She Knew She Loved Him(Completed)

Chapter 16:A Battle for Young Madam

{An annoyed feeling grew in Alex's chest. He had no idea what was happening but still shouted, "Two hundred and fifty million…"}

Seeing smirk on Malon Nang's face as he looked toward the stage, Alex guessed the bidding had something to do with the girl currently standing on the stage.

"Dude, do you even know what's going on?" Juno who happened to be aware of what was going on asked him. He never expected Alex to take part in the bid.

"No…Malon Nang just pissed me off with that cocky smirk of his."

"Ha-ha, bro you're crazy. That person up there is the young madam of the Bai family. Let me guess you don't know why she's up there either?"

"Oh, no and no but if she's that big of a deal, then I must help..." Alex turned to face the stage and locked eyes with the girl who was now glaring at him.

'Hmm, she looks cute! You'll thank me later young madam of the Bai family.' Alex thought and chuckled deep down.


When Zunnie heard a familiar voice bid, she knew exactly who it belonged to. She turned her head and glared at the person. She was right, it was him. The guy from the lobby.

'What the hell is he up to. First, he followed me, now he's bidding. He must be up to something.' Zunnie began fuming. 'What's wrong with the people bidding?' She wanted to cry.

She turned to Sanua again and pleaded with her eyes. But San only pumped her fist next to her chest and mouthed, "Fighting Zunnie boo."

Zunnie ignored her and fixated her eyes on the handsome guy who had spoken to her in the hallway earlier. Looking at him from where she stood, she couldn't help admiring how attractive he looked.

"I guess I should pray he wins instead of Mr. flirtatious over there," Zunnie mumbled and glanced to where Malon Nang was seated showing a huge smirk.

Just as the host was about to yell sold, another voice all the way to the back of the hall exclaimed, "Three hundred million…"

Another player entered the bidding. The guests were all whispering from excitement.

"I had no idea young madam Bai had so many suitors?" A woman behind Eyan Bai whispered but he still heard.


Both Alexander Zi and Malon Nang frowned and yelled simultaneously; "One billion!"

Several people gasped. Zunnie's heartbeat became frantic when she heard the amount.

'That's rich men for you. Anyway, I'll make sure to use it wisely.' She snickered excited. She forgot she would be having dinner with one of those bidders.

'What the heck? Why am I excited?' She had no idea why but for some reason she was beginning to enjoy herself and couldn't help thinking. 'Let's bid higher boys…I can use that money to add another department to my hospital.'


When Alex heard Malon bid the same time as him, he quickly and coldly shouted, "Three billion."

Zunnie's cheeks turned a light pink when she heard the familiar voice outbid the others again.

Everyone seated at the Zi table was surprised. They all, except Hunter gawked at Alex like he had gone mad.

Madam Zi had no idea what Alex was doing and quietly whispered, "Alex what in the world are you up too?"

Alex pretended not to hear her. His was determined to win the bid. However, just when he thought he had won, the same husky voice to the back of the room bid four billion dollars.

Alex became furious. He had to help her. Although he had no idea who the other guy was, he still couldn't let him win.

He had no choice but to bid ten billion. He stood up, fixed his suit and in a calm authoritative tone, said;

"Ten billion dollars!"

The room fell silent as no-one dared to oppose him.

Zunnie held her breath afraid to breathe. 'Woah…what is this aura illuminating from him?'

The host was lost for words like everyone else and only came to his senses when Wan Bai loudly cleared his throat.

"S-Sold, to Alexander Zi of Arch.deZIgns."

Everyone in the room began applauding except for the two rivals who had been biding along with Alex. Malon Wang cursed Alex under his breath seeing he had lost the opportunity to court his boss' sister.

However, the other gentleman only smiled. He was amused at how reckless Alex had been. He wondered why the heir of the Zi household spent that much money for Zunnie Bai.

Alex had a cold expression but deep down he was happy to have saved her from the vultures. But unbeknownst to him, a pair of eyes were angrily glaring at the girl on the stage. She had no idea why Alex had been so impulsive, and it pissed her off. She couldn't help but wonder why Alex spent so much money just for a dinner with her boss' sister?

'Humph…I need to find out, why Alex spent ten billion dollars for this girl!'

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