Feeling the loss of his doppelganger, Angolan Newman gradually became manic and could no longer get up.

"It's really, abominable!" Angolan Newman roared.

Su Ke was not used to the bad problem of his mouth, and when he mentioned the Eternal Holy Sword, he slashed with one blow, and a white light reached the eyes of Angora Newman, and no matter how angry he was, he had to shut up and dodge.

When Angolan Newman just wanted to cast his long-famous mouth escape method, a sudden, horizontal stabbing magic gun directly interrupted his casting front swing, no need to open his mouth!

Heaven's way is good reincarnation, who does the sky spare!

Angolan Newman, who was just beating Sue and Skaha, became a loner in a blink of an eye, and is now attacked by Su and Skaha.

Angolan Newman said that he couldn't understand why?

After solving the Black Shadow Lancer Skaha, he turned around and came to Sue's position to help Sue solve this heroic body of Angolan Newman.

Without saying a word, it was a magic spear spurt, a rapid series of bad attacks, and the gun pierced the weak point, shattering several black mud tentacles of Angolan Newman.

Backed by the Holy Grail, Angolan Newman is now like a hard-to-kill Xiaoqiang, with a full recovery ability, a black mud tentacle that was shattered by Sue and Skaha, but it recovered in a few breaths.

Su thought for a moment, it seemed that conventional means alone could only suppress Angora Newman, and could not completely solve him, and it was already part of the contents of the Holy Grail that was now even more difficult to eliminate.

Angolan Newman also had a chance to breathe, but he was never afraid to step forward for close combat.

So, Angora Newman performed his unique skill, and the black tentacle behind him was no longer wielding a small dagger of an assassin, but instead of throwing a black mud curse!

The continuous black mud blocks were used like cannonballs, and the burning black mud frantically smashed towards Sue and Skaha like a fireball.

Don't say, this kid's mud-throwing attack method is quite useful!

The burning and explosion of the black mud, coupled with the large number of malicious curses itself, made it impossible for Sue and Skaha to easily touch these black mud, and the embers of the explosion were splashed with black mud.

The powerful corrosion and curse forced Su to end the complete attack, unleashing the Oshu projectiles to shoot down all of the black mud before they could get close.

Bang bang! Cancel out the mysterious arcane missiles and black mud curses!

Angora Newman tirelessly uses his tentacles to throw black mud as if it were endless.

However, Angolan Newman is not annoyed, and Sue no longer wants to play a little game of throwing mud with him here.

"You guy, do all the disgusting tricks."

While using the arcane missile, the flames in Su's other hand gathered, the magic power on his body rose, and the fireball became bigger and bigger! Angolan Newman also saw this gradually growing fireball, felt the dangerous aura, and hurriedly threw more black mud to interrupt Su's casting.

"Flame Rune." The magic power in Skaha's hand gathered, and with a wave in the air before, a row of Lune runes appeared in the air in front of Skaha, and then each word of these Lune runes turned into a flame and flew out, bombarding Newman Angola, and shooting down the black mud pollution by the way.

"Flame!" Su's big fireball was also thrown out with momentum, and the powerful fire elemental magic burst out, burning all obstacles in front of it!

The flame hit the position of Angolan Newman.

Rumble! Suddenly, the fire burst into the sky, and smoke and dust splashed!

Looking at Skaha for a second, Su immediately used the spell to provide energy for Skahah, Angolan Newman, a small strong face to face, did not die, Su could only sigh that the world's suppression was too restrictive for him, whether it was a large or small spell power was seriously insufficient.

Skaha accepted the summoning, and the scarlet magic spear bloomed with huge magical power, and the scarlet magic energy was almost condensed into substance!

Skaha moved! Jumping into the air, the huge fighting qi set off a wind and wave, and in an instant, the energy charged magic gun came out directly!

"Burst through the spear of death! (Gáe Bolg) "

Whoosh! The scarlet magic gun fell like a shooting star! The speed of tearing the air streaked through the air, and in an instant, the fire and smoke were destroyed!


Su, who sensed a trace of abnormality, immediately raised the Eternal Holy Sword in his hand and cooperated with the Earth Element Forbidden Art to launch the enchantment of the Eternal Holy Sword.

It turns out that this guy from Angola Newman can't beat it, he wants to escape directly, and he wants to return to the Holy Grail to move the rescuers!

I saw Su thrust the Eternal Holy Sword into the ground, and the surrounding land rose up one after another golden illusory magic pillars, directly shrouding a circular sealing area.

Eternal Holy Sword: Dustless Enchantment!

Su clasped his hand forward and said, "Decree, escape is forbidden here!" "


The golden magic pillar emitted a wonderful rhythm that affected the entire area.

At its edge, a pool of black mud emerged and re-condensed and formed, and the escape of Angolan Newman failed!

"It's incredible that he can survive this." Skaha picked up the magic gun and paced forward.

"How about we discuss, you let me go, and when the time comes, I will come out of the Grail and fulfill your wishes?"

"Do you want to think about it! Eldest brother! Don't stop talking, I know you want to fulfill your wishes, right? There was unease and panic in his tone.

Seeing the failure of the escape, Newman in Angola visibly panicked and constantly begged Su for mercy. The current situation is desperate for him!

Angora Newman knew that as long as he was eliminated now, he would not be able to come out, and then he would definitely not be able to avoid the fate of being destroyed along with the Holy Grail. He can only lower the requirements again and again, as long as Su can let him go, everything is good to say!

But what Newman in Angola didn't know was that Su never believed in the Grail from beginning to end, and had no desire to need the Grail to be realized, whether it was the original Grail or the current contaminated Grail.

"Oh, what I want, you can't give." Sue shook her head and said.

After listening to Sue's words, Angora Newman once again made a beep sound, the broken jar broke and belonged to yes!

"Hahaha, then wait to die together, do you think it's okay to solve me and destroy the Holy Grail? Naive, it's already too late!

"What do you mean?" Sue frowned.

"Hahaha, even if you destroy the Holy Grail, it is useless, the black mud pollution is always there, it will still erupt, destroying the Holy Grail will only accelerate the formation of holes, at that time, the pollution of the Holy Grail will come out with the will power, right here!"

"I'd like to see how you can solve it then." Angolan Newman has gone crazy.

May the power... Su thought for a while, it should be used, so as not to let it spread, weigh the pros and cons, even if what Angolan Newman said is true, it will not have much impact.

"It doesn't matter." Su said lightly.

After hearing Sue's words, Skaha immediately set his hands on it, resulting in Angolan Newman.

The magic gun burst out with amazing magic again, and then a strange force locked onto Newman Angola.

"Pierce the spear of dead thorns! (Gáe Bolg)"

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