"This gate hasn't been repaired yet?"

Sue looked at the missing gate, it had been a few days since the last attack, and the efficiency needed to be improved.

There is not the slightest consciousness of one of the culprits of the disappearance of the gate.

Su said, don't dare to say nonsense, this is all Kenneth done, it has nothing to do with me, we have not done anything.

Not long after entering the door, the news that Su had arrived passed over, and the person who received it came immediately.

It was Alice Phil and Saber.

The two standing together are simply golden children and jade girls, a match made in heaven, excellent temperament, and handsome appearance. It's a pity that Saber is the female King Arthur.

"Lady Eimiya, Saber." Sue took off her hat and saluted politely.

Skaha also materialized and stood aside.

"Catter, and the Lord of Caster."

"This gentleman, please come with me, Cheji he is waiting in the conference room for the arrival of the two of you." Alice Phil smiled and invited Sue and the two to come in.

"Madam, Saber, just call me Sue."

Alice Phil was slightly stunned, it turned out that his real name was Sue, which was really a rare name.

Then, Alice Phil led the way in front of everyone and led all the way into the conference room where Eimiya Kiriji was.

In the conference room, in addition to Kiriji Emiya, who was smoking, there was also his assistant, Maiya Kuyu.

"Cheji, Mr. Su is here."

Hearing Alice Phil's prompt, Emiya Kiriji nodded to Su, Su, speaking of which, Emiya Kiriji knew Su's name for the first time, and the previous investigation of Sue had no results.

"Please sit down."

Su Shunshi sat down on the chair opposite Weigong Kiriji, did not speak, and waited for Weigong Kiriji to speak first.

The conference room suddenly fell silent, the atmosphere was a little stiff, and Alice Phil sensed that something was wrong, as if they had something important to talk about, and they seemed a little redundant.

"Cheji, the ingredients have just arrived, I'll go help with the next dinner." Maimi, come with me.

Eimiya nodded.

Kuyu Maiya was stunned for a moment, then understood that it was time for them to leave, and got up and followed Alice Phil without asking.

Alice Phil bowed slightly to Sue and left the conference room with Maiya Kuyu.

After the two left, Wei Gong Cheji extinguished the cigarette butt and slowly stood up.

"There's something I need to discuss with you."

Sue still didn't make a sound........ I would like to hear what Emiya Kiriji wants to say.

Seeing that no one had any objections, Emiya Kiriji continued.

"The Holy Grail War is estimated to be going faster and faster, and the Little Grail needs to find a place to settle down as soon as possible to facilitate subsequent actions."

Su listened and nodded slightly, it was true, after all, we were already planning the final battle.

"Einz Belen Castle is not suitable for summoning the Holy Grail and cannot be used as a stronghold. So we originally planned to set up a stronghold at the Liudong Temple of Yuanzang Mountain and summon the Holy Grail here. "

But now, the Great Grail is underneath and contaminated, and we don't know if summoning it in Willow Cave Temple now will have a bad effect, so we need to discuss, and Su you may know better."

Eimiya Kiriji gave the decision to Sue, compared to him, he was like a layman and did not know the operation of the Holy Grail ceremony, and Su obviously knew more about this, and professional matters should be left to professional people.

Su understood the scruples of Eimiya Kiriji and was worried that the Holy Grail summoning would affect the violent departure of the Black Mud Curse. ........ He is worthy of being a righteous person, and he is very consistent with Saber's certain aspects, and always considers the minimum loss and the best way to do things.

Thinking of this, Su couldn't help but smile, Weigong Cheji is really a rather cautious person. Then explain to him and make suggestions.

"Don't worry, just choose Willow Cave Temple as a base to summon the Holy Grail, the Holy Grail summoning will not affect the Black Mud Curse, Willow Cave Temple is far from the center of Dongmu, if there is any problem, there is also time to react, there is no other place more suitable than Willow Cave Temple."

"No problem." After hearing Su's explanation, Eimiya Kiriji finally let go of his heart.

"By the way, the monks of Liudong Temple should not have returned, right?"

Su also doesn't know how long Weigong Kiriji occupied the Liudong Temple, so ask first, so as not to have problems at that time, hit half of the innocent people are affected, then Su can only kill the killer.

"No, the time I discussed with the abbot of Willow Cave Temple is half a month, which is enough for the Holy Grail War to end."

"Half... Month..., well, that's it. The

corner of Sue's mouth twitched, the Einz Belen family is really ..... The wealth is strong, a hire is half a month, you must know that the economic benefits and flow of the Liudong Temple are not low, this money is a big expense for Su.

"One more thing." Eimiya continued.

"Huh? What's going on? Interrupted Sue, who was about to speak.

"Tosaka Shichen's invitation, are we really going?"

Tosaka hour... An invitation? Why haven't I heard about this?

Seeing Su's dazed look and not understanding what he was saying at all, Wei Gong Kiriji was slightly startled, and said suspiciously: "You... It seems that you don't know the invitation sent by Tosaka Shichen?

Su said lightly: "Should I know?" "

Isn't it? I haven't heard of it at all.

Emiya Kiriji explained, "It seems that you did not receive an invitation from Tosaka Shichen. The invitation he sent last night. Su

suddenly realized, no wonder I didn't receive an invitation, from last night to today, I have been in the underground magic workshop, and Skaha is not in Matong's house at night, and there is no one else in Matong's house, which caused me to miss it.

"I guess I missed it."

"There is a statement on it that invites me and you, please go to Tosaka's house, so I thought you knew about it." With that, Eimiya Kiriji handed the letter to Su.

Su took the letter and looked at it, it was indeed as Eimiya Kiriji said, a normal invitation.

It is precisely because of this that a normal invitation does not seem normal at this time!

Everything is pointing to the Tosaka family, the black shadow man, the mutated black mud, invitations, etc. come together! Something definitely happened to the Tosaka family that Su couldn't imagine.

But these things can only be learned by going to Tosaka's house in person.

Looking at Su's thoughtful look, Weigong Cheji couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?" Is there anything wrong with this invitation?

Su came back to his senses and said, "It's normal that there is no problem with the invitation, but there should be a problem with the Tosaka family." "Finally a chance to illustrate.

"We were attacked on our way here."


Wei Gong Kiriji thought to himself, what kind of person is so unsightly, daring to attack such a perverted human being. Looking at Su's serious expression, Wei Gong Kiriji knew that things didn't seem to be so simple.

Su stared at Wei Gong Kiri, were you just thinking about something not very beautiful.

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