Chapter 597 Past

Lu Qingran was frightened: "My sister-in-law is not going to settle the score with the third brother, right?"

Ning Feng sneered: "That's also a matter between them. What does it have to do with you?"

Lu Qingran was about to retort, but his ear was grabbed. He hissed, bared his teeth and said, "It hurts! It hurts, it hurts, Ah Feng, let go!"

Ning Feng’s men were not merciful at all, they grabbed him and walked out.

“That’s right, I also have some accounts to settle with you.”


The two of them gradually walked away, but the remaining people could still hear Lu Qingran's voice begging for mercy.

Bai Yuxiu twitched the corner of his mouth and expressed his sympathy for his brother's plight.

However, when he wanted to pick up the tea cup and drink tea, he was caught off guard and met Bai Muyou's eyes staring at him.

Unblinking, his eyes were deep and dark, making him feel terrified.

 Bai Yuxiu: “…”

 He forced out a smile: "...Xiao You?"

 Bai Muyou still had a slight smile on his face, without any sign of anger, and said in a soft voice: "Brother, I also have something to ask you..."

Bai Yuxiu's hand shook and the tea in the cup almost spilled all over him.

 Her appearance of not being angry frightened him even more than when she was angry.

But in this situation, how could he say no?

Bai Yuxiu took a deep breath and nodded lightly, "Okay."

 After the two left, the living room of the base really became quiet.

Zhong Qing sighed quietly, not knowing who he was feeling: "I had known this, why did I do it in the first place."

 After saying that, he looked up at the stairs with meaning.

That was the direction Li Jiu and Qi Jingci left.

 Mia: “…”

 Ji Yunshu: “…”

Ji Yunshu twitched his lips: "Teacher, don't you think the current situation is chaotic enough?" You even made sarcastic remarks!

It is said that the Supervisory Team is a force that belongs exclusively to the president of the association. It is powerful, mysterious, and has absolute sincerity. It is a force that everyone dreams of. But only they know that among the two Supervisory Teams, only the Second Team can truly It can be said to be the exclusive power of the president.

 Because every one of them was personally selected by the president and was brought up by his side since childhood.

Except Zhongqing, no one knows their origins or their past experiences. Zhongqing is like a father and a teacher to everyone in the second team, so they are accustomed to calling him teacher in places where there are no people.

Zhong Qing curled his lips and snorted coldly: "You deserve it! It's your own fault."

 Who makes them both have the same temperament?

One is his apprentice and the other is his junior brother. They have become strangers. They have hardly seen each other since childhood. Even if they do meet, they usually wear masks or masks, which are tightly covered. Both parents recognize them. Not coming out.

Zhong Qing sighed, feeling a little tired.

Li Jiu was brought back to the association by him when he was five years old. He vaguely remembered that on the first day she came to the association, she was wearing a shabby pink plaid skirt. The hem and cuffs were stained with mud, not even half a slap from him. The big little face is also dirty, like a poor kitten. Only the clear eyes are shining with color, but they reveal vigilance and sensitivity that are not suitable for his age.

 She felt very uneasy when she was in a completely unfamiliar environment. She subconsciously hugged the rag toy bear in her arms tightly, and her other little hand tightly grasped the hem of Zhong Qing's clothes, refusing to let go no matter what.

Mia and Zhong Qing looked at each other, slightly surprised, and became very curious about the little girl brought back by the president. After all, this kind of vigilance and inhumanly sharp reaction is not what an ordinary little girl can do. own.

However, her curiosity was soon replaced by a flood of sympathy.

 She was only seventeen or eighteen years old at the time, and she had no resistance at all to this pitiful and cute human cub.

Therefore, Mia showed a kind smile, knelt down to look at her level, and asked softly: "My little friend, can I take you to take a bath first and change your clothes?"

Li Jiu didn’t respond. "Look at you, how uncomfortable it is to be dirty."

Li Jiu still didn't respond, and moved her body behind Zhong Qing, expressing her resistance through actions.

Mia sighed, stood up helplessly, and said, "Is this Aunt Ye's daughter?"


 “How did she become like this?”

Zhong Qing was silent for a moment and said, "We arrived late. When we found her, the group of people had already succeeded."

Mia was stunned for a moment, and then she yelled without caring about her image: "These inhuman beasts! How can you kill such a young child?!"

 “I’m going to kill them!”

Zhong Qing frowned: "Okay, don't make any noise, it will scare the children."

Mia lowered her gaze, and as expected, Li Jiu's figure hid a little further.

 She sighed, showed a gentle smile, and apologized: "I'm sorry, I scared you."

Li Jiu stared at her with clear eyes without saying a word.

 “Besides her, have anyone else been rescued?”

“Well, there are still a few children who have been properly accommodated.”

 Only Li Jiu was brought here by him.

 Because of her special status.

Mia suddenly looked unbearable: "I was the most carefree age, but I was captured and used as a test subject..."

The three words "experimental subject" were like an untouchable taboo, which immediately angered Li Jiu. She looked like a lion cub with exploded hair, with barbs raised all over her body, and she jumped one meter away with a look in her eyes. Staring at the two people with vigilance and danger, he let out an angry growl.

Zhong Qing's eyes darkened and he reprimanded: "Don't mention those three words, she can understand them!"

Mia suddenly realized that she had gotten into trouble, immediately covered her mouth and nodded crazily.

Who knew she could be so sensitive...

Once the explosive switch is turned on, it is difficult to turn it off. Li Jiu seems to be on the verge of collapse, automatically blocking contact with the outside world and immersing her consciousness in her own world. Zhong Qing and Mia are afraid of hurting her, and they are not afraid of hurting her at all. Don't dare to get close.

 In the end, Zhong Qing knocked her out directly and decisively.

Mia supported her little body and gently picked her up. The little person in her arms was as light as a piece of paper and could fly away when the wind blew. The exposed arms and legs were also covered with The bruises and bruises were shocking.

Zhong Qing waved his hand: "Take her down. If she wakes up and still has a stress reaction, give her an injection to calm her down."

Mia felt almost heartbroken and nodded slowly.

 After Li Jiu was brought back to the association, it took Zhong Qing and others a long time for her to adapt to the environment and gradually get close to them.

  But there is another problem.

 The association is full of adults, and there are no peers to get along with Li Jiu. Zhong Qing is more worried because her mental state is unstable. If she stays in an environment full of adults, it will be bad for her growth.

At this time, he suddenly thought of his junior brother Qi Jingci, who was far away in the empire and was only eleven years old. He had been accepted as a disciple by his unreliable master who had traveled far and wide since he was born.

They are similar in age, maybe they can play together.

Who would have thought that when he crossed half the world and rushed to the empire to find Qi Jingci for help, that childish brat with no hair on his head actually said, "Who is she? I don't know her, why?" help you?"

   How else can I say that a creature like Junior Brother has no use at all, just to make you angry.

God knows that he was so exhausted from taking care of Li Jiu and worked so hard every day for fear that something might happen to her. After hearing this brat’s heartless words, how much he wanted to slap him to death!

The feud between Association Q God and Nine Gods also kicked off at this time.

 (End of this chapter)

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