The Assassins didn't have time to complain and were killed, and with the disappearance of the Black Shadow Rider, the pseudo-king's army also disintegrated, and the Assassin naturally could not escape and dissipated.

Not long after the battle began, he lost a general, which was not expected by Angolan Newman, and his favorite rider doppelganger was solved so quickly.

Angola Newman then felt that these two people on the other side, oh no, these two ghosts are very wrong! As the king's army dissipated, along with the joy of Angolan Newman.

The black tentacles waving freely behind his back were like the chaotic thoughts of Newman in Angola.

Angolan Newman miscalculated, although he knew that Su was very unusual, but he didn't expect that there was a royal lord who could be so fierce! Cut the heroic spirit alive!

"Master, are you all right?" Sue came to Skahah.

Also unhappy is Sue, because Skaha is not in a good state, even if Su previously used the blessing of the spell on Skahah, he still suffered a lot of damage under the siege of many people, and most importantly, there was Lancer's magic gun cursed body.

"It's okay, minor injury." Skaha shook his head, but looked a little weak, as if to say, just a fatal injury, small meaning.

"Then let's end the battle as soon as possible." Sue knew that Skaha was very capable, but he was subject to the body of the Spirit Spirit, and the influence was still great.

Sue stretched out her arm, revealing the red pattern on the back of her hand, which was Skahah's spell.

"In the name of the curse, restore all your state and fight with all your strength!"

"In the name of the curse, victory for me!" The Ling Spell was used and disappeared on the back of the hand, and all three Ling Spells were used at this time.

"Caster Skaha responds to your request." Skahaguan smiled.

Angolan Newman was forcibly fed a wave of dog food, and his heart was full of taste, please don't feed, really full, a little overwhelmed. Very angry, what about my spell? What about my lord?

With the blessing of the spell, Skaha's state warmed up, and his momentum was vigorous, as if he had returned to his peak state. Facing the menacing two, Angora Newman swallowed, and a trace of undeserved fear appeared in his heart.

Skaha looked at Sue and said, "So, how to divide the two?"

Sue thought for a moment and said, "I'll deal with the heroic body of Angola Newman, and you deal with Lancer." "The heroic body of Angolan Newman is very disgusting, not a warrior method, but more like an alternative caster. Fighting against Lancer is what Skaha wants, and it is also a pity that he did not fight Lancer before he was completed.

Angolan Newman was even more angry when he saw this scene, how to say as if I am your plate meal, already a fallen old and sick man, can be slaughtered at will, how to start distributing who to deal with.

Directly a burst of anger, the black shadow Lancer moved the two guns in his hand, and stabbed straight towards Su.


Black Shadow Lancer's gun did not arrive, Skaha moved faster than Black Shadow Lancer, the scarlet magic gun stabbed straight into the air, Black Shadow Lancer quickly crossed the block with two guns, and the full state of Skaha shot was quickly and fatal, and only one shot knocked Black Shadow Lancer back to the same place.

Skaha held a gun flower and stood on the opposite side of the black shadow lancer, your opponent can only be me now, just now I can't see the specific strength with more bullying, now, let's see how much skill you can have in this fake lancer. Magic Release! Full of momentum! The scarlet magic gun was also trembling slightly.

Su explained: "This lancer's comprehensive strength is not as good as the original Dilumudo, so you don't need to be too cautious, just let go and fight." One word broke through the actual state of the black shadow lancer.

"Ah! How abominable! Angora Newman roared, and the black mud tentacles behind him whipped straight at Sue.

"Huh, interesting. I would like to call you a real tentacle. Su

calmly raised the Eternal Holy Sword, the magic power just now had not yet transformed other attributes, the white light of the divine attribute shone on the sword body, Su swung the sword and slashed, and an extreme white sword qi came out with the trend!

The black tentacles just touched the white light and directly dissipated, the slash of the divine attribute simply finished these malicious and ominous black mud tentacles, the black mud could not block this white light slash at all, Angolan Newman trembled with anger, there was no way, he could only roll away in embarrassment.

Su lifted the Eternal Holy Sword, immediately added several layers of improvement to the Holy Sword, and even directly used the Ling Spell to supplement his magic power, picked up the Holy Sword and faced Angola Newman is the same strange smile, Angola Newman just got up and saw such a terrifying scene, scared back a few steps.

Seeing the actions of Angolan Newman, Su Ke will not be merciful, raised the Eternal Holy Sword, and went up to slash at Angolan Newman, and the white divine sword light cut into Angola Newman like a real injury, unavoidable, unstoppable, tentacles were cut off on the ground and turned into black mud.

Under Sue's fierce attack, Angolan Newman could only avoid the battle, pulling his few long-range attacks, not giving Sue another chance to get close again, and wanted to rely on the Holy Grail to recover. This is the consequence that the mage will not fight in close combat, once the inferior immortals are difficult to save!

Skaha's battle was even more fierce and rapid, the scarlet magic gun flew in Skaha's hand, as if it was one with Skaha, the gun was stabbed, fast and deadly, looking for the flaws of the black shadow lancer's action, suppressing the black shadow lancer is difficult to fight back.

On the other hand, the black shadow lancer, in action, looks like a toddler baby, the physical reaction and martial arts are completely mismatched, others are hands and feet can not keep up with the brain, he is now under the control of Angolan Newman is the brain can not keep up with the body speed. It all depends on the strength of the lancer itself to support the battle, because Dilumudo has no other explosive damage, and all relies on martial arts.

Soon, the battle will be over!

Skaha pinpointed the moment when the black shadow lancer wanted to counterattack, and the magic gun lightly picked, interrupting the attack rhythm of the black shadow lancer, and suppressing its double gun firmly in front of him, and the resistance failed.

Skahah's figure quickly ascended and disappeared in front of the black shadow Lancer, only to feel that danger was coming, but he could no longer find Skaha's figure. It's going to be bad!


The scarlet magic spear pierced his body from behind the black shadow Lancer, and the spirit core was instantly shattered! Skaha stood behind him like a ghostly figure.

Skaha collected his gun and threw the black shadow lancer out. Then, the broken Angora Newman doppelganger turned into a pool of black mud and burned.

The black magic mist gradually returned to the heroic body of Newman in Angola.

At this moment, the two doppelgangers who were given high hopes have all disappeared.

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