She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 623: From the Council Guard

Chapter 623 From the Council Guards

Qi Mowei was still a little worried, "But..."

Even though they are supernatural beings and are different from ordinary people, after all, He Yao is only seventeen years old. It is really unimaginable that she can bear such pain.

Furthermore, looking at Qi Sijin’s calm look, he is obviously used to it. Have they...did this happen to them often before?

Qi Sijin no longer paid attention to her subtle changes. He seemed to be lost in thought. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Grandpa."

Mr. Qi: "Huh?"

Qi Sijin raised her eyes and looked at him, her expression more serious than ever before, "The people from the association are already here, and we will be able to leave soon. Before that, I want to figure out one more thing."

Mr. Qi instantly understood what he meant, "You want to know why the Seed Project... turned into a human experiment as you know it?"

He nodded, "Yes, the president has repeatedly warned us not to trace the experiments back then. I want to know why."

Mr. Qi and Mr. Li looked at each other and remained silent at the same time.

“I have a general understanding of this matter from the association’s information bank, but the most critical part is not recorded at all.”

Mr. Qi sighed, "Of course, after was a fault jointly committed by the association and the Chameng."

Qi Sijin was startled, "What?"

“Ajin, you know Los, what about his father?”


 More than just knowing him, he will remember that madman even if he turns into ashes!

Laurent, Ross' biological father, was a famous medical doctor in the world at that time. He devoted his life to medical research. Apart from this field, he was completely indifferent to things outside this field, and he was like a monster.

 What a pity, this man is a lunatic.

Since he was invited to participate in the research of the Seed Project, his interest seemed to be suddenly aroused, and he devoted all his energy to the experiment, and he did not hesitate to use all means to make the research successful.

Although he was warned by his superiors for several extreme actions, it was of no avail. His persistence in the seed project had fallen into a morbid state of madness.

 In the end, it turned into their childhood nightmare.

  It was Laurent who personally turned the Seed Project into a cruel and **** human experiment.

"...How should I put it? People like Laurent probably shouldn't have anything to do with the Seed Project at all. However, his airborne landing was an order jointly issued by the top leaders of both parties, and we can't resist." Mr. Qi said.

Mr. Li snorted coldly: "I think it's because the senior officials dislike us for not being able to produce results and are impatient."

 After all, Laurent's accomplishments in this area at that time were indeed qualified to trample the elites of the five major families under his feet.

Qi Sijin also remained silent.

At that time, there were constant melees, and the casualties of both the League and the Association were very heavy. They were in urgent need of a large number of new superpowers. If at this time, the seed plan that they had put all their efforts into failed to have any effect, everyone would be anxious. .

 So they found Luolante and wanted to borrow his ability to promote the seed plan.

However, I did not expect that this would directly lead to the demise of the real Seed Project.

“When Laurent first came here, he did his best research, but later on, his research direction gradually went off the track.”


"What's this?"

"Take a look, what is this!"

The research report placed on the experimental table was swept to the ground by someone. The man kept dancing on the spot as if he was crazy. The two or three researchers following him were all dumbfounded.


Laurent stopped and looked at the data in his hand with fascination. His eyes reflected the perfect string of numbers, and his mind could no longer accommodate anything else.

 “Hahahahaha, that’s interesting, that’s so interesting!”

“I am really surprised that there are non-human life forms in this world!”

Laurent's expression was even a little crazy, "I'm right!" Superpowers and ordinary people, looking at these wonderful experimental data, makes him almost crazy with addiction. As long as he continues to study, he can discover deeper mysteries. .

 Yes, he wants to study, he wants to study!


“Later, Laurent went crazy.”

 Speaking of this, Mr. Qi couldn't help but shook his head and said with some emotion, "He began to conduct prohibited live experiments privately. At first, he used animals as experimental subjects, and finally, he decided to focus on humans."

Mr. Li continued: "The Cha League was the first to discover his secret experiment, and they wanted to stop him. Unexpectedly, Luolante was already on guard, and even bloodbathed the top brass of the Cha League."

 What he relies on are his successful experimental subjects.

They perfectly combine the characteristics of animals and the abilities of superpowers. They can be called the strongest fighting machines. They are not afraid of pain, tireless, and easier to control. They are like puppets without thought at the mercy of others.

Qi Sijin closed her eyes and secretly digested this series of news.

At this moment, a crisp sound suddenly came.

The dagger that Qi Sijin had just condensed was thrown to the ground.

 Everyone’s attention was instantly attracted.

He Yao slowly stood up with her back to them, her right hand covering her injured shoulder, blood dripping from her fingers to the ground.

She turned around, coughed twice, and said, "...So, that's why the seed plan went bad?"

Mr. Li shook his head, "No, all the experiments conducted since then are not seed plans."

 To call those inhumane experimental studies Seed Project simply tarnishes the name.

Qi Sijin nodded clearly and whispered: "So that's it..."

“Fourth brother.” He Yao suddenly called him.


 “I just discovered something interesting.”

Qi Sijin’s eyes moved slightly and met her gaze.

He Yao smiled softly at him, spread out her palms, and held a blood-stained bullet between her fingers.

“This is printed with the number YNZ—ls3824.”

Qi Sijin's pupils shrank suddenly and he stood up, startling the others.

"What did you say?"

 Only weapons that belong to the association will be printed with similar numbers, and different numbers represent different uses.

 This bullet comes from the gun of the council's **** team.

He Yao smiled and closed her palms. The next second, bright red flames suddenly appeared. The bright and hot firelight reflected her cold pupils, and a fierce flame that devoured everything seemed to rise deep in her eyes.

She opened her palms and saw that the original bullet had disappeared and was extinguished in the flames.

"It seems that the boss guessed it right. There is indeed some garbage in the association that needs to be dealt with properly."

Qi Sijin also smiled briefly, with a cold expression.

 There is no doubt that he is really a little angry now.

Even if the two old men, Qi Mowei and others were kidnapped and locked up here by Los, they would not be as angry as he is now.

 “Well, it needs to be well, well, clear and sorted out.”

 (End of this chapter)

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