In response to Gilgamesh's invitation, Webb and Rider arrived on the Fuyuki City Bridge.

There was actually a car on the bridge, not a single person. At night, Fuyuki City becomes very quiet, and the citizens do not go out, and the work and rest time is very regular! (The exception is the Cup HF line, where Lancer can actually see the driver driving at night when chasing and killing!)

"Rider, look ahead!"

In front of the rider and Weber's chariot, a golden particle appeared, which was the figure of the hero king Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh has been waiting here for a long time, and the wine has been brought out.

Rider slowly stopped the vehicle. Looking directly at Gilgamesh in front of him, he did not look down and asked Weber.

"Are you afraid? Brat.

"Well, I'm afraid, or according to you, it's called a heartbeat."

"Oh, you seem to know very well!" Rider wore a hint of a smile.

Rider then got out of the Tenniu chariot and walked towards Gilgamesh, and the battle was also after the formal conversation. At the very least, you have to finish the last of the wine.

"Oh, Hero King, I shouldn't have been late." Rider stood in front of Gilgamesh with a big grin, and took a large sip of Gilgamesh's wine.

"Hmph, it's not bad, now you are stronger than ever. In this way, my decision is to beat you in your perfect state.

"Hahaha, that's just right, tonight I will be invincible!" Rider is arrogant.

"Oh? As it is, the kingly aura that pervades you is indeed stronger than ever. It seems that you did not dare to appear in front of me without the slightest chance of victory. "Of course, there are also three spell blessings, how can it not be strong.

Gilgamesh toasts and drinks against the rider, and the golden wine glass shows the luxury of the most ancient kings.

"Hero King, I want to ask you one last question."

"Yes, you say."

So, Rider began his raving.

"If you use your king's treasure to arm every soldier of my king's army, it will definitely be able to create the strongest legion, right?"

"Well, so what?" Gilgamesh responded lightly, feeling nothing at the offer.

"Therefore, I want to ask you, if you are willing to ally with me, as long as the two of us join forces, even the legendary Star Sea (Star Sea Inner Sea) will not be able to stop our steps." Emperor, why are you so cute, but if you have a little peanut rice, you won't say that, the brain hole is still good.


Hahaha!!" After listening to Rider's words, Gilgamesh couldn't help but laugh, and his body couldn't help shaking, as if he had heard a big joke.

"Hahaha, I think you're very interesting more and more."

"It's been a long time since I've been so amused by silly things from someone other than the Joker!"

Rider scratches his head, I'm seriously inviting, why laugh?

Gilgamesh said slowly: "Unfortunately, my friend has only been one person from ancient times to the present, from now on. And there is no need for two kings to exist at the same time in the world. "

Gilgamesh didn't finish speaking, my friend has only one person from ancient times to the present, and from now on, that is, Enchidu!

But Gilgamesh agrees that Rider is the same king as he is and respects him.

"The king of loneliness? Then I can only respect and challenge your unwavering character.

"Yes, show yourself to your heart's content, King Conqueror." You are someone worthy of my own judgment. With

that, the two kings drank the last wine in their glasses.

Turning his back, Gilgamesh waited for the rider to attack first.

Weber, who looked puzzled, asked, "I said, are you on good terms?"

Rider silently replied, "Of course I have to be enthusiastic now." After all, he may well be my last enemy this time. "Fool, if I don't act enthusiastic, will he only let you go?

Weber gritted his teeth and said, "Don't talk nonsense." How could you lose! I won't allow you, will you forget my last spell?

"Ah, you're right, I won't lose!" As long as you Webb is alive, I will never really lose.

Rider drives the Celestial Bull Chariot, raises his sword high, and unleashes his most proud treasure.

"Assemble, my warriors! Tonight we will engrave the most invincible heroic imprint in the strongest legend. "

A burst of white light suddenly started! The enchantment light of the king's army immediately shrouded the three of them!

In the enchantment desert, Rider stood at the front of the army, and the majestic momentum blew the cloak to hunt.

"The enemy is the hero king of all things, go all out! Warriors, show our domineering to the original king! For a time, the army roared in joy, and the shouts were heaven-shaking!

"Charge!" With an order, the Tianniu chariot and the army rushed together and rushed towards the hero king.

The invincible master, there is nothing more than this (except for the First Emperor!) )。

Looking at the army rushing towards him, the hero king chuckled: "Let the horse come, the king of the overlord!" You are about to see what a true king is. Gilgamesh looked at the army flatly.

"Oh, gather dreams, achieve overbearing, worthy of praise. But that's all, dreams, destined to wake up.

Gilgamesh opened the king's treasury, and a strange, gold-key-like treasure appeared in Gilgamesh's hand.

As Gilgamesh gently turned the golden key. Suddenly, red silk threads, red lines like an upside-down pyramid, rushed straight to the sky, diffusing with inexplicable red light.

These red lines are analyzing, understanding, digesting, and shattering the world.

The red pattern quickly withdrew from Gilgamesh's hand from top to bottom, and a red-black spiral sword body with a spiral sword engraved with strange runes appeared in Gilgamesh's hand, firmly grasped.

At this moment, this treasure tool shows its true face.

Gilgamesh's strongest treasure, the Opposite Realm Treasure EA! Heaven and earth open up the star of obedience!

"I'll show you the end of the world!"

The EA in Gilgamesh's hand, the three-stage wheel began to turn! EA performed its miracle, and with the high-speed rotation of the runner, a red wind of magic rolled up from the EA, and the red storm seemed to tear the entire world space! Just like the legend, Excalibur that tore the entire world apart!

"Look up! Enuma Elish! "

The red storm from EA immediately swept across the battlefield.

"Boy, hold on!" The Celestial Bull chariot soared into the air and galloped. Webb looked at the scene below, and his face instantly turned pale.

"This is! A

huge crack like a heavenly graben appeared in the entire desert land, and the soldiers of the army gradually fell into the abyss. The sky is shattered like a mirror fragment! The earth is also crumbling at an accelerated pace!

The entire King's army is collapsing, and the inherent enchantment is collapsing!

However, after a while, the king's army was completely shattered by EA Heaven and Earth's obedient opening star!

Rider, the figure of Gilgamesh reappeared on the bridge.

I wait for the brave and fearless until the end of the world!

With thousands of troops, I will finally fight alone....

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