She Is Not Your Wife, What Do You Care About?

073: Praise For Fighting? The Bastards Are A Little Excited!

"Pan Tao, come here!"

Wang Yong shouted.

Immediately, among the crowd in the distance of the playground, a classmate with broken hair and glasses agreed, and then ran over.

"Did you step on his foot yesterday?"

Wang Yong pointed to a student next to Zhang Yang and said.

Pan Tao looked a little honest. Seeing this scene, his heart was beating rapidly and he became frightened.

But still said.

"When I went downstairs yesterday, I did accidentally bump into the other party."

"It was too modest at that time,"

Zhang Yang snorted coldly.

"What's the use of being modest?"

"Let's go, go to the toilet and talk about these things."

Pan Tao's face turned pale with fright, knowing that he was about to be beaten again.

But suddenly his shoulder was patted, and Wang Yong's words sounded.

"Don't worry! We'll come later."

Zhang Yang had no doubt about him.

I thought the other party was just watching the fun. This kind of thing is very common. There are always some same bastard students watching the fun, and they nodded very satisfied with Wang Yong's concession.

First, he took Pan Tao to the toilet.

After several people left, Wang Yong said to the classmates who were watching the excitement.

"The head teacher asked me to be a security committee member. This was the first thing I encountered. Someone dared to bully my classmates in front of me."

"That's hitting me in the face."

"Labor and management must teach him a lesson. The other party is the leader of the third and second class of high school. If you are afraid, don't go."

"We are in Class 1, Grade 2, and if anyone is not afraid, follow me."

"In the future, if you are bullied, labor and capital will be in charge!"

Immediately, several students who were familiar with Wang Yong at ordinary times stood up.

"Although I used to be afraid of Zhang Yang, but now I'm bullied by the head of our class. Besides, it's justified now. The head teacher told me that I'm afraid of eggs!"

A few more male students stood up.

Most of them are bastard students, Class 1, Grade 2, this kind of people is the most indispensable.

But one of them took everyone by surprise.

It was Yang Jie.

He didn't know why he stood up.

"I, I, I..." Seeing everyone looking at him, 927 hesitated and couldn't say a complete sentence.

Wang Yong stepped forward.

Think about the plot of the movie you have seen in your mind.

There was a slap on the opponent's shoulder.

"Not bad, you have backbone, I didn't help you in vain."

"Why are you being bullied? It's because you're too weak. You won't be afraid if you start a fight."


Immediately, Wang Yong took eight or nine students and walked towards the toilet on the second floor.

Some students who originally wanted to go to the toilet did not dare to go in after seeing this situation, and they could go around to other floors.

"Zhou Mu, Wang Yong in the class led a few students to fight with other classes, and is now in the teaching office, asking their respective class teachers to lead them."

Lin Yue hurried into the office.

She never thought that such serious consequences would be caused so quickly.

Zhou Mu was also taken aback.

This is too fast, and the fight started.

The live broadcast room is full of barrage.

【Haha, I laughed so hard, this Wang Yong is really awesome. 】

[When I became a security committee member given by Zhou Mu, I brought my classmates into fights. 】

【This speed is too fast!】

【Zhou Mu was a little confused, he hadn't expected this. 】


Zhou Mu had no choice but to go to the teaching office with Lin Yue and asked Lin Yue to lead the students back to the classroom.

He is dealing with the aftermath.

"You guys have this thought, fight every day, how good it is to learn from it."

"I know you're a fool, this one is for you."

"Do you know that our Grade 2 Class 1 is now the bottom of the ten classes in this grade.

"Can't you work hard and make the class better?"

Lin Yue spoke earnestly and reprimanded the students standing in a row.

Several students lowered their heads and said nothing.

Suddenly heard the sound of the door opening.

look up.

Sure enough, Zhou Mu, the head teacher, came back.

Zhou Mu's face was full of smiles.

"I've found out what happened (cgad)!"

"Not bad."

"Wang Yong performed very well. His classmates were being bullied. As a member of the security committee, you did not flinch at all and did what was in your duty."

"The students who went up to help are also very good."


"Everyone applaud!"


【Haha, my stomach hurts from laughing so hard, Zhou Mu doesn't give Lin Yue any face!】

【Lin Yue is reprimanding, but when he comes in, he compliments her. 】

【Anyway, give me a little face!】

【However, as a student, I feel very good. 】

[The classmates were bullied, and everyone fought together. If my class at that time was like this, I would definitely be happy. 】

[Don’t dare to even think about it, it’s fine if you are bullied, some teachers will still say you. 】

[Because those bastard students say that it doesn't work, so they say they are arrogant students. 】

【Especially why I hit you instead of hitting others. 】

[Say it several times, people have to be autistic. 】

[From this point of view, I still hope to meet a teacher like Zhou Mu when I study, at least I feel at ease!]


"What's wrong with Mr. Lin Yue? Are you uncomfortable?"

"Why do you have a weird face?"

Zhou Mu caught a glimpse of Lin Yue at the side by chance, with a strange expression on his face, and asked with concern.

Lin Yue took a deep breath.

"It's okay, you are the class teacher, you tell your story!"

Zhou Mu nodded, no doubt about him.

Instead, he clapped his hands and said to the students sitting below.

"Why are you staring blankly, welcome to the heroes of our class!"

"As the security committee member of the class, he has fulfilled his duties.

"The rest of the students are also acting bravely, and should be respected by everyone in our class."

"In the future, if you encounter bullying in school, you don't have to be afraid. There are Wang Yong and these classmates in the class."

"As long as you are in Class 1, Grade 2, you can do it. As long as you don't cause trouble, you won't be afraid of trouble."

The students below thought about it, it really is.

More or less, they have all been bullied by these bastard students.

Do not touch is also cautious, always afraid of offending each other.

It's nothing more than the other party's gangsters.

Now these few people in the class will help me, so at least I don't have to be afraid that the other party will provoke me and make trouble for me.

Immediately, they applauded one after another, especially some students who had been bullied, showed hope in their eyes.

Wang Yong's face was still painted. During the fight, he fell and his legs were bruised and painful.

Now I feel full of strength.

He has always been aggressive and ruthless in his studies since he was a child, and he was criticized as a bad student in the eyes of his parents and teachers when he grew up.

He also sees himself as a bad student.

Never stood on a podium and received praise.

And the students below are also sincerely applauding for themselves.

This unprecedented feeling made him feel a strong sense of existence inexplicably.

presence in this class.

For the first time, it was not obtained by bullying others, but by other respected identities.

The rest of them also showed excitement, and they basically had similar experiences to Wang Yong.

Even a little embarrassed at the moment.

Pan Tao's face was full of tears. He didn't expect these students to fight with senior students because of him this time.

He was always bullied before, and he also felt that school was not as scary as he imagined.

Even in this class, I feel the warmth.

Yang Jie felt the difference even more.

From a person who has been bullied and has been ignored in the corner all year round, now he stands on the podium and is praised by everyone.

He also felt a sense of presence that he had never felt before.

Presence in this class.

[Fighting is praised, these students may not have enjoyed this kind of treatment. 】

[Sure, the teachers in that school are like this, except Zhou Mu. 】

[Don't say, look at these students, they are all very touched. 】

[Of course I was moved. If I was like this back then, I would have to call the head teacher long live. 】

【Zhou Mu still has a skill in dealing with these bastards. 】

[Forcing is not enough, then be their big brother and set the rules. 】

【Haha, it really works, at least the class must be much more harmonious. 】

[With this atmosphere, no one dares to bully their classmates anymore. 】

[If you bully, I'm afraid it won't be enough for these bastard students. 】

【Zhou Mu still has a way. 】

[As always, a coquettish operation. 】

And the commendation meeting was also over.

The students all returned to their seats.

Zhou Mu also returned to the teacher's office with Lin Yue.

Lin Yue was still in a daze.

She is not a fool, on the contrary she is quite smart, otherwise she would not be the head teacher at such a young age.

It is also aware of the change in the atmosphere of the entire class.

It seems that these 'bad students' who bothered him before are very obedient now, at least they don't embarrass the students in this class any more.

It can also prevent the students in this class from being embarrassed.

This method, although very extreme.

It seems that the effect is surprisingly good.

Lin Yue's eyes flickered, staring at Zhou Mu opposite, trying to see what the other party was thinking.

It was getting late.

The students are all already out of class.

Early the next morning.

It was dark.

Li Qiang came to school early, he was not as lazy as before.

Instead, head down, depressed.

All the changes in the class seemed to be caused by his bullying Yang Jie yesterday.

The revenge I originally thought in my heart has long since disappeared. Both Yang Jie and Wang Yong are now important people in the class, but he is out of place, like an outsider.

Seeing that the relationship in the original class was very different, Hunzi played with Hunzi, those who studied played with those who studied, and the rest played with the rest.

But now basically all the classmates get along very harmoniously, he is alone, as if there is a layer of estrangement.

Tossing and turning, it was the first time that the school opened and came to the classroom.

In the empty classroom, no classmates came.

Li Qiang even felt a little regretful that he didn't help yesterday. If what happened yesterday didn't happen, he would definitely help.

Fight with classmates, be praised, even scolded.

It's definitely better than this feeling of rejection.

Gradually, two classmates came to the classroom.

They are usually some students who study hard and finish the homework left from yesterday.


Of course, a student like him would not do it. He gave up all his studies and did not do any homework.

at this time.

A student walks into the classroom.

Li Qiang was a little puzzled, because this person was not from his own class, and he looked familiar, as if he was from the class next door.

The class next door is the same as theirs, and is one of the two worst classes at the same level.

The one who came in was obviously a bastard too.

Finally, I came to a classmate who was doing homework.

"Help me with my homework. I'll get it before self-study. You must finish it for me, otherwise you will be miserable!"

The students who were doing their homework were taken aback for a moment, but they dared not speak.

The other party nodded in satisfaction and was about to walk outside.

"Fu Shan, what do you mean by that!"

Li Qiang stood up, narrowing his eyes slightly,

They are all bastards, most of them have dealt with each other before, and they are from the class next door, and they also remembered the other party's name.

Fu Shan paused at the foot of the mountain, and when he saw it coming, he also remembered who it was.

"Li Qiang!"

"What program didn't we assign a head teacher to each of our two classes!"

"The old man in our class, who calls himself a special teacher, has to assign homework, and everyone must complete it.

"Although I don't care about asking parents if I can't finish it, it's not worth it to invite parents just for this little thing."

Li Qiang shook his head, his voice became cold.

"What I'm asking is what do you mean by asking our classmates to do your homework?".

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