enhanced modified version.

"Forget it, it's not necessary, the mage cloak and the magic robe will do." Su thought about it and gave up the idea of naming it, and waited until it was perfected. Sue still likes the form of the mage's cloak.

"If you want to say that this is a low-grade treasure, I believe it." Skaha chuckled.

She thinks that this mage cloak is not bad, although it is not a very powerful item, but it is good to use and comprehensive, it is very suitable for the profession of mage with a high probability of bias, even if it is put in the god generation is also a good thing, let alone modern.

Su suddenly thought that this thing is highly anthropomorphic and simulated enough, so can it replace itself for casting, its own control from a distance, double casting plus multi-threaded operation.

It seems like a feasible idea!

Su was excited and started to operate directly. Control the cloak transformation, stretch out tentacle-like lines, simulate a human hand, and add magic to cast spells.

That's not a hand-to-hand thing.

As a result, failed.

You can cast spells at close range, you must be close to the user, in fact, it is not the cloak that can simulate casting, it is Su's own magic power that is transmitted, and the effect is greatly reduced. Once left the user, spells cannot be cast.

Failure in failure, defeat in man, is Sue.

Failure is the mother of success. The addition of materials, the reconstruction of spells, and the change of mana all need to be perfected, and the idea is feasible.

At the same time, Su couldn't help but think of a possibility, can this material be directly made into a puppet-type alchemical creature.

Wait, isn't that the Achbold's mercury maid? An upgraded version of Moon Spirit Essence!

Su looked weird, if I really came up with this kind of thing, it should be much stronger than the mercury maid.

The Archibalds won't sue me for infringement, will they?

Good guys, does the magic world also have this kind of rights dispute?

I don't know, when the time comes to proceed quietly, I won't be able to stay long anyway, Su affirmed in her heart.

Alchemy maid, it's exciting to think about! Hey!

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