The smoke and dust of the explosion cleared, and both Saber and Lancelot were repelled by the treasure tools, and both received varying degrees of injuries, Saber's armor was missing half of it, and both were covered in blood.

Hearing Gilgamesh's 'warm-hearted' invitation, Saber stubbornly looked up and said, "Archer, you are less delusional.

"Hahaha, Saber, you don't think you can win, naïve, ridiculous!" Gilgamesh laughed.

Gilgamesh is still teasing and prodding Saber.

"It's okay, I still have your place here, you still have time to think about it, we will have fun tonight."

I have to say that Gilgamesh really has a crush on Saber, and feels that Saber is still very suitable for being an obedient little pet by his side for him to be happy. Now Gilgamesh is really happy with Saber and wants her to be his personal treasure.

"However, you and your mad dog are really disrespectful to King Ben, so let King Ben be happy a little."

"Before that, accept the favor of King Ben!"

As soon as Gilgamesh's words fell, the Golden Gate of the King's Treasury once again revealed a new batch of treasures, and the power and level were even more exaggerated than before.

Suddenly, the sky was shining with gold, and if you didn't look at the degree of danger in it, it was still quite a beautiful scenery.

"Want the Holy Grail? Or do you want to save the woman? "

“archer! You...... Get out of the way for me! Saber gritted his teeth, looking very angry, and clenched his holy sword.

Gilgamesh said in amazement: "Oh? What is your expression? It's like a hungry mad dog, and it's very similar to this one next to you" The cheerful tone combined with this mocking words is simply infuriating.

Saber suddenly released all his magic power, the holy sword was also shining gold, and he rushed up when he lifted the holy sword, a little carried away by anger.

Two steps quickly lifted his position, wrapped in the holy sword of the Wind King Enchantment, and immediately slashed towards Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh flashed gold in his hand, and in an instant he took out the EA Heaven and Earth Open Up the Departure Star, and greeted it with his backhand.


The red-black sword light and the golden sword light were intertwined, emitting a dazzling light.

It's a pity that Gilgamesh is a treasure monster, and I saw that the red light of the heaven and earth opened up the star of obedience gently flowed, and the power of tearing the world directly suppressed the brilliance of the holy sword, knocking Saber down to the bridge, and the bridge deck was beaten to tremble slightly.

Lancelot wanted to step forward to attack and relieve Saber's pressure, but before he could exert his strength, he was poured towards his head by a round of golden treasure rain, and a roaring explosion left Lancelot defensive.

As soon as Saber came out of the pit, he was attacked again by Gilgamesh's treasures, and the treasures bombarded Saber in turn, Saber swung his sword and slashed at these golden rains, although Saber's martial arts are stronger than Rider, but the two fists are difficult to defeat with four hands, the treasure is projected too much, Saber is accidentally hit by the golden sword.


"King!" Lancelot slashed angrily, and the black qi on his body was almost uncontrollable.

A round of treasure projections blasted Saber away and fell to Lancelot's position, and Saber's abdomen was also bloody, pierced by the golden sword just now. Saber slowly stood up, holding the holy sword with both hands, without a trace of wavering in his eyes, wanting to kill Gilgamesh in front of him.

Looking at Saber's embarrassed appearance, Gilgamesh smiled and said: "Saber, even if you are obsessed with obsession and fall to the ground, you woman is still so beautiful!" It is better to throw down the sword and follow the king, what is the point of clinging to that inexplicable thing.

"Throw away all your boring ideals and vows, come to me, and in the name of the oldest king of the world, I will grant you the fulfillment of your wishes, and grant you all the joys and pleasures of this world." Gilgamesh still does not die to lure Saber into submission, just as he lures Yan Feng Qili into darkness, tempting Saber to leave everything behind.

I don't know what kind of formal proposal ceremony scene is.

"You guy... What a gibberish! Saber shouted angrily.

"No need to explain, this is just King Ben's decision, it has nothing to do with you, it just informs you."

In fact, Gilgamesh just appreciates this spirit and persistence in Saber, which is quite interesting. If Saber agrees, Gilgamesh will definitely keep his promise to give the Grail to Saber, but by then Gilgamesh will have little interest in Saber.

Suddenly, a strange power fluctuation came, acting on Saber and Lancelot's bodies, the injuries recovered somewhat, and the magic on the body instantly increased a lot, directly filling the state of the two.

It is the spell effect of Su and Eimiya Kiriji! At this time, although Saber and Lancelot were injured, thanks to the blessing of the spell, the state was directly full, and the magic soared to the peak.

Lancelot's feelings were even more obvious, and Su San's spells were blessed and improved together, not only restored his sanity, but also the black qi on his body was controlled and could be used.

"Oh, it seems that your royal lord is quite capable, then let King Ben see what other tricks you have for King Ben to enjoy." Even with the blessing of the spell, Gilgamesh still did not put the two in his eyes.

Gilgamesh waved his hands and pointed his sword at both Saber and Lancelot.

The king's treasure house was furious again, and another round of treasure tools was fired continuously, and the fire suppressed.

This time, Lancelot, standing forward, his magic power soared, black qi overflowed, and several black chains behind the armor danced in the air, towards the golden treasure meteor shower.

The indestructible lake light struggled to slash the golden spear in front of him, and Lancelot knew that this would only be a moment of resistance, and could not completely block Gilgamesh's numerous treasure projections. Therefore, Lancelot's center of gravity is not to fight back solely by swordsmanship, but his inherent ability as a heroic spirit.

Knights do not die with their bare hands!

Spell Enhanced Knight does not die with his bare hands!

Last time, Lancelot used this black hand ability to disgust Gilgamesh.

The black iron chains behind Lancelot suddenly stabbed out, and one after another the iron chains wrapped around the flying treasures, using them for their own use, forming a real tentacle monster!

Relying on the inherent ability of black iron chain erosion, Lancelot successfully seized several Gilgamesh treasures, weapons also have them, and there are many more, relying on martial arts to manipulate these chains, Lancelot successfully blocked these treasure projections.

What a black hand!

Gilgamesh, who felt what was called a black hand, was very angry, and it was this ability to make him angry.

"Abominable! You miscellaneous! To dare to defile the treasure of this king with your dirty hands is simply unforgivable!

"Die for King Ben!"

Oops! One by one, the colorful treasures were released!

The treasure house of the king revealed this time are all treasures activated like the thunder of Indra, it seems that Gilgamesh was really enraged, and his momentum suddenly became fierce, wanting to blast Lancelot, a miscellaneous cultivator who had infiltrated his treasures, into scum!

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