She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 622: take bullets

Chapter 622: Get Bullets

He Yao once suspected that Qi Sijin had lost his mind because the people of Chameng had used excessive torture.

The corner of Qi Sijin's mouth twitched and he rolled his eyes at her, his eyes constantly signaling.

 Idiot, don’t you think the atmosphere is wrong?

It was only then that He Yao realized that something was wrong. Her eyebrows twitched, and her gaze passed over Qi Sijin and fell on the other people not far away. She suddenly said: "..."

What a coincidence, everyone is here now.

She laughed dryly, "Loss is really brave, aren't you afraid of us running away again?"

She and Qi Sijin are both here. If they work together, it is not impossible to escape.

Qi Sijin: “He’s really not afraid.”

 He Yao: "?"

Qi Sijin: “He injected me with TY.”

TY is a drug specially used to anesthetize people with superpowers, and the one used by Ross is the latest developed version, which is the most powerful.

He Yao: "...fuck!"

She narrowed her eyes and her expression became cold, "No wonder he dared to lock us together. It turns out he was confident."

 “What’s wrong with your injury?”

“Small injury, I was ambushed. Instead of worrying about this, I might as well think about how to get rid of TY.”

“…Do you think TY can be solved just by explaining it?”

Qi Mowei listened to the conversation between the two and couldn't help but be puzzled: "What... is TY?"

Before Qi Sijin could explain, Mr. Qi said: "A kind of anesthetic drug... should only be used for people with super powers."

 After saying that, he glanced at Qi Sijin with a very complicated look.

Qi Mowei: "Anesthetic? That shouldn't last long, right?"

He Yao: "It's useless, TY is aimed at the spiritual realm."

As soon as these words came out, the air suddenly fell into silence.

Now, even if the two old men no longer want to admit their suspicions, they have to face reality.

That's right, if He Yao was not a superpower, how could he have protected Li Muye and Qi Mowei from the clutches of the Chameng?

From the moment she called Qi Sijin "fourth brother", they had some kind of suspicion in their hearts, but they just avoided it and didn't want to think about it in detail.

After a moment of silence, Mr. Qi finally couldn't help it. He looked at the two of them coldly and asked, "Ajin, what's going on with you and Yao Yatou?"

He Yao's expression froze for a moment, and she quietly moved behind Qi Sijin, trying to block his sight.

She had always maintained contact with the Qi family as Qi Anyan's child bride, and even occasionally stayed with the Qi family and lived with them for a long time. But now it was discovered that she had been deceiving and concealing it. This kind of embarrassment after being exposed , leaving her at a loss for what to do.

Qi Sijin sighed. He had known that such a day would come, so he calmly introduced to Mr. Qi: "Grandpa, let me introduce you again. She is He Yao, my...comrade-in-arms."

 He used the word comrade.

 Everyone was shocked for a moment.

Mr. Qi's brows twitched and he looked at his grandson in disbelief. Some ridiculous speculations were like a flood that had opened up and got out of control.

 “Have you known her for a long time?”



Qi Sijin was silent for a moment and swallowed: "Since the year I was kidnapped."


 He coughed lightly again: "Actually... we grew up together."


Mr. Qi's temples bulged, "So, Yao Yatou's life experience..."

 At this point, he had to doubt everything.

Qi Sijin's expression also became subtle, and the atmosphere gradually became awkward. He sneered and said: "...she is indeed Lu Qingran's niece."

 “We didn’t expect it to be such a coincidence…”

No wonder the president’s expression was so distorted when he was investigating their backgrounds, and there was also a subtle hint of pain.

He only found out when he arranged for He Yao to return to the imperial capital. His reaction at that time was even worse than Zhong Qing's.

Mr. Qi caught the key word: "You?"

He paused and suddenly remembered that Qi Sijin had taken off his waistcoat in front of Los not long ago, and he fell into silence.

Mr. Li sighed: "Lao Qi, don't worry about this. The safety of the children is the most important thing."

Mr. Qi smiled mockingly: "To put it lightly, your grandson is not a superpower, yet he has been deceiving him for so many years."

His heart couldn't help but clench when he thought of the dangers Qi Sijin would encounter over the years.

 Qi Sijin and He Yao were silent at the same time: "..."

 It’s so embarrassing.

 Grandson is not, but granddaughter is. He was also a tyrant who was so powerful and cruel that they did not dare to resist for more than ten years.

The two of them looked at each other and sighed at the same time in their hearts, but they tacitly agreed not to say it out loud.

 Forget it, saying it at this time has no other meaning than frightening, so they should just shut up for now.

Qi Sijin thought helplessly.

The next moment, he raised his eyes and met Qi Mowei's surprised eyes, which sent a chill down his spine.

 “…What, what’s wrong?”

Qi Mowei's eyes wandered back and forth between him and He Yao, sighing: "It's incredible..."

 “You two, you usually dress too much alike.”

 No one noticed anything wrong at all.

"…so far so good."

 There are many people who are better at acting than them.

Qi Mowei's eyes darkened, and her tone became a little dejected: "I told you earlier, your usual appearance... is all just pretending."

So bad, so disgusting, the **** behavior of a second generation ancestor, it was all staged.

This hateful guy, even if he didn't win an Oscar for his acting skills, I would be sorry!

 Qi Sijin: “…”

This tone is quite angry.

 He quickly explained: "I have no choice but to do so, don't get me wrong...cough cough cough!"

As he spoke, he coughed violently again.

He Yao couldn't bear to look at him: "Okay, fourth brother, calm down."

 How dare you be so excited when you have TY in your body, don’t you want to live anymore?

He couldn't keep calm when it came to Qi Mowei's matter, which was really helpless.

Qi Mowei just wanted to scare him. Who knew he would be so excited? She quickly said: "Okay, I'm not angry, so don't be excited!"


He Yao looked at the scene in front of her, looked down at the injury on her shoulder, and couldn't help but sigh.

I was just chatting and completely forgot...the bullet was still stuck in my shoulder.

The blood loss is getting faster and faster now. If this situation continues, she may die soon.

 However, as a member of the Second Supervision Team, He Yao said that this was all trivial.

“Fourth brother, can you still use your powers now?”

Qi Sijin raised his eyebrows and looked at her as a question.

He Yao curled her lips, gestured to her shoulder, and said casually: "I want to take out the bullet."

 Everyone: “…”

 You said you wanted to get the bullet without changing your face, are you serious?

Qi Mowei exclaimed, "You, you, you, you! The bullet is still in your body?"

At that time, she thought the bullet had penetrated her body.

 Why are we talking about such an important thing now?

She looked at Qi Sijin nervously.

Qi Sijin replied calmly: "I don't know, I can't do it right now."

 He raised his eyes, "How long can I hold on?"

He Yao chuckled: "To be honest, although the boss and the others are already here, I'm really not sure if I can see them one last time."


Qi Sijin sighed, "I understand, I'll give it a try."

He slowly closed his eyes, held his breath and concentrated, trying to mobilize all the mental power in his body. However, due to the TY that was spreading in his body, all those mental powers were almost destroyed and could not be formed.

Gradually, a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead, his face became extremely ugly and bloodless, and his whole body was extremely weak.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand. Under the gaze of everyone, a golden glow slowly appeared in his palm, and then the golden glow stretched and stretched, finally forming the outline of a dagger.

Qi Sijin suddenly opened his eyes, the golden light dissipated in an instant, and a dagger floated quietly above his palm.

 The next moment, the dagger flew out, landed in He Yao's hand and spun around.

Qi Sijin breathed heavily and looked extremely pale, "That's all we have for now."

He Yao didn't mind at all. A dagger was enough. She raised her eyebrows at Qi Sijin and said thank you. Then she glanced at everyone, pondered for a moment, and walked to the corner alone with her back to everyone.

 In order to avoid scaring them, it is better to avoid this kind of thing as much as possible.

Qi Mowei frowned because of her actions. She wanted to get up and go to help, but was stopped by Qi Sijin.

 “She can do it herself.”

 (End of this chapter)

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