Lancelot, who had regained his senses, let go of the undestroyed lake light, and the black qi on his body dissipated, and the ominous aura also weakened a lot.

Lancelot removed his helmet, revealing Saber's familiar face.

Lancelot asked softly, "King, what reason do you have to pursue the Holy Grail?"

Listening to Lancelot's questioning, Saber couldn't help biting his lip and said: "I want to change the outcome of Britain, I want to make amends... The knights who have always trusted me.

Saber's answer saddened Lancelot.

"King, are you still raising your sword for this reason? It's really a headache..."

Su looked at them and sighed, what do you call this, it's the same as crazy men and women, obviously they all want to be redeemed.

In fact, Lancelot never hated his king, just like Saber's self-blame, Lancelot also deeply blamed himself.

At the beginning, it was because of Lancelot that Camelot began the fate of destruction, and Lancelot has always been very guilty about this, thinking that it is his own fault that allowed the country to perish and let his king live so painfully.

Therefore, Lancelot had only one thought, his desire for redemption, his longing for King Arthur's judgment to offset some of his heavy sins, and his desire to die at the hands of Saber.

But fate tricked people, the Holy Grail War put Lancelot in the position of berserker, and reason disappeared directly. Without Sue, Lancelot is afraid that there is no chance to speak at all.

Perhaps the king's tolerance was too idealistic, but it became a cage of self-imprisonment in the knight's heart. Or perhaps at that time, a romantic knight was needed to write the epic poem. But what the two Lancelots have in common is that after betraying that glory, they entangle with the king in confusion and repentance, and the love and hatred and regret that intensify.

"Lancelot..." Seeing

Lancelot's self-blame, Saber couldn't bear it and wanted to take the blame on himself.

"You are all the best knights, the blame lies with me, I must bear the responsibility for Camelot's destruction, maybe Tristan Qing is right, I really don't understand people's hearts."

The truth is revealed, the source is Cui sadness!

Lancelot:...... Ah, Tristan, you damn it! It's not enough for me to kill you a thousand times!


Saber wanted to say something before Lancelot could say anything.

"King, please don't say that, there is nothing wrong with you, you will always be the most admired and greatest king of our Knights of the Round Table. The blame lies with us, and it is those of us who are sinners who single-handedly contributed to Camelot's destruction.

"After fulfilling the promise of this Holy Grail War, I only hope to be forgiven by the king and let me die under the judgment of the king, and I will be satisfied." Please Wang must promise me! In

the face of the king's forgiveness, Lancelot was left with a lifetime of repentance and self-remorse, and the punishment that most humiliated his knightly glory.

In the end, he turned the remorse and self-hatred that sprang in his heart into anger and hatred, constantly cursed the king who always existed with ideals with obsession, and finally willingly fought with him until the last moment, gambling on the glory of the knight, and died under her sword.

Perhaps, for him, this is the most ideal ending.

Saber also understood that this was Lancelot's death intention, his guilt and anxiety. But Saber also didn't want to attack Lancelot, even if Lancelot volunteered.

"Lancelot, I will definitely give a satisfactory explanation to the Knights of the Round Table."

"Ah, King, you are so merciful."

Two people you say a word to me, people who don't know still think where the partner came from, the relationship between the two is quite complicated, unclear, unclear way.

Looking at the two people who were 'talking affectionately', Su Du was almost hungry, and the big melon was really good!

However, if you let the two exchange illnesses like this, I am afraid that they will directly explode on the spot and spiral to the sky, and this Holy Grail War is about to change its taste, which is not conducive to Su's control of the overall situation.

Sue needs to speak out to stop the two from putting aside other things first and focusing on fighting the final Holy Grail War.

"Ahem, I'll say two."

Both Saber and Lancelot turned their heads to look in Sue's direction.

"If you feel guilty, do you want to let it go first? The past is irretrievable, history will not change, and it is possible only to hope for the future. "

Huh? You mean... I still have a chance to save everything?! Saber looked a little excited, from Sue's words, it can be concluded that the Holy Grail is not necessarily needed, although Sue is only a human lord, but Saber can't manage so much now, as long as there is a certain hope, she is willing to try her best.

Well...... This is not counting lifting a rock to shoot herself in the foot, Su just wanted to dispel the strange thoughts of the two, so she told them that there must be another way to fulfill her wish.

Sue:...... Isn't it, are you both so good at focusing on the point? I said so much that you only heard it, can you redeem the past? The point is, I won't either.

The only thing that Su can be sure of, there really are things or things in this world that change everything.

This does not mean that he really has a way to do this kind of thing, Su scoffed at this, if he could do this kind of thing, then he would not be able to participate in this unclear Holy Grail War here now, he could directly take off, achieve his goal, and travel home through time and space.

Su was helpless, and could only answer perfunctorily: "There must be, it doesn't have to be the Holy Grail."

"As long as the strength is achieved, strong enough invincibility can change the vast majority of problems, nothing is impossible, and if it is not done, it can only be said that the strength is not enough."

Break the law with one force! The strong are honored!

This is a world where technology, magic, and mystery coexist, and it is an extraordinary world where strength reigns supreme!

According to Su's understanding and analysis, it is not difficult to find that gods and mysteries exist, but they have long been cut off from the present world.

However, Su thinks that he can still find these mysterious areas.

"Hehe, I can prove that what Su said is true, there are many things outside the world that meet your expectations, and the mysterious retreat believes that you are no strangers." Skaha suddenly spoke up from the side.

In the time of Arthurian legends, mystery had begun to decline!

Saber's whole body brightened, as long as there was hope.

Obviously, with Sue's answer and Skaha's confirmation, both Saber and Lancelot's eyes brightened, as if they had regained their motivation and purpose to move forward.

Fight for Camelot's better tomorrow!


I slashed countless knights, took the lives of the knights of the Round Table who had been friends, and fled into my own territory. My sin of infidelity was a betrayal, and I degenerated into a ridiculous beast to call myself a knight.

I am no longer the knight the king expected. The unchaste relationship with the princess unexpectedly proves this.

In this way, the king knew my downfall, knew the limits of humanity, and even felt at ease that I would be punished as a disloyal.

But...... But the king said he would forgive me.

The incorruptible and white king said to forgive me and the princess.

"My friend. My pride. O knight of my dreams. If it is your action, then it must be sincere. I believe you. -

From Lancelot's Readme.

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