She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 627: Bai Muyou, are you the reincarnation of a crow?

Chapter 627 Bai Muyou, are you the reincarnation of a crow?

  D3 area, outside the experimental tower.

All the members of the Cha League who were guarding were eliminated, and corpses were lying on the ground. Bai Muyou and others rushed directly into the tower with all their strength.

 “It’s really strange, why is there no one there?”

Lu Qingran looked around vigilantly, not daring to relax at all. There were obviously a large number of defenders outside the experimental tower, but there was no one inside. Something was really wrong, there must be a scam.

Bai Yuxiu also agreed: "And it doesn't look like there are any traces of someone having been there."

 Surrounded by cold instruments, they seemed to have entered a no-man's land.

Bai Muyou was walking at the front. Seeing that the two of them looked nervous, he stopped and explained to them kindly: "Don't worry, there is no ambush. This is the experimental tower, where the experimental subjects are kept."

She didn't say it was okay, but when she said it, Lu Qingran became even more panicked, "What? Experimental subject? Is it the same as the group of things outside? Wouldn't that be bad!"

There are only three of them, and the rest are all staying outside to be on guard. If there are a large number of experimental subjects in the tower, they will not be able to deal with them at all.

Bai Muyou's mouth twitched, "Brother, can you be smarter? If there really were experimental subjects here like those outside, we would have been attacked a long time ago. How could we get in?"

 Most of the people locked up here are semi-finished products whose experiments have not been successful, or people who have just been captured and have not been transformed.

Hearing her explanation, Bai Yuxiu pondered for a moment, "If this is the case, we can't just sit idly by."

 He looked at Bai Muyou with a serious expression, "Xiaoyou, do you know where these experimental subjects are being kept?"

Bai Muyou's eyes wandered for a moment, and he coughed twice: "Actually...after the Cha League was rebuilt, the structure of these experimental towers was also upgraded, so I don't know much about it."

 “Then let’s look for it.”


 The three of them continued forward and quickly searched the first floor. After confirming that no one was there, they went to the second floor.

After searching for several levels with no results, Lu Qingran sighed: "It's so boring. If you keep searching like this one level at a time, when will it be over? Why don't you use your mental strength to explore."

Bai Muyou: "No, the walls here are made of special materials, which isolate spiritual power and cannot be detected."

Lu Qingran choked up, "Could it be that we can't even use superpowers here?"

  “Not to the point, but it will have an impact.”

 He cursed in a low voice, "What kind of idiots are the Chameng!"

Bai Muyou said coldly: "A bunch of self-righteous idiots."

  When mentioning the Shameng, her eyes were full of disgust and ridicule, and even more so, cold as if actual murderous intent.

Thinking of what those people did, she wanted to kill them all immediately!

Just when Bai Muyou could hardly suppress the overwhelming anger in her heart, someone suddenly tapped her on the shoulder. She was stunned and turned around subconsciously, only to be touched on the top of her head.

Bai Yuxiu smiled and said, "Brother, will you help you kill those idiots?"

Bai Muyou was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded fiercely.

Lu Qingran's desire for gossip suddenly started again, and her eyes flickered back and forth between Bai Muyou and Bai Yuxiu, "Speaking of which, Lao Bai, have you and Xiaoyou... spoken clearly?"

They have been brothers and sisters for more than 20 years, but they have always been in a scam, hiding each other and deceiving each other, but they have a family relationship that cannot be broken. At that time, the two of them fell off guard. He remembered that Bai Yuxiu was going crazy. Mu You's expression was also very bad. Why was it that it had only been a short time before, and it was as if nothing had happened?

He looked at the unusually delicate atmosphere between the two, and suddenly remembered that the brother and sister seemed to have been alone for a while at the base. He suddenly narrowed his eyes and said, "You two...could you have done something behind my back?" Something?"

Bai Muyou and Bai Yuxiu looked at each other guiltily, and then quickly looked away. Bai Muyou glared at Lu Qingran fiercely, and said angrily: "Why are you such a gossip!"

Lu Qingran swears based on his more than 20 years of experience with these two guys, there is definitely something wrong with them!

 “Speak quickly! What happened to you two?”

Bai Yuxiu cleared his throat and said, "No, I just started talking."

"I don't believe it." Lu Qingran snorted coldly, with a somewhat aggrieved tone, "I also confessed to Ah Feng, and he still doesn't want to talk to me, so you must have something else that I don't know!"

 Bai Yuxiu: “…”

Bai Muyou: "...I think you should reflect on why Ah Feng doesn't want to talk to you."

As long as this guy is reliable, Ning Feng will never dislike him to this extent.

 Speaking of this, Lu Qingran's whole body wilted, and he said dejectedly: "I don't know why..."

He looked at Bai Muyou aggrievedly and complained pitifully: "He doesn't even want to be with me!"

Bai Muyou: "..." You deserve it!

Lu Qingran: "For the sake of our relationship for so many years, you two tell me how to reconcile. Otherwise, what will happen if my Ah Feng really runs away?"

Bai Muyou rolled his eyes: "It would be better to run away." Lu Qingran's expression suddenly turned resentful, "...Xiaoyou, I have regarded you as my sister for so many years, so you can't hope that I can't, right?"

“I have been chasing Ah Feng for so long, greeting him every day, and finally managed to catch him, but in the end he was about to run away.”

The more Lu Qingran thought about it, the sadder she became, and she wanted to cry on the spot.

Bai Muyou's blood pressure increased as she listened, and her fists suddenly became hard. She gritted her back molars and asked, "What do you mean by catching someone up, and dragging them to bed?"

Lu Qingran from Mu Mei!

She hasn’t even settled this debt with him yet, but he brought it up himself!

 Lu Qingran: “!”

His face suddenly turned as red as a ripe apple. He lowered his head and stared at the ground. He wanted to rush out of the three bedrooms and one living room with his toes on the spot. He stammered: "He, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, with his head, stared at the ground, he wanted to get out of the three bedrooms and one living room...he told you this..."

The relationship between the second team is also very good. Is it okay to talk about such secretive things?


Bai Muyou took a deep breath and couldn't bear to look directly at Lu Qingran, who was squatting in front of her with a blushing face.

This time the fist is really hard.

 The next moment, she kicked someone in the butt.

Lu Qingran was caught off guard and fell forward, gnawing on the mud like a dog.

“Damn it, Lu Qingran, that’s my brother! You bastard, I’m going to kill you!”

 This shameless and dirty bastard!

How old is Ah Feng?

 Not much older than He Yao!

 How could he actually do it?

 She will fight with him today!

Fortunately, Bai Yuxiu held her back from behind, otherwise one of the three of them would have been splattered with blood today.

Lu Qingran was stunned: "Isn't he your godbrother?"

 He always thought that the compatibility between Ning Feng and Bai Muyou was intentional, just to make him and Bai Yuxiu jealous.

Whoever imagined it turned out to be true.

But if this is the case, wouldn’t he have another chance?

Lu Qingran's eyes suddenly lit up, and at the risk of being killed by Bai Muyou, he quickly hugged her thigh and shouted: "Xiaoyou! Sister! Please! Help me!"

Bai Muyou's temples jumped sharply, and he resisted the urge to strangle him: "...Get out!"

Lu Qingran said shamelessly: "No!"

"How about I call you sister, and you can say a nice word to Ah Feng for me!"

Bai Muyou was shocked by his shamelessness, "Lu Qingran, you really impress me... Do you still need some moral integrity?"

 “You don’t have to do it for Ah Feng.”

 “…” She was speechless.

Lu Qingran hugged her thigh tightly, glanced at Bai Yuxiu who was standing next to her, and frantically hinted for help.

Bai Yuxiu’s eyes twitched: “…”

 Suddenly, I wanted to break up with him.

But thinking about the current situation, he raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows, and said helplessly: "Lu Qingran, get up first, this is not a place for nonsense."

Bai Muyou: "That's right, get up! If something happens later, you will be the first to die."

Lu Qingran sneered, obviously not believing it.

However, the next moment, the three of them clearly heard a subtle sound breaking through the air.

Bai Muyou's eyes were sharp, and he raised his hand to block it. The ice pick hit the hidden needle, causing a small spark, and then penetrated deeply into the ground.

Lu Qingran looked at the hidden needles. The tails of the needles were still trembling. If Bai Muyou hadn't taken action, they would have all pierced his back. He suddenly said: "..."

 "Bai Muyou...are you the reincarnation of a crow?"

 (End of this chapter)

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