She Is Not Your Wife, What Do You Care About?

072: Encouraging Fights And Forming Halls? Zhou Mu Is Crazy!

【This mud horse opens his eyes and talks nonsense!】

[In front of Lin Yue, she spoke empty words, reversed black and white, and called a deer a horse. 】

【Zhou Mu began to become more and more proficient. 】

[It wasn't so obvious before, but now it's just opening your mouth. 】

【Everyone saw that you called it, so can you pretend that you didn't say it?】

【It's really wrong!】

Just when I complained about Zhou Mu in the live broadcast room.

Wang Yong from the toilet came out.

【Look at Wang Yong's face, it's cracked up to the ears, he's smiling so happily, tell me it's not your name?】

[Being ordered to fight, this feeling must be something that this kind of student never dreamed of. 】

[Fuck, you can still operate like this, Wang Yong has learned badly! 】

【Wang Yong also opened his mouth and came?】

[The two sang together, which really made people speechless. 】

[Other teachers are afraid of students fighting, but Zhou Mu is good, directing students to fight as soon as he comes. 】



at this time.

The most angry one is of course Lin Yue.

The two lied in front of him, completely ignoring her as a human being.

Trembling with anger, he pointed at Zhou Mu, racking his brains to say something.

In the end, it can only be gathered into two words.



At this time, Li Qiang who was in the toilet also came out.

With red marks on his face, he stepped out, staring at Zhou Mu and Wang Yong. All unconvinced.

Lin Yue saw it and asked immediately.

"Zhou Mu ordered Wang Yong to beat you, I will take you to the office to find the principal."

She felt that Zhou Mu would be a disaster if a hooligan like Zhou Mu became a teacher.

You must bring the rest of the parties and report him now.

No matter what the show is or not, she can't let her class be messed up and destroyed like this, and teach bad students.

"I didn't hit me, I fell it myself!"


Lin Yue was dumbfounded.

Everyone froze in place.

Why do these words feel so familiar.

Isn't that what Yang Jie who was bullied by him at the time said?

[Haha, I laughed so hard, I also fell it myself. 】

【Lin Yue may not even understand why!】

[It's normal. When we were studying, how could we admit to the teacher when we were beaten? Face is the most important thing for those who love to fight. 】

【How can I ask the teacher for help? After I find it, I will still be messing around in school!】

[Especially this kind of thorn, even if they die, they will not sue the teacher, they only think about revenge. 】

[However, Zhou Mu is also a real loss, bullying the small with the big. 】

[This Li Qiang can't rebel against the teacher, but it's easy to do all kinds of sabotage in the class and affect the class. 】

【Then Zhou Mu's task is more difficult. 】

[However, this scene is still very cool to watch. 】

[Bullying others is also being bullied. 】

Zhou Mu was not surprised at all. He doesn't know how to teach, but he still knows the behavior among these students very well.

"Okay, Yang Jie, now the person who beat you has also been punished, can this matter be over like this?"

Yang Jie was still a little confused.

he swears.

This was the most outrageous thing he had ever seen in school.

Li Qiang is a thorn in the class and often bullies him, but he is weak by nature and can only endure silently.

I was beaten, and I didn't dare to tell anyone.

Even when the teacher asked, it was the same.

Because once it is said, more revenge will be ushered in, which is of no use at all.

So this time, he chose to remain silent and escape.

did not expect,

The new homeroom teacher was so irritable that he actually asked another more thorny teacher to hit him directly.

After being a student for so many years, this is the first time I have seen a teacher who handles problems like this.

Hearing this now.

Only then did Yang Jie realize that he was nodding in haste to tell himself.

What can he say? What dare he say?

Zhou Mu nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Wang Yong.

"Not bad, not bad, although your information usually shows that you also like to fight and cause trouble, but you basically don't bully your classmates~".

"This is still very good and deserves praise."

Wang Yong touched his head with an awkward smile on his face.

It was the first time I was praised by the teacher.

The most important thing to praise is that he is best at fighting, which is hated by any teacher.

"I just said that there will be rewards, and I keep my word!"


Wang Yong was taken aback for a moment, and a compliment on fighting had already made him very excited.

Are there any rewards now?

"A class is a collective."

"Actually, to put it bluntly, it is a force. As the head teacher, I am your boss."

Wang Yong's eyes lit up and he nodded quickly.

He is dismissive of any group, the teacher said it is annoying, but when it comes to power, it is what these bad boys are most interested in.

At this age, who doesn't yearn for these things?

Now the class teacher actually said that he is the boss.

It is indeed the boss, in charge of everything.

The students around were dumbfounded. I'm afraid this teacher is just a big bastard.

But there are also some students with bright eyes.

In any case, everyone showed interest.

Lin Yue was already gritted her teeth with anger, she had no choice but to see the interested eyes of these students, it was useless to say anything now.

He wanted to report directly to the principal, but was afraid that something would happen to Zhou Mu if she left.

She is watching here, and nothing serious will happen.

hold back, hold back!

It was almost time for Zhou Mu, so he continued.

"You are all my subordinates, you must not let others be bullied.

"It's still unbearable to do it yourself."

"In the future, a new position will be added in the class, fighting committee member!"

"No! The fighting committee member is too direct, it should be called the security committee member."

"Wang Yong, you are responsible for this position. Anyone who dares to bully the students in this class will be beaten back."

"Those who dare to bully outside the class will be beaten the same, and if they can't be beaten, they can ask me to shake them."

"We can't all go to the first class of the second year of high school together, and we can't do other classes, right?"

Extremely quiet.

At first I thought Zhou Mu was like a gangster

Now it's real bullshit.

Even fights have to set up a position.

What I know is that the class teacher held a meeting for a group of students, but what I don’t know is why gangs of gangsters are talking.

Wang Yong only felt a surge of blood, and his heart was full of excitement.

"No problem, Mr. Zhou, leave it to me, don't dare to say anything else, I have never been afraid of a fight.

"As a security committee member, anyone in the class who is bullied will come to me."

His chest slapped loudly.

A student in the class who seemed to be fooling around also booed.

"Wang Yong, if you can't do it, just come to us. If nothing else, I'm not in vain for fighting.

"Me too!"

"If you meet someone from another class, come and call someone. Don't embarrass us in Class 1, Grade 2."

"When the other party is looking for a teacher, you can come to me. Don't worry, as long as you don't provoke it, it will be fine. As the boss, I will definitely be able to resist it."

The last sentence was said by Zhou Mu.

And these booers were even more excited when they saw that Zhou Mu, who is the head teacher, said the same thing.

Even if Zhou Mu said hello now, maybe these bastard students would dare to call the principal's office.

【Holy shit, Zhou Mu is the creation gang?】

[This is a school, a place to teach, not a place to engage in gangs. 】

[It's over, Zhou Mu calls himself the boss, it seems that he wants to make a big splash. 】

[I can't help but these students are not excited, they are all teenagers, the grade with many illusions, just a little bit! 】

[At first, I thought it was a bit unbelievable, but when I thought about it, if I was still in this grade and the head teacher said these words, I would definitely dare to drink blood on the spot. 】

[Although it looks like a sophomore now, but in that grade, these are dreams! 】

[Dreams come into reality, the class teacher takes the lead, but any bastard can't help it. 】

【No, even a man can't help it!】

Seeing that other students are also eager to try.

Zhou Mu stretched out his hand quickly.

These usually rebellious 'bad students' immediately quieted down.

"Okay, that's all for today, if you have anything about bullying, you can ask Wang Yong to be responsible.

"Wang Yong, you often fight. You have experience in this area. You should be able to tell who is really being bullied, or who is actively looking for trouble."

"It's up to you. Those who are being bullied can do whatever they want. Those who take the initiative to find trouble and come to you to bite back, beat them hard, just be a little bit more measured."

"The meeting is over, let's move around freely, the gym class is still early, you can play by yourself."

After speaking, Zhou Mu had already headed towards the office.

Lin Yue followed behind.

"I want to complain to the principal that you are forming a gang and encouraging students to fight.

"You are also extremely shameless, you speak empty words, point a deer into a horse, and teach students to be bad.

Zhou Mu stopped in his tracks.

Turning her head, she looked at Lin Yue, who was so angry that her cheeks were ass buttocks.

It can be seen that Lin Yue is a really responsible teacher.

"Then what do you think should be done?"

Without waiting for the other party to answer, he continued on the weekend.

"Educate? Be reasonable? Ask parents? Threats?"

"I have also read the materials for these students, and they are all at the bottom of their academic performance, so they have given up studying."

"I guess you should have done these more than once."

"...But now I'm a sophomore in high school, is it useful?"

Lin Yue fell silent.

Indeed, no matter how reasonable she is with these 'bad students', education is useless.

The other party can do whatever they want.

Even asking parents is still the same. Many parents don't care much, or can't do anything.

As for punishment.

As long as it is not expelled, it is not as good as others.

Expelling a student requires a very complicated and cumbersome procedure, and basically these students have not reached that point.

Among them is the system that involves the entire education.

So many of these students are from junior high school to now.

Really useless.

Everyone in the live broadcast room nodded when they heard it.

[Yes, there will never be a shortage of such bastard students. 】

[There are no shortages in any era. The era when we were studying is still the same. The bastard students can hang around until graduation and bully people all day long. There is really no way. 】

【Those teachers and parents are useless. 】

【It's useful, I have corrected and studied a long time ago, and the rest are people like this. 】

[Now a lot of news will report about bullying, which is very excessive. 】

[It is conceivable that ordinary events still exist in the school. 】

[It has always existed, but it’s just that, the integration of middle school, junior high school, and high school can also be promoted internally, which is even more chaotic. 】

[It has been like this for so many years, and it is even more difficult to solve it now. 】

Lin Yue was silent for a moment.

"At least this balance can be maintained, and everyone can

accepted point.

"You are encouraging them to fight, which will make things more uncontrollable and more serious."

Zhou Mu smiled, but did not speak.

Going straight to the office, Lin Yue followed behind, hesitated for a while, but finally did not go to the principal.

And at this time.

On the playground, Wang Yong took two classmates who usually play well, and observed the surrounding classmates.

It seems to be patrolling its own territory.

In the past, even if he was arrogant, he still avoided the eyes of most of his classmates.

Now it is different.

As the security committee member of the class, this is his duty.

Upright and aboveboard, he wandered around the playground aggressively.


The get out of class bell rang.

The whole teaching building suddenly burst out with loud noises, and many students walked out of the classroom, taking advantage of the break time between classes, chatting, going to the toilet, or watching in the corridor


"Wang Yong, where's Pan Tao from your class?"

Several people came to the playground along the stairs, and some students automatically moved out of the way they passed.

Wang Yong frowned slightly.

The person who came was Zhang Yang from Class 2, Grade 2. He was also a typical "bad student" in the school and he did well. Many students were afraid of him.

"What's up?"

"Pan Tao accidentally stepped on my younger brother's foot yesterday, you ask him to come to the bathroom on the second floor, if you don't come, you will be at your own risk.

Pan Tao is a student with poor grades in the class and is often bullied.

Wang Yong is quite familiar with this kind of person.

The bastards in the school all know each other and form gangs.

He often saw other people bullying Pan Tao, but he didn't care. In his opinion, it was nothing.

but now.


This is the first incident as a security committee member.

After thinking about it, the boss, no, the head teacher is responsible.

A smile appeared on Wang Yong's face.

Zhang Yang on the opposite side looked at Wang Yong who was silent but still showing a strange smile, and frowned.

"Wang Yong, what do you mean?"

"Don't give me any face? As far as I know, Pan Tao is not under your cover, right?"

"Don't make faces to me, Laozi, or I will let someone beat you together."

The arrogance of being the leader of the second class of the third year of high school was vividly displayed.

Ps: Ask for self-determination!.

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