Not wanting to worry about that, Sue went on to explain.

"Just on the way here, we were attacked by a strange heroic spirit, or the attack of the Holy Grail.........."

Su said exactly what had just happened and explained it to Eimiya Kiriji.

"That's the situation."

Listening to Su's explanation, Emiya Kiriji expressed his shock, even... Afraid. The contaminated Holy Grail took the initiative to launch a sneak attack,...... What is the difference between this and a dead corpse suddenly getting up and attacking you.

Originally, I didn't want to tell Wei Gong Kiriji deeper information, but after thinking about it, Su decided to talk about it, there was no need to hide the information.

"The strange heroic black shadow man is the embodiment of the Black Holy Grail, and its royal lord is most likely Yan Feng Qili, the Black Holy Grail is the source of pollution of the Holy Grail, Angola Newman made a move, and something must have happened to the Tosaka family."

"So, we have to go to Tosaka's house?" Eimiya asked.

"Yes, only if you go, you can know what happened, and I hope Tosaka Shichen can give an answer."

This invitation came at a great time, and Su knew that this thing must have been released on purpose, in order to let the two of them go to Tosaka's house.

Both a trap,...... Also the key, no matter how unpalatable this bait is... Must eat it!

However, Sue still has a question, why... Weber's group was not invited, and there was no mention of Rider and Weber's information in the letter.


Sue came to the familiar back garden of Einz Belen Castle again, and this time the person who came to find Sue was Saber Artoria.

Because...... Berserker Lancelot has arrived.

"The others are coming, Saber, you have to get ready."

"What preparation?" Alice Phil on the side asked curiously.

Sue immediately pulled Alice Phil aside and moved away from Saber.

"Hehe, preparation for battle! I promised Lancelot that you would have to fight. "Sue looks like she wants to watch a good show, you can't blame me, Lancelot asked for it, but well... I will still stop it when it matters.

Phew~~ The

wind blows gently, bringing a touch of oppression.

After listening to Sue's words, Saber did not dare to be careless, although he had a belly to say, but before the battle, he still counted, immediately entered the combat state, and changed into silver-white skirt armor.

But in a moment, a pitch-black figure jumped in from outside the wall, exuding an ominous black aura, carrying a purple-black big sword, and the voice under the ominous helmet was roaring.

This great sword..., Saber is very clear, the undestroyed lake light!

"Lancelot..." Although

Saber was mentally prepared, he was still touched by Lancelot's appearance, and Lancelot, who had lost his mind, had no possibility of communication at the moment.

"Mr. Sue, why does Lancelot hate King Arthur so much?" Alice Phil was puzzled.

Su just wants to say that it's all love and hate, it's really hard to say.

"Ah, didn't you read the historical legends?"


"Lancelot eloped with King Arthur's queen, and the queen died, out of love and hatred." Sue began his gibberish.

“???" I read little, don't lie to me, is King Arthur or male in the history books?

Lancelot also didn't want to communicate, just wanted to mention the undestroyed lake light to cut through.

Bang! ——The

stone slab under Lancelot's feet cracked instantly, Lancelot's figure turned into a gust of black wind, and immediately rushed towards Saber at great speed, and the undestroyed lake light also burst out with unparalleled momentum at this time, and the wind was fierce!

Table tennis!

The undestroyed lake light slashed down from above and smashed heavily at Saber, as if to shatter her. Saber raised his sword to block, and cracks appeared on the ground under his feet.

Lancelot's strength is slightly higher than Saber, as the strongest knight of the Knights of the Round Table, aside from treasures, its combat power and martial arts are higher than King Arthur, so Saber and Rider are in a similar situation, weaker than some of the warriors under their command.

It is not difficult to understand, after all, Wang has other things to do and cannot just focus on the battle.

Without giving Saber time to react, Lancelot roared and attacked again, and the undestroyed lake light slashed and slashed one after another, like a mad dog, biting Saber and refusing to relax, sword light and wind constantly flashed in the garden, steadily suppressing Saber.

Strong wind, golden light, wind king enchantment!

A Wind King Hammer forcibly knocked Lancelot back, widening the distance before giving Saber a chance to pause.

"Why did you become... So crazy? Saber muttered.

"This... Is it also my fault? Only

a more ferocious slash answered her, and the spread of sword qi shattered the walls. If Sue hadn't been protecting Alice Phil, I'm afraid she would have been swept out by the storm set off by the battle between Saber and Lancelot.

Saber's heart is now full of confusion and puzzlement.

Artoria: Why... Why did you become a berserker?

Lancelot: Wasn't it because Saber was robbed by you?

Morgan: How? Is Berserker bad?

Artoria: Morgan, as long as you say the berserker is bad, the holy gun will lend you a play.

Morgan: I have ten, but you are the one behind?

Artoria: .......

During the battle, Lancelot's offensive became more and more ferocious, as if he wanted to vent all the dissatisfaction in his heart over the years, the big sword slashed wildly, and Saber could only passively defend, and was beaten so that he couldn't lift his head.

Lancelot's slash chopped Saber out, and the successive attacks slowed Saber down. If Saber doesn't use treasures, he will be pressed and beaten all the time, and the emotional plus strength situation is now very unfavorable for Saber.

The body of the indestructible lake light sword shone brightly, the magic power became more and more concentrated, and the momentum on Lancelot's body became higher and higher.

"Hurry up, Mr. Su, you can't let them fight anymore!" Seeing that Saber was in danger, Alice Phil hurriedly said.

Su was stunned when she saw this situation, Saber, who had always been at a disadvantage, did not release the treasure tool, why did you Lancelot start to use the liberation treasure tool first? How can it work, if you really cut Saber, what if you can't beat it with one less combat power at that time.

"Lancelot, stop!" Su stretched out her hand and used a spell.

The red light of the spell immediately affected Lancelot, stopping his urge to release the treasure and temporarily regaining his senses. Sue's back hand is the Ling Curse, only the Ling Curse can maintain Lancelot's sanity, unless Lancelot dies, and he can't see King Arthur regain his sanity.

Fortunately, Su's spells are enough, not panicked at all, enough!

Praise to Yanfeng Lizheng!

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