She Is Not Your Wife, What Do You Care About?

120: In A County, There Must Be Many Fans. The Arrival Of The First Fan!

Under the instigation of everyone around.

In addition, Yuan Yan herself was also very angry at Zhou Mu.

I also applied for the credit card on the spot, and paid the bill in front of everyone, which made Zhou Mu's words no longer have a trace of credibility.

Let everyone around him cast contemptuous glances at him.

Just thinking about my wallet.

Yuan Yan's heart was still throbbing.

sixty thousand one!

With her salary, it will take more than a year to make up without food or drink.

But it is not impossible, nothing more than going on a blind date to fool the two men to buy some luxury goods.

Even if there is no chance recently, there are still some past trophies at home.

It can be exchanged for some money.

This is the case with luxury goods, even if they are second-hand, they can still command a good price.

That's why she wasn't too flustered.

If it wasn't like this, no matter how much she wanted to save face, no matter how much pressure she was under, she wouldn't dare to directly apply for a credit card to buy these things.

'Fortunately, so many people watching this time also maintained my personality. "

'The next blind date or something like that, I will be more persuasive

'It's not unacceptable to slap this annoying Zhou Mu in the face again. "

People always comfort themselves.

Yuan Yan also calmed down completely, and turned her head to look at Zhou Mu.

However, he found that the other party's expression was calm and composed.

I couldn't help but smile at the corner of my mouth.

'Fake calm?'

'I spent so much, if I just forget it like this, wouldn't it be a waste of money. "

Seeing Zhou Mu's calm expression, Yuan Yan thought for a moment that such a person must have a thick skin and would not do anything just because he was slapped in the face.

Of course she was dissatisfied with this.

This is because she spent a huge "203" price, overdrafting her credit card to completely reverse the other party's words, breaking down the doubts,

How could he let him go so easily?

"Now you know you're a frog in the forbidden land!"

"Don't think everyone is as poor as you."

"Just self-righteously questioning others, and you don't see if you are qualified?"

"Don't pretend to be calm now, what we need is your apology.

"Solemnly apologize to us in front of everyone."

Before Yuan Yan could say it, Qian Li who was on the side had already spoken.

As partners, the tacit understanding and three views of the two are extremely similar.

Faced with Zhou Mu's indifferent attitude, they are naturally extremely dissatisfied.

The people around also quickly complied.

"Yes, questioning others casually is simply a reliance on others."

"It doesn't matter now, I don't want any face."

"Speaking of this girl in this way has had a great impact on the reputation of others."

"An apology is necessary, and it must be sincere."

"Quickly apologize."



Faced with Zhou Mu's normal expression, the people around couldn't stand it anymore and felt very angry.

During the discussion, they began to gather together into a common sound tank.

All for Zhou Mu to apologize.

What these onlookers saw was Zhou Mu's rogue questioning that other rich girls couldn't afford the bills.

It is also too much to let others handle credit cards directly.

Now the girl pays directly after processing, which completely breaks the doubt.

In this way, Zhou Mu who questioned was still indifferent, and anyone would be angry.

Zhou Mu's expression remained unchanged.

But he also spoke.

"That's really sorry, I didn't expect you to actually buy it with a credit card."

"However, 60,000 is not a small amount for you. Don't you find it difficult to pay it back?"

I apologize.

It's just that these words are still full of ridicule.

And Yuan Yan, who was stabbed in pain again, her face darkened, and she took a deep breath to calm down.

"It's just this, don't you think it will take as long as you to pay back?"

'It's still a dead duck with a hard mouth. '

The people around were also pointing at Zhou Mu.

"That's right, why is this person so shameless? He still doesn't admit it now, and is still mocking others. 17

"Do you have to show him the deposit?"

"There are a lot of people like this on the Internet, even if you show him, he still has an excuse to say he doesn't believe it, or say it's fake.

"If you want me to say, if you argue with such a person, you will lose."

"I didn't expect that at such a young age, I would be so dependent.

"Typical online troll keyboard man."

At this time, the live broadcast room is also full of barrage, but it is a completely different wind direction.

[I really can't bear this. 】

[These people don't even know the real situation, so they just spout Zhou Mu indiscriminately here, it's disgusting. 】

[I don't know if it's Yuan Yan who performed too well, or these people are too stupid. 】

[Brothers upstairs, don’t worry, under normal circumstances, we all see the end from beginning to end, so we know the truth. 】

[It also makes sense, it’s no different from us before, we just start scolding when we catch something. 】

【Ah! I didn't expect the quality of this live broadcast room to be so high now!】

[No way, I have been slapped in the face by Zhou Mu too much, so I have to think calmly. 】

The audience in the live broadcast room felt very uncomfortable for Zhou Mu being misunderstood, but there was nothing they could do about it, and the rest of the audience couldn't see their barrage.

But I didn't think about it, someone suddenly sent a barrage and said.

[Don't panic, I'm on the way to support Zhou Mu offline. 】

[Me too, I have already passed the entrance of the mall, and I will be there soon. 】

Immediately, several more bullet screens like this floated by, attracting the attention of the others, and they quickly gave the bullet screen a thumbs up.

When the bullet screen is liked, the speed of the slide will be slower, and the font will be brighter.

The more likes you receive, the more you will.

So a few barrages flashed in the blink of an eye, almost stopped, and froze in the center of the screen.

[Wo Cao, brothers, it's time for offline support. 】

[It's really possible, Zhou Mu is a bit famous now, and he will have quite a few fans in the county. 】

[I'm a little surprised that Zhou Mu was not recognized by the people around me, but I also understand that the shopping malls in the county town are mostly middle-aged people. Zhou Mu is famous, but he has never been a celebrity. Not interested by many people. 】

[Sure, Zhou Mu is only in a large circle, and the circle of interest is more famous. 】

[Some people are not interested in puzzle-solving programs no matter what, so of course it is impossible to know Zhou Mu. 】

[However, it is better now, there are still some people who know to support a wave of Zhou Mu. 】

[Hurry up, brothers, the weekend is already drowned in spit. 】

【That is to say, Zhou Mu can only stabilize after getting used to it. As an ordinary person, he would have felt ashamed for a long time. 】

Facing these things, Zhou Mu didn't care.

Since he became a mentor, he has been misunderstood many times. With such a small number of people, it is simply easy.

On the contrary, he was in a good mood.

Because no matter how they started, it was just a verbal dispute, just like what Zhang Yu said.

Now it is different, Yuan Yan really paid real money.

Money far exceeding her wages.

It should be her who feels uncomfortable in her heart.

But logically speaking, Yuan Yan must have calmed down now, and she should regret it very much. After all, so much money was lost just like this under impulse.

Even if these things are resold later, it will be greatly discounted and the losses will be heavy.

But I can clearly feel that the other party has no regrets other than anger.

After thinking about it, Zhou Mu also understood the other party's plan.

It seems difficult to guess, but in fact there is only one way, and it is easy to think of.

Immediately, she slowly walked to Yuan Yan's side.

said in a low voice.

"Do you think that in the future, you can find two more people like Zhang Yu who took advantage of you and resell the luxuries you got by cheating, so that you can pay back the credit card money?"

Yuan Yan was taken aback.

She didn't expect Zhou Mu to guess what she was thinking, but she didn't panic, and thought that since the other party knew it, there was no need to hide it.

Anyway, Zhou Mu is like this now, no one around her will believe anything she says, and it won't damage her reputation.

"Yeah, what can you do?"

"Can you still—can't stop it?"

"Who do you think you are? In fact, in the end, it's meaningless for you to do all this. If you want to expose me, you don't want to see yourself?"

Yuan Yan no longer concealed it.

The other party is a person who can see all his plans, and will never change his opinion.

It seems useless to rely on the public opinion of the people around him to embarrass him.

It seems that speaking directly and clearly in this way can make the other party even more frustrated.

Let the other party do so much all the time and be condemned by the people around, but it still has no effect on her.


A strange smile appeared on Zhou Mu's face, just as he was about to speak.

Suddenly there was a shout among the people watching outside the door.

Even if the onlookers condemned Zhou Mu, their voices were not loud, it was more like a discussion.

And this yelling was a loud yell, which directly overwhelmed all other voices.

It also attracted the attention of everyone, including Zhou Mu and Yuan Yan.

"Let's go, let's go!"

As the yelling became louder and louder, a young guy squeezed in from the crowd and did not stop until he stood at the very front...

He stepped straight into the store.

Donkey shop.

Ordinary people still don't have the confidence to come in and shop, and the price of any product in it is heartbreaking.

These spectators are also very sensible and have kept it outside the store.

This also left the shop assistants at the donkey shop helpless.

Because as long as you don't enter the store, it's irrelevant.

Now this person walked directly into the store, and two of the shop assistants immediately stepped forward, politely trying to refuse the other party to come in and make trouble.

There is no need to be confused, the eyes of the other party are on Zhou Mu's face after they appear, and they cannot be customers of the store.

But never thought, the visitor rolled his eyes.

"Don't want me in?"

"I used to buy so many things in your store, but they were all for nothing, right?"

At this time, the store was in charge of the affairs, that is, the store manager noticed the person in front of him, and hurriedly stepped forward without apologizing, and said hastily.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Li Yuan, they've only been here for a few days and don't know you."

"Please sit down, please sit down, I'm going to pour you tea!"

After finishing speaking, the shop manager's expression was serious, and he said to the two shop assistants who were trying to stop him just now.

"This is Mr. Li Yuan, who spends in our store all the year round and is a regular customer."

Ordinary guests are also polite, just professionalism and professional requirements.

This guest, but because he is a perennial guest, in such a small county, the importance of his consumption and bringing friends and relatives to consume is very important.

That's why they deserve their enthusiasm.

"Rich Second Generation!"

This scene made the surrounding people have a word in their hearts.

The store manager's treatment of him left everyone without any doubts.

no one thought

At this time, such a rich second generation will come to the store.

Ordinary people see a lot of people around the donkey shop, so why would they wait until they are gone before coming in to consume, but this person didn't care about it at all and just squeezed in.

But there is nothing to say, and others can do whatever they like.

Yuan Yan's eyes lit up.

She has been on blind dates because she likes luxury goods to satisfy her arrogance and vanity.

As long as you have a rich second-generation boyfriend, it doesn't mean you don't have to worry about it.

From the looks of it, this person in front of him is not an ordinary second-generation rich man.

In the past, she also had this kind of thinking, and even mixed in the circle of celebrities, but it was very difficult for her to have the opportunity to communicate with the rich second generation.

Although she looks good, she is better than ordinary people.

Who is not Yingying Yanyan around the rich second generation, she is not worse than her in beauty.

The scumbag rich second generation, even if they post it, they won't get any benefits. It's not as good as what she got from fooling an honest person once. Getting married is a fantasy.

A good rich second generation, there are countless girls around who want to pursue.

In comparison, Yuan Yan's own family, appearance, and figure are all below average, which is just a dream.

Even the possibility of communication is not 0.1.


When the opportunity came before her, under the huge temptation, she had to try to grab it no matter what.

Just like in front of you, this is simply an excellent opportunity.

In the donkey shop, she just bought so many products, she has enough confidence to get to know each other, unlike ordinary girls who directly post them.

Yuan Yan's posture changed slightly, she straightened her back, and her eyes showed a gentle temperament again.

When I was trying to find a reason to strike up a conversation with the other party.

But seeing that the other party was actually walking towards him directly, and his eyes were also looking at this side, he seemed a little happy.


Yuan Yan was very excited.

She never expected that Fang would take the initiative to come to her and strike up a conversation with her.

Happiness really came too fast.

Now she is even a little grateful to Zhou Mu, because of him, she can have this dream-like opportunity now.

Be polite later, don't be too eager, yes. . . '

Yuan Yan was frantically thinking about how to seize this opportunity and how to deal with the strike-up later.

'I'm coming!!

Just as Yuan Yan took a deep breath, suppressed all thoughts, and showed what she thought was the best gesture, just, when she was ready.

But he was taken aback suddenly.

Because when I got closer, and a few steps away, I realized that the other party's eyes didn't seem to be looking at me.

"Brother Zhou! I finally have a chance to see you in real life!"

At the same time, a voice sounded.

The rich second generation in his eyes directly stepped forward, his eyes full of excitement and ran towards the person next to him.

Yuan Yan was stunned, and turned her head to see that the other party was staring at Zhou Mu with an excited expression.

This picture is somewhat familiar.

It's just like

It's like the expression of a friend of hers who was chasing stars when she saw her idol. .

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