She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 626: Infiltrate the White Tower

Chapter 626 Sneaking into the White Tower

The thunderclouds in the sky that were holding power dissipated quickly. Li Jiu withdrew his mental power. Where no one noticed, there was a fleeting dark purple light in his eyes.

She stood in the ruins, took a cursory glance, and said, "Split up."


 Everyone quickly dispersed in different directions as agreed before.

 In an instant, only Li Jiu and Qi Jingci were left.

Qi Jingci raised his feet, crossed the corpses on the ground, and came to Li Jiu. His eyes were not surprised at her strength, but full of worry, "Is there no problem with using your superpower like this?"

Li Jiu shook his head, "No."

Her mental power is indeed easy to lose control, but this level of exertion will not affect her at all.

 In short, she didn’t do her best.

If others see it again, they will definitely be shocked. Being so strong that it can directly trigger the thunder is not considered as exerting all one's strength?

 You can imagine how terrifying it will be when her powers are fully unleashed!

Qi Jingci sighed, "You shouldn't have come."

 With her current state facing the Chameng, she would not have an advantage at all. On the contrary, it might aggravate her condition. If he had known this, he would have kept her at the base no matter what.

 But he also knew that if Li Jiu insisted on doing this, he couldn't stop him.

Li Jiu smiled softly at him, "You are here, right? God Q is protecting me. No matter what I do, there will be no problem, right?"

“…” Qi Jingci had no choice but to ask her, “What’s next?”

 This means that she is allowed to do whatever she wants.

Li Jiu's eyes flashed and he turned his gaze forward, "The next target is of course the White Tower."

The base camp of the Cha League is very large, but there is only one core. Relying on the mountains and deep forests, the towering white tower is perfectly hidden, blending into the darkness under the night. It is surrounded by mental shielding devices, and the tower is made of Built with the strongest defensive materials, whether it is with the naked eye or a detector, it seems to be a castle that does not exist.

With the White Tower as the center, countless experimental towers and defensive towers were scattered around in a radial pattern, so that they could protect and support the White Tower immediately. Ji Yunshu and others pretended to attack the experimental towers closest to the White Tower, completely Cut off the White Tower's retreat.

"How are you sure that the old man and the others are hidden in the white tower?" Qi Jingci asked.

"Not sure, but..." Li Jiu narrowed his eyes, "It's just my intuition."

She always had a hunch that the other party's target was not only the two old men, but also...her.

 In any case, she made two preparations tonight. Even if she couldn't ensure everything, she still considered the worst outcome. Overall, it was not a loss.

“So, Master Qi, do you want to play something big with me?”

Li Jiu held out **** towards Qi Jingci, "How about the two of us destroy the White Tower?"

Her eyes shone with cunning, like a cat with a bad belly. The latter felt a little moved in her heart, and the corners of her lips curled up slightly, "I am willing to accompany you."

 The two looked at each other and smiled, and the next second, they disappeared in an instant.

"what's the situation?"

In the white tower, the personnel who were detecting the enemy situation in front suddenly widened their eyes and suspected that they were dazzled. Otherwise, how could two large living people disappear in an instant?

"What's wrong?"

Lin Yan sat up straight and asked with squinted eyes.

The man swallowed his saliva and said, "First, sir, they disappeared."

Lin Yan's pupils shrank, he suddenly stepped forward and pushed him away, his eyes fixed on the monitor screen, and he quickly scanned every corner of the screen, but there was no trace of those two people. He slammed the table, "It must be the supernatural bracelet! Find it for me. They are teleporting and cannot escape the cloudy sky. They are nearby. Send everyone to find it for me!"

He didn't believe it. How could two people turn upside down on the territory of their alliance?

In this way, the experimental subjects originally sent out to fight back became tools for finding people, scattered throughout the Cha League to track the whereabouts of Li Jiu and Qi Jingci.

At this moment, the two people appeared behind the white tower, hiding from everyone's sight.

The moment he used his supernatural bracelet, Qi Jingci directly used his mental power to interfere with the entire White Tower's detection devices and internal network.

God Q, known as one of the two gods of the association, is only stronger than Li Jiu. Once the 3S-level mental power is released, if it is not controlled well, it may cause mass lethality, affecting people within the scope of action. An aggressive attack on the spiritual domain of a creature is likely to cause most people to lose their consciousness on the spot.

However, Qi Jingci's control of mental power has reached an advanced level, and his control of power is so precise that no one even noticed that he had done anything.

 Under the cover of the monitor screen, they successfully teleported to the back of the White Tower—the weakest point of defense.

Li Jiu squatted in the nearby grass and observed the situation, and then struck decisively, killing two experimental subjects. Compared with those half-animal experimental subjects, although these two were a little thinner, they were already pretty good. And the current situation does not allow them to be picky.

After putting on their experimental clothes, Li Jiu used his mental power to make slight adjustments to his appearance, so that to outsiders, they looked exactly the same as the two experimental subjects.

And only people with far higher mental strength than them can see through this disguise.

But does anyone in the Cha League have a mental strength of 3S or above?

 The answer is undoubtedly no.

 Let alone the entire Cha League, even if all the Cha League associations were added together, they would probably be the only two 3S-level superpowers.

Thinking of this, Li Jiu couldn't help but sigh: "I think we are really a match made in heaven."

Qi Jingci chuckled and hummed in agreement.

 They are very compatible in every sense of the word.

Without further ado, the two of them hid the body to ensure that it would not be discovered, and then sneaked into the White Tower together.

This is not the first time they have done this kind of thing, but it is the first time they have cooperated, and they have shown a better understanding than any other pair.

It didn’t take long for Li Jiu to successfully arrive underground. The main control room of the White Tower was also the core control area of ​​the entire Cha League.

Qi Jingci watched Li Jiu making small moves back and forth in the core area and asked, "What are you doing?"

 “Give them a little excitement.”

 If there is a problem with the general control, the Cha League will fall into chaos. She is very much looking forward to the person behind the scenes jumping around.

Soon, Li Jiu only tinkered in the core area for a while and then said: "Okay, let's go."

Qi Jingci nodded and didn't ask what she did. He just followed her without saying a word. This made Li Jiu feel strange. She asked, "Aren't you curious?"

 “It’s up to you, I’m only responsible for protecting you.”

 The rest is up to her to do as she likes.

As expected, after hearing this sentence again, Li Jiu's mood was visibly happy.

“That’s right. In that case, it’s better to make this mess bigger.”

Help! The rest of the plot was so difficult to write! I'm about to explode!



 (End of this chapter)

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