"We were fooled."

"Invitations, agreements are all pretenses, the purpose is to attract us over."

"The illusion of someone before was to fool us over, and Tosaka Shichen died before that. The Hero King should use Archer's clairvoyance and treasures to observe our actions.

"If the tiger leaves the mountain, I'm afraid we can't even be considered tigers, then their purpose is only one." Sue's words stopped.

Wei Gong Kiri's face turned pale, and a few words came out from between his teeth: "... The little Holy Grail... Allie...,"

Saber's face changed drastically, "What? Their purpose is Alice Phil?! Wei

Gong Che Si Muran nodded and said, "That's right, they brought us here for the Little Holy Grail, and finally summoned." "I didn't expect it to come true.

And now, Alice Phil has a high probability of encountering accidents.

"Kiriji, use the spell and let me go to Alice Phil immediately!"

Saber looks at Emiya Kiriji and asks him to immediately use the Writ Charm to get her to save Alice Phil.

Emiya Kiriji also hurriedly raised his arm towards the use of the Ling Spell. Su shook her head and reached out to stop Eimiya Kiriji's movements.

"You......" Saber glared angrily

"It's too late, just now, the enchantment has been broken.

"So what are you waiting for! Go back and save people immediately! Saber is furious, and she is now bent on saving people.

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't rush yet."

"You went back alone and two people and also dealt with the Dark Shadow Spirit and Gilgamesh. The number of spirits now is not enough to summon the Grail, there is still time. I still have a backhand, then ask Rider to lure out Gilgamesh, and you and Lancelot will besiege Gilgamesh. "

Su didn't expect the accident to happen so suddenly, tomorrow and the accident you never know which comes first. Rider, as the initiator of the final decisive battle of Su's plan, can only passively set off now.

The final battle still came early!

Sue immediately contacted Webb and Rider.

As soon as Webb's communication was connected, Sue heard a huge wind sound, and suddenly felt bad and his scalp was numb.

"Webb, you won't be... Already on the way to challenge Gilgamesh, right? "Sue is also anxious now. It's all coming together now.

"Hey, Sue, how do you know? Did you spy on us? I'm just about to talk to you about this.

"Just now Rider said that Archer sent an invitation to fight, and I couldn't stop him."

“...... Let me talk about it... Wait...."There was a noise on the other end of the communication, but after a few moments it returned to normal.

"Su boy, we have already set off, I can't help but respond to the invitation of the hero king, if you have any plans, act quickly, I won't wait." After that, the communication is over.

What a damn it! Why can't you wait for me! Sue was very upset and anxious.

"Hurry up, the rider has already gone, it's late, as soon as the battle is over, you can summon the Holy Grail!" Sue explained immediately.

Su can be sure that Rider can't beat Gilgamesh, and the other person who restrained Rider mentioned before is Ararcher Gilgamesh, his ultimate treasure EA Heaven and Earth Departure Star, the opposite boundary treasure, just look at the legend and story to know, the Excalibur that tore the world, and the army of the king of the Rider is inherently enchanted!

The army split into two groups, Saber and Lancelot converged, and before the battle of Rider was over, they laid siege to Gilgamesh. On the other hand, Su and Skaha plus Eimiya Kiriji quickly rushed back to Willow Cave Temple to deal with Yan Feng Qili and the Black Shadow Hero Spirit Angora Newman.


In fact, Webb originally did not dare to come, he thought that going would only cause trouble for Rider, how could a cowardly person like him be similar to Rider, and finally brought himself to the car.

Half an hour before the start of the battle....

"Come out, my Emma (Emma)!" Not ad insertion.

With the call of the rider, the Tianniu chariot trampling lightning appeared and came to Weber's eyes. (At this time, the Tenniu chariot had not yet been slashed by Saber.)

"Huh? What are you still stunned for? Get in the car! Rider noticed that Webb was not moving, standing in place.

"Only the real strong can participate in the battle after that." Weber thought to himself that he could not hold back.

"My follower, in the name of the curse, rider." Webb cast a spell.

"Rider, you must win!"

"If the curse is repeated, you must achieve victory."

"You must win!! Don't fail! "Say important things three times.

The use of this spell is actually not a waste spell, but it is relatively single, which can supplement the state of mana recovery and improve basic ability.

Weber's behavior should be the greatest respect and trust for Yingling, complete trust. Running out of the Ling Curse means that there is no means to check the Ying Spirit, which is why Tosaka Shichen does not dare to use the Ling Spell. Of course, Sue can do Weber's way, and they don't need a spell to maintain the relationship.

Rider watched everything Webb did and used all three spells.

"In this way, I am not the royal lord. Let's go. Webb turned around in disappointment and was about to leave, afraid that he would not be able to hold back his tears.

Just a few steps away, Webb found himself in the air, grabbed the back collar of his back with a large hand, and grabbed Weber's body.

"Ah, of course I will go, but since you ordered me so loudly, I must have prepared my heart to witness all this." One hand pulled Webb onto the chariot.

Became my comrade-in-arms, my military division still wants to run? No way!

Princess: Don't, I don't want to die!

"Stupid, are you? I'm out of curses, why should I go with me?" Webb twisted to resist Rider's atrocities.

"Although you are no longer the royal lord, you are still my friend of the conquering king. Hahaha! Rider bared his white teeth and smiled at Webb.

"Can I really stay with you?" Weber felt too cowardly to be worthy of the heroism of the conquering king.

Without saying a word, the conqueror slapped Weber on the head, and slapped Weber on the head.

"What stupid thing are you saying, we all fight side by side together, we are friends. Da Ke was standing right next to me. Boy, take a good look at the great heroism of my conquering king! Hahaha!

"Ah, of course!" Webb wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Gilgamesh, here we come!

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