After the banquet, the afternoon time was almost over.

Su and Eimiya Kiriji prepared and directly sent Alice Phil and Kuyu Maiya to the Willow Cave Temple station.

The uneasy Weigong Kiriji also asked Su to temporarily arrange the enchantment formation.

Late afternoon.

Su and Eimiya Kiriji take Saber and the spiritualized Skaha to the appointment and come to Tosaka's door.

"What about Tosaka hours? Inviting guests but not coming to greet them is a violation of the host's etiquette.

"No, Tosaka Shichen should be a talent who values the reputation of the family." Eimiya Kiriji shook his head and said.

Arriving at the door of Tosaka's house, Su found that there were two heroic auras, and if nothing else, it was Gilgamesh and the Black Shadow Man. Before that, it seemed to be blocked, the periphery could not detect the inside, and according to the surveillance, there was no sign of Tosaka Shichen or Yanfeng Qili leaving.

It's just strange that Su didn't detect the breath that belonged to people.

Su muttered, "It's a little strange."

"What's wrong? Both heroes are there. Saber looked at Sue suspiciously.

"It's nothing, maybe I'm too nervous and misjudged."

"In short, it's always right to be careful, the atmosphere is a little weird."

But wouldn't it be nice if we broke in like this, in case we started a fight directly, it would be a little interesting, Su thought to himself.

Sure enough, the Tosaka family still responded, and just when Eimiya Kiriji was about to break in, there was a sound from all around, it was the same magic method as Kenneth, and the sound was transmitted through the air.

"Since you have arrived, please come in, the door is open, and a big surprise is ready for you." After saying a word, there was no follow-up, and no voice came out.

There was no politeness at all, and Su secretly slandered.

In the face of the sudden words, everyone looked at each other, and did not move for a while, waiting for Su and Weigong Kiriji to decide.

"Something is wrong." Su said seriously, and everyone looked at Su.

Well, even if you don't say it, you should also detect a weird atmosphere. At night, Tosaka's house couldn't see a single light, except for the breath of nothingness, as if no one was there.

"No other high opinion?"

"No, we have all gone to the door, no matter how many questions are behind the door, you can see at a glance, you should go in and take a look, you will know what happened." Su said lightly.

"Everything should be behind the door."

"Come in." Eimiya Kiriji did not hesitate and walked directly into the Tosaka Mansion.

There was no objection, and the truth could only be known if they went in, and everyone entered Tosaka's house one after another.

As soon as he entered the door, Su probed and found out, still without the breath of a human being, or the existence of those two heroic spirits. The most important point is that no one answers.

Immediately, Su moved, but in a moment, Su and Weigong Kiriji respectively searched the entire first floor, and found nothing.

"Go upstairs, you'll find out a little."

Immediately after that, it was the second floor, and everyone went up the stairs together.

Going up to the second floor, all the previous aura has disappeared!

It should be an accident, Su immediately made a judgment.

Su walked directly to the innermost room of the promenade, and from the specifications there was the study, which was the important place of the master's house.

Su pushed the door and entered, and stopped after only taking one step, everything in the room was reflected in Su's field of vision, and the situation was unobstructed, even if the room was dark and dark.

After seeing the situation of the room, Su tilted his head and chuckled and said, "It's really interesting!" The

others were looking and heard Sue's call.

"Everyone, come here, there is no need to look for it, I think, the truth has been revealed."

Eimiya Kiriji and Saber stopped their current movements, slightly startled, it seems that they have found the key, is it a person? Or something?

The two hurriedly walked in Su's direction.

Before arriving at the door of the study, Skaha arrived one step ahead of them, also showing a thoughtful look.

Sue raised his hand to skillfully illuminate, dispelling the darkness in the room and exposing everything to the light.

Eimiya Kiriji and Saber looked at their strange expressions, and also curiously approached slowly, and stepped forward.

"What the hell happened... What... Affair?! Weigong Cheji's face suddenly became indifferent, and his expression was solemn.

At the door of Tosaka's study, the dead Tosaka Shichen's body fell in a pool of black blood that had solidified.

"This is? Archer's royal lord? Saber asked.

"Yes, the original lord of the Hero King, Tosaka Shichen." Sue replied, slowly stepping forward to check.

Su walked to Tosaka's corpse and raised his hand to release the 'Mage's Eye' to probe and trace the origin.

Mage Eye, a detective spell that acts on itself or other things, has the effect of detection, analysis, and feedback. It is a spell used to detect and track down clues, and although it is low-level, it is also very good to be proficient in using it.

"What's going on?"

"How did he die? Who can kill him from the Hero King? Wei Gong was puzzled.

Su Hao chuckled: "It seems that you haven't heard what I said clearly, the original royal lord of the hero king."

"Tosaka Shichen most likely died in front of the Hero King, and the Hero King did not make a move, he was backstabbed."

"You mean Yan Feng Qili? He was a disciple of Tosaka Shichen, how dare he do this? "

Hehe, what don't you dare, Yan Feng Qili has serious flaws in this person's personality, it should be that he plotted with the hero king to assassinate Tosaka Shichen, you see the appearance of Tosaka Shichen, and was attacked from behind defenselessly."

Su paused and continued: "There is one more point, it is very critical.

Eimiya Kiriji looked at Sue.

"According to the results of my investigation, Tosaka Shichen died about a day. So here's the problem.

"Eimiya Kiriji, how did your invitation come about?" Su already had the answer in his heart, this invitation was afraid that Yan Feng Qili forged, as a close confidant of Tosaka Shichen, he believed that he had the ability to imitate Tosaka Shichen's tone and handwriting.

Eimiya Kiriji whispered: "That is, the invitation is fake. "Think about where people are looking.

"The truth is false, no wonder I said how the Tosaka family does not have one, those breaths are..."

Skaha explained: "I found some traces, those voices and the breath of the heroic spirit were prepared earlier, and someone arrived at the Tosaka house and automatically triggered." "

Automatic trigger, invitation, no one,......

A terrifying possibility flashed in Su's heart, wouldn't it?!

Thinking of this possibility, Su found that he had missed a key point, the hero king is an archer rank, and the clairvoyant who is close to the EX level is afraid that he can monitor Fuyuki City's every move.

Worst! Teased!

Su's face was a little ugly, and looking at Weigong Kiriji, who had an equally ugly face, he was afraid that he had also found a problem.

"I think we should be fooled! Bad thing! "

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