[You are awkwardly loved by Stino and Yuri Ellie, and fight with Medusa against Warcraft and incoming heroes].

[Although it is a boring daily life like white rice].

[However, you feel the happiness and joy that you did not feel when you were a magician].

[If you can, you want to always guard them].

The narration of the simulator tells the story of Moran's journey.

He knew that good things could not last forever.

[You have been preparing an exquisite dinner for the three sisters as you have been for twelve years, and the night has quietly fallen].

["Eurie Ellie and Stino will punish Medusa at night"


[Thinking of the poor Medusa who was bullied by the two sisters, the choice you made as a younger brother is-].

First, help Medusa.

Second, anyway, the two sisters will not hurt Medusa, and prepare dinner for the sisters as honestly as before.

Two options suddenly popped up in front of you.

Moran switched from a first-person perspective to a God perspective.

This Sims system makes you laugh, and the options that pop up suddenly are reminiscent of the beginning of the type moon.

Whether it's Tsukihime, or Fate.

They all start out as fantasy games with different options and dozens of different endings.

This simulator is afraid is not a type.

"I'll pick an option."

Moran chose according to the first feeling in his heart.

As an old moon chef who has long been familiar with the process of type moon, he trusts his instincts. Also, he couldn't sit idly by with Medusa.

As the saying goes, young people don't know how good Sister R is.

Mistake the stupid hair on the spot.

Moran remembered it well before crossing over, and now he was completely on Medusa's side.

Naturally, it will only choose to help Medusa.

In the past countless nights, he could see the lonely and cold figure bathed in the night light.

She has always been with Moran when she was young.

Of course, Moran would want to love and protect her.

[You put down the ingredients, you want to save Medusa from the hands of the two sisters first than to make dinner first].

[You are looking for their location according to the breath].

[However, during the search, you smelled an abnormal smell of blood, which was the smell of Medusa blood].

[You burst at full speed to the source of the smell of blood].

[There, what you see is—]

The night seemed to freeze.

Everything has come to a standstill.

The moon hid in the dark clouds as if it was ashamed to see this scene, and the bright light and fire in the forest were like paint falling on the painting.

[You peeked into that gorgeous scene in the forest].

"Whew..... Eldest Sister sama.... Moran..."

Medusa's cheeks blushed slightly and she let out a heavy breath.

The beautiful purple eyes seemed to be covered with water.

The person who made Medusa behave like this was the eldest sister Stino, whose sharp tiger teeth pierced the white skin that could be broken by blowing bombs.

Vermilion blood ran down his neck.

"This is punishment, as a punishment for your disobedience to your sister, you are not allowed to have any right to refuse."

Stino had a demon smile on his face.

She cast her gaze out of the forest.

Noticing that a fourth person stepped into this field, the smile on his face seemed to be a little more happy.

"Moran, you're here too. It just so happens that since it is a punishment, then no one can be less. Come here too. "

Stino licked the remaining beads of blood on Zhu's lips.

Even such an action is elegant and beautiful, making people have no doubt about her goddess identity.

"Also, Medusa is a different goddess than us, and Moran is just human. If you drink Medusa's blood, maybe something interesting will change. "

Yuri Ellie wiped the corners of her mouth.

She is also quite curious about what comes next.

"Moran.... Don't, don't look at me..."

Medusa turned her head flushed with her cheeks.

Sensing that Moran was seeing this scene not far away, an inexplicable sense of shame emerged from the bottom of his heart.

In the past, the two sisters would also suck her blood.

She had never been more shy.

Why did such an unusual sense of shyness emerge in her heart when she was seen by Moran?


Moran had never felt this way.

Stino and Eurielle are top goddesses.

At this moment, the three sisters showed such a gorgeous scene, and the lethality could be described as an unprecedented level.

Looking at Stino's gentle smile.

And, Yuri Ellie's expectant look.

Moran couldn't possibly say the word no.

Two contradictory emotions, serenity and restlessness, are intertwined.

The emotions wrapped around consciousness are frighteningly tender, and that comfort is sweeter than anything else, inciting agitation.


Moran gritted his teeth unconsciously.

Swallow the urge that springs up from your heart.

Warmth stretched from the neck upwards, from the earlobes to the brain, and an instinctive hunger slowly flowed out.

Under the dominance of two goddesses like little demons.

He drank the blood of his loved ones.

It's not a back-to-moral, but it feels like a back.

The blood of the primordial goddess was like honey deep in the petals, turning into manna and seeping into the body.

"Hmm.... This.....! "

Moran suddenly noticed that the abnormality had occurred.

Medusa's chaotic breath crept up her neck.

The moment he swallowed, the blood was like a brain substance running around, conveying Medusa's high to Moran.

No matter what, this is all the blood that belongs to the goddess.

Medusa's blood contains divinity and demonic nature, which is far more pure than ordinary humans can accept.

If ordinary humans dared to swallow her blood.

That would surely be a miserable death.

"But Moran won't, because—"

Stino gently stroked Moran's head.

Tenderness as a wife looking at a husband.

Moran is now in a brief coma, and Medusa is in a similar situation.

Yuri Ellie held Moran's arm.

That pure and bright face said with a pleasant smile:

"Because, he's our lovely little brother." Stano (me), although you never said it, but you believe Moran more than anyone. That's why he was constantly given trials like that. "

"In the past, I picked up Moran, how can I accept that the lovely man only has a mortal life? I didn't expect much, I just wanted.... The four of us have been staying peacefully on this island...."

"Huh.... Why don't I...."

Stino and Yuri Ellie were only at this time.

At this time when my sister and brother passed in a coma, I could be a little frank about what I really thought.

As goddesses, their personalities are very different.

But this love is truer than anything else.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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