Near the city of Fuyuki, near Einz Belen Castle.

"Hey, Eimiya Kiriji? It's me, I'll be at your Einz Belen Castle right away.

"Yes, I also want to experience how great the nobles' dinner is."

"What? Nothing to entertain? So how do you usually eat? Don't eat?

"What's the nonsense, quickly ask someone to bring some ingredients up, I booked your dinner." Sue's mouth continued to speak, and Skaha giggled on the side.

After ending the communication, Su couldn't stop muttering, such a big castle, you told me that there is no food, you are also a nobleman, you must always entertain guests, even if it is not the family.

Really outrageous, can't spiritualize saber doesn't have to eat? That's really missing a lot of joy in life.

What the? Where is Lancelot? Of course, let him stay away and move forward separately, Sue still prefers to stay with beautiful women and be physically and mentally happy. It's still very fragrant to walk with Skaha! The queen (master craftsman) is good anywhere!

Sue, who was walking on the road and was laughing with Skaha all the way about daily life, suddenly felt his heart tighten.

How does this feel? Bad! Something is going to go wrong!

Su's feet were soft, feeling like stepping into the mud, and without waiting for Su's reaction, a soul tingling instantly spread throughout Su's body.

Looking down, the land under Su's feet was only black mud swamps squirming strangely, black mud followed Su's feet to climb up to cover, black mud intended to invade Su's whole body!

It's over, how come there is no sign of appearance, avoiding the double probing of Su and Skaha, a trace of panic appeared in Sue's heart.

Su immediately reacted, first suddenly pushing away Skaha beside him, this heroic spirit would be fatal if it was contaminated.

Then Su's body exuded a magical light, and the divine attributes were at a glance.

Rumble! Rumble!

With an explosion of white light, the freed Su immediately retreated tens of meters away.

Skaha who was pushed away also immediately followed by a flame rune.

This weird feeling, I said, how is it no wonder that it is so familiar.

Scald! Engage in sneak attacks! If you don't talk about martial virtue, you don't want a face, although it doesn't have a face.

Su endured the pain of erosion and cast light bullets, gritting his teeth and being very angry.

"Sue, are you all right?" Skaha came to Sue's side.

Taking a deep breath, Sue shook her head and signaled that she was fine, the black mud on her legs had disappeared, and only the pain told Sue that it was not an illusion. This is as scary as nuclear wastewater pollution!

Sue then pointed to the large tree behind him.

Skaha followed Sue's hand and looked over, a green tree was rapidly withering and decaying, and the trees all showed spontaneous combustion, but after a long time, they spontaneously combusted into dust and dissipated in the wind.

It is the earth forgiveness! Su used earth forgiveness at the first time of liberation, quickly transferring curses and injuries, but the damage that had appeared was invading the body, fortunately it did not go deep, otherwise it would be a big trouble.

Sue stood up again and looked straight ahead. I don't know when, the pool of black mud gathered together again, and gradually condensed into a figure, it was the black shadow man summoned by the Tosaka family Yanfeng Qili, and the ominous curse flowed inside the black shadow person.

The black shadow man still has the flame of the Lune rune on his body, and Su's light explosion makes his figure more illusory, and it seems to be hurt, but it has no effect on it, and his figure does not bend over.

It was clear that the spell that Sue and Skaha had just thrown out temporarily did not have a good effect.

This Black Grail has also learned to engage in sneak attacks?!

Feeling the strange situation in it, Su also knew that it was the aggregation of the curse of the Holy Grail, the same nature as black mud, or crawled out of black mud, which is completely black mud into essence, called black mud essence?

"This is Yingling?" Skaha felt a similar aura from it.


After listening to Skaha's words, Sue quickly probed the Shadow Man. This check confused Su Ducha, and Su's expression was the same as Yan Fengqili's expression at that time.

What the hell is this? Crowd??? Sue also wants to send a bunch of question marks to the other side, and greet its whole family, if it has a whole family. Apparently it didn't.

"It has attributes similar to heroic spirits, but this is definitely the Holy Grail itself!" Sue said with great certainty.

It has to be the flower of the Holy Grail to play, I don't want to sit still, occupy the empty spirit core, stuff some technology and hard work into it, and personally compete for the Holy Grail with a heroic attitude.

"Whoops#¥%@" The Shadow Man made an indescribable voice.

"Sue, what is it talking about?"

Sue: ............

"Hmm....... I don't know. "

I'm a person, not a monster, how do I know what it's gurgling? It's not human language at all.

"But one thing is clear, it must be saying something particularly vicious!" Sue began a serious book of nonsense.

No matter how it gets some moths, since it dares to sneak up today, it will dare to open and hang tomorrow. Can this be tolerated? You have to make it go to dust!

With a pinch of his hands, Su immediately rubbed out a small light cannon, the light of the end of everything! Specializing in evil creatures, attribute restraint is a natural enemy.

The black shadow man does not seem to be as against the sky (nt) as when he was first born, feeling the divine aura of the small light cannon, the black shadow man does not turn his head back, and directly slips away.

"Purr Makabaka!" Only inexplicable whispers remained in the air.

Listening to this agitated tone and emotion, it is quite a curse of viciousness and dissatisfaction. Su Xin understood, oh, the Black Holy Grail is still a big troll.

Su silently withdrew the small light cannon that had not been sent.

"What's going on? Isn't the black mud sealed, and the Holy Grail has not yet been summoned. Skaha asked.

"It's the empty spirit core that is occupied, Assassin and Lancer are dead, the spirit core is passed back, and the Holy Grail is used casually." Sue explained.

Although it is not accurate, Su has another guess about this, the spirit core should be in the Little Holy Grail, and this extra spirit core may be from the previous Holy Grail War.

Moreover, the Holy Grail is most likely not autonomous consciousness, and there is probably only one reason, that is, the source of the Holy Grail pollution, the consciousness of the Avenger Avenger Angolan Newman did not disappear, but occupied the Holy Grail, so the Holy Grail was polluted.

Now seeing that Su and others found the problem, Angolan Newman couldn't sit still, unwilling to sit still, intervened in the Holy Grail War from within the Holy Grail, and found a royal lord as the main culprit.

As for the royal lord, it is obvious that the person is chosen, Tosaka Shichen and Yanfeng Qili, Yanfeng Qili is the most likely, assassin died, he is the identity of the royal lord, and it is not surprising that he was selected again.

It's just that Sue wondered why Gilgamesh didn't prevent this disgusting thing from being born?

Could it be that Gilgamesh even deceived himself in order to please himself?

And Tosaka Shichen, although he is a magician, he also has human emotions, otherwise he would not take care of his wife and daughter so much, and he will not stop it?

Su didn't think about it, but he only felt that there were many doubts, and something was a little wrong.

"Let's leave first to meet and talk." Sue made a decision.

The two quickly headed to Einz Belen Castle, they couldn't slack off any longer, and who knew if they would kill another Gilgamesh halfway.

All this, it is true that Su is a little unlucky.

It's not that the black shadow man Angolan Newman is so good at hiding sneak attacks, almost letting him sneak attack succeed, Angola Newman has no breath to cover EX. It's that Angolan Newman didn't move here in the first place, and Sue himself stepped on Angolan Newman's head.

Originally, Angolan Newman was at the request of Yan Fengqi Li to attack Weigong Kiriji to grab the small Holy Grail, who had thought that someone had a head delivered to the face, coupled with Su's serious threat to the Holy Grail, Angolan Newman decided to strike at Su first.

It's just that it almost succeeded.

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