She Is Not Your Wife, What Do You Care About?

119: If I Apply For A Credit Card, I Will Slap You In The Face Too!

"What? You don't even look at what you're wearing, so what right do you have to stop us?"

"Our daily consumption is beyond your comprehension."

"Don't use your poor man's mentality to judge others."

Yuan Yan had a calm demeanor, a faint smile appeared, and Qian Li next to her was also arrogant and disdainful ~ said.

With the support of people around.

Both of them are full of confidence and maintain a high-ranking posture.

The eyes of Zhou Mu and the other two were full of disdain.

[Fuck, these two people are as shameless as a city wall, and they even despise Zhou Mu and Zhang Yu. 】

[With this gesture, if I hadn't watched the live broadcast from beginning to end, I would have thought she was justified and a real rich girl. 】

【Let's not talk about you, I now wonder if Zhou Mu and Zhang Yu got the news from the matchmaker that it was fake, and the other party is really someone who can buy these luxury goods casually. 】

【Everyone watched the whole process. It was obvious that what Yuan Yan and Qian Li did was to treat Zhang Yu as a victim. 】

[Now I have found a little confidence, just this face, it's too disgusting. 】

【. . . 】

The people at the scene were different, they only saw what was going on behind them, and even many of them had just gathered around.

Little knowledge.

Just listening to the discussion of other people around, combined with the matter in front of me, I suddenly feel that I have grasped the whole story.

"Why is this boy stopping people?"

"The two girls are full of famous brands, so it is normal to visit the donkey shop.

"Maybe this guy is not at this level himself, so he thinks everyone is like him.

"It's just that these two girls forgot to bring their wallets. With these luxuries on her body, it's impossible for her to be the kind of person who can't afford them."

"It may be that I don't want to buy it, and I can't afford it, so I feel dissatisfied and deliberately embarrass others.

Everyone pointed, especially to Zhou Mu who stood up.

Regarding this, Zhou Mu was not angry at all, but smiled instead.

"You misunderstood, I am deeply sorry for my ignorance at the beginning."

"I also believe that the two girls will definitely be able to pay the bills. This is just a small expense for you, and I am watching the sky from a well.

"Here I sincerely apologize to you!"

Yuan Yan and Qian Li were not happy when they heard this, but were taken aback.

I secretly felt a little bad in my heart.

They knew a little about Zhou Mu, how could the other party admit their mistake like this.

They also know the real situation.

The essence is their problem.

The result of the original plan was that Zhou Mu was furious, and they left in a cool manner, saving face and embarrassing the two of them.

As for paying back, how is it possible?

It is simply impossible for them to buy these luxuries based on their family work.


Zhou Mu changed the topic the next moment.

"To apologize, you didn't drive, let us send you back!"

"These things are nothing to these two girls."

"I'm too lazy to travel so far for this little thing."

"It's better to take it away this time."

"Of course, it's easy to forget your wallet. Don't you still have a card? You can always pay with a card!"

Faced with such words, the clerk of course nodded.

There is no difference between using a card and using cash.

But Yuan Yan's expression remained unchanged, and she continued.

"I didn't bring my wallet, and the card was in it. If I had it, I would have paid for it long ago."

People around also nodded.

"Most people keep their cards in their wallets, and if they forget their wallets, they naturally forget their cards.

"This guy seems to be apologizing, but he still asks people to pay. It seems that he is not sincere."

"To put it bluntly, I still think that the other party can't afford the money."

"Hey, you're so stubborn, how can a girl wearing such a famous brand not be able to afford the money.

"This is not to believe in evil if you don't hit the south wall!"

Zhou Mu showed no surprise, but looked outside the door. A man in a formal suit with a handbag was watching the commotion.

For this man, Zhou Mu still has an influence. He clearly remembered that when he was in the mall just now, this man was selling credit cards everywhere.

In today's society, it is an era when credit card usage is very high.

It is not yet the era of using mobile phones to pay in memory.

Such people are everywhere, very many, looking for credit card users everywhere.

"Brother, come in!"

Wang Wei pointed at himself in doubt, and after getting the affirmative consent from the other party, he hesitated for a moment, and went in anyway.

He just happened to pass by, just to watch the excitement.

Such excitement in the luxury store is very interesting for ordinary workers like them, and it is not surprising.

It's just that I didn't expect to involve myself now.

Fortunately, he has no embarrassment due to his long-term face-to-face sales experience.

Face-to-face sales are the hardest and most difficult job in sales.

Need to sell credit cards to countless strangers every day.

The courage to talk to countless strangers like this is not something ordinary people can bear, not to mention the countless rejections and neglects at the same time.


Facing the inexplicable words now, he walked in without the slightest embarrassment.

"Is there a problem?"

"Of course there is something. These two ladies forgot to take their wallets now, but they don't want to embarrass the clerk. It's just right to get a credit card now.

Hearing the news, Wang Wei's eyes lit up immediately, he didn't expect to have business after watching the excitement, it's really great.

Moreover, girls who can afford luxury goods usually spend a lot, and the frequency of using credit cards will be higher.

Immediately walked directly in front of Yuan Yan.

"Miss, we are the credit card of Blue Sky Bank. The card fee is super low, the limit is high, and it is convenient to use. All big-name stores, as long as they are still in Xiaguo, support the use of it."

"It can save you the trouble of carrying cash, and you can just swipe your card wherever you go."

"The handling is also extremely simple, all you need is the prestige of your real-name authentication.

When it comes to career-related matters, Wang Wei is extremely enthusiastic.

In just one minute, a lot of related matters have been introduced.

Let Yuan Yan's face turn livid.

She didn't expect Zhou Mu to be so shameless, and to use such tricks, it was clear that he was questioning her.

The people around were also speechless when they saw this scene.

"This guy is too, too that!"

"I still don't give up, I just want to doubt this girl, and even want someone else to apply for a credit card directly, and he will believe it when the payment is completed in person."

"Hey, if you want me to say, you just apply for a credit card and slap him in the face on the spot."

"Yes, just hit him directly in the face, slap him!"

"We support you. You have been bullied to the face like this. Let him see what Caiwan is."

"Let him never dare to underestimate people in the future."

"This guy is too unkind. Don't hesitate to give him a chance to slap his face now."

"Such a fly is going to slap him to death."

At this time, people around think that Zhou Mu is too much,

But at this time, they all support Yuan Yan to directly open a credit card to pay directly for the face-slapping weekend.

Zhou Mu's behavior made many people hate him more and more, and they all hoped that Yuan Yan would slap him in the face.

The voices gradually became unified.

"Get a card and slap him in the face!"

"Get a card and slap him in the face!"

The live broadcast room is full of laughter.

【Haha, I laughed so hard, Zhou Mu is really hurt. 】

[Just asking someone else to pay with a credit card on the spot is really disrespectful. 】

【It's me, I'm ashamed to go too far in front of so many people. 】

[However, it is not very pleasant to make someone like Yuan Yan pay the price. 】

[Now Yuan Yan is riding a tiger, there is no way to refuse! 】

【Of course, the thing was handed over, and everyone around was booing. In this atmosphere, no matter how sensible people are, they will not be rational. 】

【. . . 】

Indeed, as the audience in the live broadcast room said.

Everyone at the scene was supporting Yuan Yan, making the annoying Zhou Mu dangerous.

And the wooden stick has been handed over.

Just pick it up and punch your face, it's a breeze.

Coupled with the words of the people around and the atmosphere, Yuan Yan has unknowingly become the center of the crowd, and everyone is looking at her.

The eyes are full of belief and encouragement.

Only Yuan Yan herself, with a sudden heartbreak, knew her own affairs clearly, and she was not like what she said at all.

She is a rich girl.

It's really just people who think of ordinary families and ordinary jobs.

It was a huge expense to pay the bill of 61,000 yuan at once, and it could be said that she didn't have that much money at all.

Deliberately wanting to refuse, I looked at the supporting voices and eyes around me, as well as Wang Wei's enthusiastic eyes selling credit cards.

There was no way to say no.

Just like a bad guy who is respected by everyone as a good guy, then he will be extremely afraid of revealing his true colors at that time.

Yuan Yan is like this.

Under the background of the atmosphere, she turned hard and took out her mobile phone.

"Okay, I'll get the card!"

"See what you have to say, let you know that you are short-sighted.

As long as he tricks the two men into buying a few luxury items for him in the future and resells them, he can pay them back quickly.

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem too difficult to accept.

The most important thing is to slap this Zhou Mu who looks like a fly in the face.

worth it!

Call up Weixin on the phone, and under Wang Wei's fiddling, the authentication of all the materials was completed in almost two minutes.


The credit card was also activated through the card opening device carried by Wang Wei.

"Okay, your credit card has been activated and you can use it directly now."

Wang Wei was very happy, but his face froze when he saw the completion information on the device, and he said with some doubts.

"After our bank's evaluation, Miss Yuan, your card limit is only 40,000.

The people around were stunned, their eyes became puzzled.

The evaluation is based on the authorized authority to inquire about personal bank card consumption records, etc. to evaluate the final amount.

Yuan Yan, who is a rich girl, only has a quota of 40,000, which obviously makes everyone a little puzzled.

Don't look at more than 40,000.

However, due to the fierce competition of credit cards, general users are given the largest amount.

So the amount of 40,000 is just ordinary.

Yuan Yan's face remained unchanged.

"I generally don't use this bank's card, so there are basically no consumption records."

Wang Wei suddenly realized that there is such a possibility.

As a salesman, of course, you must have good professionalism and never let go of a possible opportunity.

Immediately, he set his eyes on Qian Li who was next to him.

"This lady can do one too."

"It can be done quickly, without wasting your time.

Qian Li was dumbfounded.

Although she was with Yuan Yan, she also noticed that Yuan Yan was impulsive just now.

But it's not her after all, it's useless to remind

I can only watch, no matter what the credit card limit, she doesn't have to pay it back.


She also wanted to see Zhou Mu get slapped in the face.

Her dislike for Zhou Mu is no less than that of Yuan Yan, even more than anyone she has ever met before.

It's just that he didn't expect to bring the fire to himself now.

I wanted to remind Yuan Yan in a low voice again, but I saw that everyone's eyes were on her.

Only now did she realize why Yuan Yan was so irrational.

Supported by so many glances, supported by words.

How could it be possible to back down.

And Yuan Yan also looked over, just said coldly.

"Get a card!"

All right!

Up until now, Qian Li could only take out her phone and unlock it. With Wang Wei's assistance, she quickly completed the authentication.

With the proficiency certified just now, this time is faster, almost only a minute.


The device to activate the credit card beeps.

Wang Wei offered the card with both hands in satisfaction.

"Miss, your credit card has been processed and activated, I hope you enjoy using it.

The clerk also stepped forward at this moment, showing a professional smile.

At the same time, he also holds a credit card machine in his hand.

"Miss, the clothes, bags, shoes and some accessories you want have been packed."

"This store supports blue sky credit card payment."

"Now you can pay!"

Yuan Yan looked at the credit card in her hand, and handed it over, along with Qian Li's card.


The two cards were swiped sequentially.

"Okay, here's the bill."

"Thank you for visiting our donkey shop."

The clerk's smile is also very sincere.

They don't care if you are a rich girl or not, they see those people the most.

They only care about whether the order can be completed.

In this case, of course, it is hoped to pay directly, rather than after the other party returns home.

So at this moment, they are the only ones who still have a little kindness towards Zhou Mu.

The rest of the surrounding people are already full of contempt.

"Haha, let's see what else the guy has to say."

"If you can't afford it yourself, you have to say that others can't afford it. It's disgusting."

"Now this girl bought it directly, let's see if he still has face."

"This man is so shameless!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's too embarrassing, such a man may never find a girlfriend in his life.

"Whoever is with this bully will have to suffer."

"From now on, it is basically impossible to find a girlfriend in this county."

"The county is small and the staff is fixed, so it spreads in a few clicks. Even if the person involved doesn't know, someone will always know."

Indeed, as everyone said.

The county is small, and if such a thing happens in a place like the donkey shop, it will naturally be spread by these people as talk.

And Zhou Mu's deeds and stinginess will also spread.

Small place, the most important thing is the reputation.

Yuan Yan felt distressed, but she also let out a sigh of relief, looking at Zhou Mu with mocking eyes.

I want to see what the other person's expression is like now.

It's a pity that the imaginary expressions of panic or regret did not appear, and the other party's face was still calm.

It seems that he has not received the influence of the people's criticism at all. .

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