She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 598: Enough social death

Chapter 598: Enough social deaths

 Later, Zhongqing accepted Li Jiu as his disciple, sheltered him under his wings and taught him carefully.

The children who were rescued with her were also placed in a place for secret training by him, and they were officially introduced to Li Jiu on her tenth birthday.

Zhong Qing understood that for Li Jiu, these children gave her the motivation to live during that dark time. Maybe they could make her become like a normal person in the future.

 This is the first prototype of the second team.

As for Qi Jingci, since he refused the request to accompany Li Jiu, Zhong Qing has not visited him in the empire anymore, just like he does not have this junior brother.

This heartless brat, let him fend for himself!

However, in fact, regardless of whether he visited him or not, it had little impact on Qi Jingci, because...his junior brother's cultivation was all the responsibility of the master, and he was never needed to intervene.

Zhong Qing was very upset about this, but it didn't help.

Later, until Qi Jingci came of age, the master sent him back to the association and ordered him as a senior brother to take good care of others.

 Zhongqing: “…”

 What the hell...?

He wanted to scold his mother at that time, but facing Qi Jingci's face that was as cold as ice, he swallowed the curse words hard and tried to force out a smile: "Then... you might as well practice with Ajiu and the others. Bar?"

Qi Jingci raised his eyes with an indifferent expression: "Ajiu?"

“ apprentice, I mentioned it to you when you were a child—”

Before he finished speaking, Qi Jingci interrupted abruptly: "No, I won't train with the little bastard."

Zhongqing’s eyelids twitched: “…”

 These words are so strong that I want to hit someone!

 “Please arrange a quiet place for me where no one is around, and also take them with you.”

Qi Jingci turned sideways, revealing the two boys behind him.

They are both the same age as him, with handsome looks, clean temperaments, and a childish look on their faces.

One of them smiled shyly at him and saluted him slightly unfamiliarly, "Hello, president, I am Bai Yuxiu. I'll thank you for your trouble in the future."

Seeing him like this, the other person also hurriedly bent down, a little embarrassed: "Hello, I am Lu Qingran."

Zhong Qing looked at the three of them, breathed a long sigh of relief, pinched his eyebrows helplessly, and had a vague feeling that the days to come would not be peaceful.

 Facts have proved that his intuition is not generally accurate!

These three and Ajiu and the others have never stopped having fun since they were young!

When Zhong Qing thinks about their past, his head hurts so much that it explodes.

 “Now there’s something exciting to watch, two troublemakers are getting into trouble together.”

Zhong Qing slowly finished the last sip of tea, stood up calmly, and said to Mia: "The tea is finished, let's go."

 The corners of Mia's mouth twitched.

 Co-author Did you come just for tea?

Zhong Qing glanced at Ji Yunshu again and gave her a conscientious suggestion: "I advise you to leave first. Didn't you see that these two pairs were whispering? You don't have any eyesight!"

 Ji Yunshu: "...Yes."

Before leaving, she glanced upstairs and silently prayed in her heart not to start a fight.

It doesn't matter if you fight, but don't demolish the base.

This is all money!

Even though everyone thought that Li Jiu dragged Qi Jingci away just to fight with him, this was not the case.

 She took Qi Jingci into her bedroom, opened the bathroom door, pushed him in, and closed the door, all at once without any pause.

Qi Jingci was very preoccupied along the way, and his mind was full of deep thoughts. Before he could react, when he raised his head again, he saw the white wall of the bathroom in front of him.


He raised his hand and knocked on the bathroom door, his eyes were surprised, and he asked in confusion: "What are you doing?"

Li Jiu turned her back to him outside the bathroom, leaning against the wall, and said, "Wash yourself clean first before saying anything else."

  Qi Jingci: “…”

 He silently lowered his gaze, looking at the clothes he had worn for three days in a row, and couldn't help but laugh.

 Does she... dislike him?

Qi Jingci couldn't laugh or cry immediately. Fortunately, he felt like facing a formidable enemy along the way, but in the end, she showed up like this.

 “But...I didn’t bring any clothes.”

 What will he wear after taking off his clothes?

Could it be possible that he was naked?

Li Jiu's face froze, a trace of annoyance flashed across his eyes, and he took out his mobile phone: "I'll have someone give it to you."

 As a result, I called Bai Yuxiu, but no one answered.

I called Lu Qingran, but no one answered. Where did these two people go?

Li Jiu's eyes flashed with anger, he was really unreliable at the critical moment.

“Forget it, I’ll go find you some new clothes that Lao Wu and the others haven’t worn.”

Unexpectedly, Qi Jingci reacted greatly to this: "I don't want it!"

Li Jiu: "You are not allowed to pick, otherwise you will be naked."

There was silence in the bathroom for a moment, and then a slightly aggrieved voice came: "Xiaojiu, I don't want to wear other men's clothes."

Li Jiu: "Then you want to wear my clothes?"


Li Jiu's eyes became a little complicated: "If you want to wear women's's not impossible, it's just..."

 Maybe the size is a bit small.


Qi Jingci finally had to bow to fate: "...just go find it."

The bathroom door is made of frosted texture, and you can vaguely see the outline of the figure inside. Qi Jingci is leaning his head against the door at this moment, not knowing what he is doing.

Li Jiu snickered. No need to guess, he knew that he must be very broken now.

Qi Jingci moved quickly and came out of the bathroom in less than half an hour. He was wearing a loose bathrobe. Waterdrops were dripping from the ends of his hair, which followed the neckline into the open collar. His **** Adam's apple rolled up and down. Unspeakable desire.

It’s a pity that only Li Jiu can appreciate this kind of scenery.

But someone was very ungrateful. From the moment he stepped out of the bathroom door, his eyes never turned away for a moment. He stared at the computer screen in front of him without blinking, without any distractions.

 It seemed like she had no interest in him at all.

Qi Jingci paused in wiping his hair, then walked to her side and put the towel and hair dryer into Li Jiu's hand.

Li Jiu glanced down, then raised her eyes to meet his gaze, raising her eyebrows slightly.

Qi Jingci sat next to her obediently and said, "Jiujiu, help me blow dry my hair."

  Li Jiu: "...If you don't blow it, take it away."

"don't want."

He is now like a child who has not grown up, acting coquettishly towards Li Jiu without shame.

 Li Jiu: “…”

“Qi Jingci, please be normal!”

She threw the things back to him, continued to browse what she had just read, and warned him silently: "I haven't settled our accounts with you yet, so be honest with me."

Originally thought that he would be able to calm down in this way, but in the end, Qi Jingci became more aggressive and closed her computer directly.

The information that he had not finished reading was gone in an instant, and Li Jiu's face darkened.

 “Qi, Jing, Ci!”

Facing her rage, Qi Jingci calmed down a lot and looked at her seriously: "Then let's make it clear now."


Li Jiu didn't know what he wanted to do for a while.

However, the man in front of him suddenly introduced himself seriously: "Hello Jiu Shen, I am Qi Jingci, captain of the first team, I..."

 Aware of what he was doing, Li Jiu immediately stretched out his hand to stop him: "Stop!"

Qi Jingci paused.

Li Jiu pressed her temples with a headache and felt her veins throbbing: "Okay, you don't have to remind me anymore that I got together with my mortal enemy."

 She has had enough social death scenes today, really.

Qi Jingci looked at her expression, raised the corners of his mouth and smiled slightly. The next moment, he reached out and took her into his arms.

“What does it mean to get together? We obviously love each other sincerely.”

 (End of this chapter)

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