[You have come to the invisible island where the three goddesses live].

[Under the common care of the three goddesses, you thrive."

[Your growth rate is skyrocketing, and at the age of only twelve you can hunt fantasy species and repel outsiders who fight against the goddess. 】

[You want the three sisters of the guardian goddess].

[Today you came to the cave according to the treasure that Stano had mentioned, where you fought with the great serpent

The blade swung out, and blood splattered.

The big snake let out a loud roar like a wail, and the huge head that was more than ten meters long rumbled to the ground.

Standing on the body of the snake is a man.

The muscular lines on his body are closely arranged, like the perfect golden rule, showing a beauty comparable to that of a work of art.

Long dark hair that was slightly messy swayed in the wind.

A hint of wild charm is revealed.

"Hey, the first few times it was Chimera, the last time it was the Caucasian Divine Eagle, this time give me a big snake with Hydra blood!?"

Moran complained angrily.

This is not the first time he has hunted Warcraft.

After all, it was the eldest sister Stino who said that there was a treasure of the hero buried here, and let him come here to take it.

As a result, she is still here to arrange Warcraft.

There are countless examples like this for more than a decade.

Wait for Moran to open the treasure chest in the cave——

"Oh, Moran, congratulations on passing the trial."

"What about the treasure you said?"

"Oh, isn't it right in front of you? That's me. "

Stino emerges from the chest.

A sly smile is on his beautiful face.

However, Moran, who had expected this earlier, turned around directly and decisively chose to stay away from this evil goddess.

[After more than ten years of getting along day and night. 】

[In the face of this sister who raised herself, you know very well that Stino's favorite thing is to play tricks].

[To be precise, she likes to watch people being played].

[You are the one who is willing to take the bait].

"Oh, Moran, you can't be so indifferent, you should shout 'I'm obsessed with you again, Sister Stino, give me more trials', you were much cuter and funny before than you are now."

"Children will also grow up, if you want me to say such a thing, please do something in line with the identity of the eldest sister."

"Dame, I'm a goddess, an existence that can only be loved, and I can't do anything else, I can't do what you expect."

Stino said as a matter of course.

This left Moran silent.

[The eldest sister Stino and the second sister Yuri Ellie are both pure goddesses, the embodiment of male longing].

[The price of its immortality is to become the weakest being in the world].

[They are goddesses who cannot live without relying on others].

[But I still choose to raise you].

[As a goddess, as well as a loved one, she is an irreplaceable and important object to you].

Although this is just a simple life simulation, Moran has all the detailed memories.

For him, it's no different from Second Life.

It was precisely because he knew how fragile the two sisters were that he couldn't easily get angry with the two.

They don't even have the slightest ability to survive on their own.

But he still chose to raise himself.

Apart from his playful personality, Stino did not do anything particularly excessive. Instead, he pulled Moran from the baby little by little.

"Lord Eldest Sister, I seem to..... It's late..."

Medusa timidly hid behind the stone pillar.

The sound was as faint as the hum of a mosquito, but it was clearly captured by Stino.

"Medusa, didn't I remember ordering you to guard the treasure chest with that big serpent? I can't even do this little thing, but I dare to disobey my sister's orders, it seems that I have to punish me well at night...."

"Goo! I'm ready to become enlightened! "

"Well, so that I can see your determination, Medusa, go and defeat Moran as a brave man."

Stino's beautiful eyes were full of playfulness.

Sure enough, she saw a tangled look in Medusa's eyes.

Since Moran came to the Invisible Island.

The object of being teased by the two sisters is no longer just Medusa, but also a Moran.

Perhaps for reasons of empathy.

The relationship between Medusa and Moran is very good.

Good enough to make Stino a little jealous.

"I'm sorry, Moran, the order of the eldest sister is absolute, I have no choice..."

"Well, I'm used to it."

Moran shrugged his shoulders, gripped his sword, and set up a posture.

Who called them such a wayward elder sister, and who called each other the only relatives on this island.

[You and Medusa have a fierce battle].

[Stino plays both the director and the actor, and chooses to be on your side when the two of you fight].

[Medusa, who could not rebel against her eldest sister, naturally lost].

[Perhaps, it doesn't matter if you two win or lose at all, Stino just wanted to see Medusa's tangled appearance from the beginning].

"Can't you even fulfill the order to fight with all your strength? So a stupid girl is a stupid girl, and it really has to be punished well. "

"Lord Eldest Sister.... Sorry..."

Medusa bowed her head and was ashamed.

Stino looked at her and smiled.

In fact, no matter what Medusa did, he couldn't escape, and Stino would always come up with an excuse to bully.

"Hmph, Medusa is very bold, then I have to join now." I'll help bring down the punishment too. "

Another person walked into the venue.

If Stino is synonymous with nobility and enchantment, then she is an idol girl who combines purity and cuteness.

This is the second of the three sisters, Eury Ellie.

Medusa can really only admit her life with a sad face.

"This is...?"

"Moran, this is the leftover flowers and plants I used after decorating, you can kneel down with tears in your eyes and accept them, and then thank me."

Moran took the flowers and plants that Yuri Ellie threw over.

At a glance, he could see that it was mixed with herbs to treat injuries.

"It's okay to give some to Medusa, after all, that thing is an excess weed for me, and I unknowingly took too much along the way, just enough to throw it to you as garbage."

"Hmm.... Second Sister.... Thank you very much...! "

Seeing this flower and plant also has its own share.

Medusa quickly said a word of thanks after accepting it.

Yuri Ellie said very well

"It is usually impossible for a goddess to give something to someone unilaterally. Well, this time it's just garbage disposal, don't give me affection. "


Moran didn't know whether to complain or not.

It was clear that this herb had been specially prepared by Yuri Ellie.

I was worried that my brother and sister would be injured.

Although the two sisters have very sharp personalities on the surface, they actually care about Moran and Medusa more than anyone.

This is true of both Stino and Eury Ellie.

In the face of objects that are not worthy of love or eyes, the two women are so cold that even the three-headed dog will tremble.

Precisely because I love more than anyone.

That's why it's a joyful tease.

For Stino, this is the best proof that he loves his brother and sister.

Love others and love to tease others.

In fact, these two points are not very conflicting.

"Moran, I allow oh, you can now say my gratitude as much as I like~!"

"Wow.... Thank you very much.... Sister Yuri Ellie, pinch...."

"Hmm..... So perfunctory! No emotion at all! What about the love and faith that you should have for your sister!?

Don't run! Moran! Give me a stop! "

Yuri Ellie clenched her pink fists and shouted.

Without waiting for her to say any more words of complaint, Moran's side ran away with oil on the soles of her feet first.

The above is Moran's daily life on the Invisible Island.

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