"What about the Lancelots?"

Faced with Saber's question, Sue was speechless, and the corners of her eyes twitched.

"Ahhh This ahhhh He left... I have something important for Lancelot to do. "

Huh? But isn't he Berserker? Saber was puzzled. Although Lancelot temporarily regained his sanity in the Berserker rank, it was also under the effect of the Curse, and after leaving the Curse, it would still become crazy again, so how to perform the task?

In the face of Saber's questioning, Sue no longer wants to answer her, and silence is the best answer.

I can't say I don't want you both to be in the same place, before the decisive battle.

After ending the dispute between Saber and Lancelot, Sue immediately transferred Lancelot to the city, fearing that he and Saber would cause some strange problems.

After prevaricating about Saber's question, Sue immediately slipped away, the banquet I booked was still waiting for me, isn't it more interesting to eat good food?

Although Su and Eimiya Kiriji need to go to Tosaka's house in the evening and can't make a dinner, Su doesn't really want to give up the noble banquet, and as a foodie preference, he has a strange attachment in this regard, even if Su can't cook at all.

So Su cheekily asked Alice Phil to come to a banquet before leaving, saying that he must not miss it.

Alice Phil thought about it anyway, the ingredients are already in place, not using it is a waste, and not letting her cook, looking at Su's determined look, she couldn't bear to refuse, so she agreed.

The deeper reason is that Saber also shows that food is good for what comes next.

When the banquet started, Sue wouldn't think so, because Saber was much more outrageous than he thought!

Give full play to the role of artificial humans in Einzbelen, let artificial people cook food, convenient and fast, do not care why artificial people can cook, because that is not important! The important thing is to have good food!

Soon, with the help of artificial humans, the preparations for the banquet were completed.

Although this is not a real banquet, it is more like a family banquet.

For the aristocracy, diet was not only used for survival, but also had a socio-cultural function, a confirmation of power behavior, a "tool to show their power". The move at the table thus became a cultural symbol of the aristocratic hierarchy. However, the Middle Ages were very long, so all aspects of aristocratic life varied greatly from period to period.

Sue was led by Alice Phil to the banquet venue.

Before entering the door, Su keenly smelled bursts of aroma from food, causing saliva to secrete and appetite. As a professional foodie, you must have a minimum respect for food.

"It's so fragrant." Su couldn't help but sigh.

"Of course, although our country's cuisine is not as good as that of the eastern countries, it is also very characteristic flavor and beauty, at least much stronger than a country that does not have its own special dishes." Alice Phil explained with a smile.

saber:...... There are no specialties, is this an allusion or an explicit reference?

Of course, the possibility of dark cuisine cannot be ruled out.

Especially the school cuisine! Have you heard the legend of a cucumber? Ever seen scrambled eggs with preserved eggs? But I have heard that orange fried peppers, from color matching to shape, it still looks quite tempting, but I don't know whether it is better to eat oranges first or peppers first. I don't know if the aroma of orange is stronger, or the taste of pepper is more fragrant?

Today humanity recalls the fear of being dominated by school dishes!

When he entered the door, he saw Eimiya Kiriji, who was already on the throne, standing up.

"Everyone, please sit down."

The specialty dishes that Alice Phil mentioned still look very good. Sue looked at it with a feeling of wanting to move.

The dishes have been laid out on the table, and there is a variety of food, all kinds of colors, flavors and smells.

Since it is not a formal banquet, Weigong Kiriji may not have made more arrangements, not one for each person, but a banquet with oriental characteristics, which is very good and has an atmosphere.

The two-color apple pie has a crispy crust, hot apple paste and powdered sugar on the inside, and is drizzled with a thick layer of vanilla ice cream or vanilla sauce.

Although the birthplace of beef stew is not in the country of Einzberen, beef soup stewed with vegetables, potatoes and red peppers and other spices is ubiquitous and developed quite well. A common beef dish is goulash rolls, thinly sliced beef wrapped in bacon and onion (and sometimes sour cucumber), often with braised purple cabbage.

Sue won't say, I don't eat beef.

Salted egg gnocchi can be eaten alone or with gravy or cheese. Although often served as a side dish, gnocchi in hard cheese sauce and served with roasted onions is a popular staple.

Looking at the table full of delicacies, Sue couldn't wait.

"Feel free and you're welcome."

Since that said, then I will start. Su didn't bother much about red tape and went straight to work.

The moon world on the tip of the tongue! Official launch!

While Su was still immersed in the joy of food, Eimiya Kiriji seemed to have a low appetite, perhaps he had already used to it.

"Su, you say, how should we go to Tosaka's house tonight?"

"Hmm... This question... Really asked me. Sue quickly swallowed a piece of red fruit soup.

Su knew that Eimiya Kiriji wanted to ask him what arrangements he had, and if there was any conflict with him, Eimiya Kiriji had his own plan.

"If I say it, I will go directly to see how many heroic spirits there are in the Tosaka family, and then adapt to the situation." Su Na didn't have an idea, anyway, he didn't have anything to worry about, and went directly to talk about it.

Eimiya Kiriji did not continue to speak, he was thinking about the pros and cons.

Su looked at Eimiya Kiriji's hesitant look, and didn't know what he was thinking, probably thinking about whether Alice Phil and Kuyu Maiya should follow together.

But Alice Phil is afraid that she will not be able to follow the action, and her body is seriously burdened, and Kuyu Maiya has to stay and take care of her. In this way, if Saber also stays, the front and rear encounter at the same time, then both sides will not be taken into account.

After thinking for a moment, Eimiya Kiriji finally made a difficult decision.

"Well, let them go to the Willow Cave Temple later, in case someone takes the opportunity to come to Einzbelen." He decided to take Saber with him.

Su nodded, it's okay, what if the final battle is directly at that time, and the reaction can't be done.

Seeing the hand of Eimiya Kiriji, Su suddenly thought of something, Saber's spell seemed to have only the last stroke left!

One was used against Lancer, and one was used for emergency summoning.

Su decided to give Eimiya Kiriji a little help.

"Give you something, replenish the combat effectiveness."

After that, Su took out a black glove out of nowhere and threw it to Eimiya Kiriji.

"This is ?!!" Eimiya Kiriji took the glove, and immediately found that there were three spells engraved on the glove.

"These are three spells?" Alice Phil also came over and said in amazement.

"That's right! There are three spells for you to use, isn't there exactly one Saber's spell? The spells on this glove are ownerless and safe to use. Su said proudly.

"Isn't the Ling Spell only available to the Imperial Lord, and there are only three strokes?" Alice Phil still knows some common sense, and has become the mouth substitute of Eimiya Kiriji.

"Ah, this has to mention the illegal operation of the supervisor..." Su explained to them the good things that Yan Feng Qili and Yan Fengli were doing.

"So, I took advantage of this thing and made this glove."

"Well, you can call it the Writ Gauntlet."

Eimiya Kiriji accepted it unceremoniously, and the good things were still free, and they didn't need to be used in vain. It doesn't matter how it was made, it's not something he can think about, as long as it helps.

"Well, that's it, let's hurry up and solve the food and send Madame to Liudong Temple."

After the discussion was completed, Su turned her head to taste the food.

As soon as he turned back, he let Su discover the horror thing.

"What about the things on the table?!!?" Su's eyes straightened.

What about a table full of food? How can a big table disappear in the blink of an eye?!

"Hmm... I don't know. Saber said.

The corner of Su's mouth twitched, do you want to take away the pile of plates in front of you before speaking. My heart hurts, I haven't eaten two bites yet.

"Replenish the magic, ha... Replenish the magic. Saber said as another piece of beef rolled into his unfathomable stomach.

You are a heroic spirit, although you can't be spiritualized, but you don't need so much appetite, Su didn't understand, your body is not an abyss portal?

Sue seemed to have a glimmer of understanding.

....... Could it be that Camelot was eaten by Saber?!

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