The sky is full of golden light, and it is very good-looking.

Every rain of light contains endless danger, which is full of all the power of a treasure.

Lancelot stood in front of Saber, and the counterattack of multiple weapons did not fall into the passive situation at the beginning, and gradually, Lancelot became familiar with the attack of the treasure projection, and began to be able to counterattack against Gilgamesh's weapon projection.

For a time, the fire coverage of Gilgamesh's King's Treasury also lost its previous invincible suppression, and seeing that the effect was not good, it also made Gilgamesh annoyed.

"How presumptuous!"

Gilgamesh took out the Heavenly Lock to Saber and Lancelot, enough attention to it, although the Heavenly Lock has a miraculous effect on the divine treasure, Saber and Lancelot do not have divinity, but the strength of the Heavenly Lock is here, even if it cannot effectively control the enemy, it can allow Gilgamesh to suppress Lancelot's arrogance.

The light gate of the King's Treasury suddenly appeared several flanks of Saber and Lancelot, and a series of golden heavenly locks suddenly struck Lancelot.

Lancelot also immediately noticed the attack of the Heavenly Lock, wielding the indestructible lake light, sword after sword, cutting off the flying Heavenly Lock.

However, Gilgamesh's goal was not to defeat them with the Heavenly Lock, and without the divine Saber and Lancelot, the Heavenly Lock would not be able to perform its full function. Gilgamesh just wants to use the Heavenly Lock to blockade Lancelot's movements and prevent him from getting closer.

The effect was very significant, even if the Heavenly Lock was cut open by Lancelot, it also fell nearby, forming chains to block Lancelot, preventing his black hand chain from being effective, and the projection of treasures bombarded Lancelot again.

At this time, Saber also recovered his mobility, lifted the holy sword, liberated the Wind King Enchantment, and swept through one heavenly lock after another with a powerful storm of sword light, helping Lancelot get out of the dilemma of being bombarded continuously.

Not happy too early, Gilgamesh attacked on both sides, and the treasure projection and the Heavenly Lock attacked repeatedly to suppress Lancelot, unable to raise his head.

I don't know if it was Gilgamesh's provocation or the repeated defeats that made Saber seem to activate the battle switch, singing all the way, with intuition and martial arts to cut through the blockade of treasures, and went straight to Gilgamesh's position a few meters away.

Gilgamesh also reacted and wanted to raise his golden shield to block.

Unexpectedly, Saber stabbed directly in front of him, and a sword slashed diagonally at Gilgamesh's head. There was no time to liberate EA, and Gilgamesh did not think that Saber could give him any threat, and used the Heaven and Earth Obedience Star to block the holy sword, and liberate the red magic storm.

But Saber moved faster than Gilgamesh, clinging to Gilgamesh and unleashing a powerful Wind King Hammer.

A huge purple ring barrier appeared in front of Gilgamesh, blazing with seven rings!


With one blow, this time Gilgamesh flew out. The improvised blazing sevenfold ring was blasted out of a gap.

Half of Gilgamesh's armor was shattered, and his right hand was blown out, revealing its original appearance. With a backhand, he opened up the star of heaven and earth and swept away the saber in front of him.

"Very good! Very good! You have succeeded in making King Ben pay attention to you! Gilgamesh's tone was unprecedentedly flat, and a wordless anger exploded.

Gilgamesh's body instantly rose with magic power, and his momentum soared. Lifting the heaven and earth obediently away from the opening star, the three stages of the wheel gradually turned, and the powerful red-black storm suddenly unfolded, and the storm made the surrounding environment faintly painful. At this time, heaven and earth were liberated with all their might.

Gilgamesh liberates his real name, and the stars of heaven and earth point to the location of Saber and Lancelot.

"Look up! Heaven and earth are far from the star! Facing

Gilgamesh, who was fully liberated, Saber and Lancelot also liberated the treasure immediately.

A golden light, a blue-violet light bloomed from the swords on the two of them.


!" "Aroundight Overload"

The ultimate golden torrent and blue magic sword light are against the world-shattering red-black storm of Gilgamesh's heaven and earth!


The blazing burst of white light bloomed in a huge momentum, and the vibration and explosion caused by the release of the three top-level treasures set off a strong magic storm, and anyone who approached the center would literally be wiped out!

The bridge is crumbling and precarious, and the center of the explosion has been pierced by a whole hole, and the bridge is about to be blown up!

Bridge: What happened tonight is even more outrageous than all the time I've built this time combined! Wonderful!

All three were shocked out by the shock wave of the battle, and all three of them had a sharp decline in their state, and in terms of magic power, physical condition, etc., only Gilgamesh was slightly better, perhaps secretly using something strange without the two of them noticing.

Gilgamesh didn't expect that the two of them could also compare with my heaven and earth to open up stars? Unacceptable, although he had the upper hand when fighting, it was humiliating for Gilgamesh.

I don't know what kind of means were used, Gilgamesh's state quickly recovered a lot, and at this moment, he once again raised the Heaven and Earth Obedient Opening Star.

The red and black storm re-condensed in the heavens and the earth, obediently leaving the sword body of the opening star.

Saber and Lancelot immediately asked for help from the Lord, and then added a spell to replenish the magic, and quickly got a response.

However, due to the severity of the injury, his condition is obviously not comparable to Gilgamesh. Both of them could see that it would only be the two of them who would lose the battle again.

The time to break the game is now, and the time to make a choice has come.

"Wang, please cover for me!" Lancelot was the first to ask, without the slightest hesitation.

"Lancelot, you! Saber was interrupted by Lancelot before he could say anything.

"Let it be my atonement, this time I will not run away again."

"King, you still have things to do, please leave it to me in the end, I will be your most loyal knight!"

Aroundight Overload is an undestroyed lake light overload release state, which is the form of a military treasure, and the overload use of the liberated undestroyed lake light will also cause irreversible damage to Lancelot, overdrawing life, and Lancelot now has only one chance due to the blessing of the spell.

That is to exert the ability of the undestroyed lake light, a fatal effect on people to one.

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