She Knew She Loved Him(Completed)

Chapter 17:I Want You

Wan and Eyan Bai smiled when they noticed the results of the auction. Eyan vowed to tease Zunnie the following day if she did not kill him. He was glad she had been getting suitors. Maybe now their dad would stop trying to send her on weird blind dates. She should be thanking him for saving her, but she wanted to kill him instead.

Zunnie sighed as she made her way to where her family sat. She felt relieved that the auction had ended. When she sat down, her dad got up and gave the closing remarks and asked everyone to enjoy the after party.

After her dad's speech, Zunnie's eyes scanned the room looking for a familiar face. When she spotted Sanua, she made her way to where she was standing to give her a piece of her mind for letting someone else have her. However, when she reached her friend's side ready to scold her, she noticed Sanua wasn't alone.

San had been happily chatting with the owner of Club Zen, Hunter Brown. Zunnie had seen Hunter a few times, but she never made his acquaintance.

Sanua saw Zunnie and acted as if she hadn't betrayed her best friend. She gave Zunnie a tight hug and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry, Hunter here said Alexander Zi is a good guy."

Zunnie glared at the girl standing next to her but said nothing.

"Zunnie Boo, this is the owner of Club Zen. By the way, you looked stunning up there. I had no idea Malon Nang was interested in you...ha-ha."

Zunnie rolled her eyes at Sanua then smiled and turned to Hunter.

"Zunnie Bai, nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss Bai. Thank you for putting on an exquisite gala."

"Ahh, you're welcome. I will thank my brother since he's the one behind it all."

Zunnie then excused herself to go find her father and brother, but they were preoccupied. She made her way to the food table and helped herself to a plate. When she went back to where Sanua and Hunter were standing only Hunter was there.

"Sanua got a call and said to let you know she will be back," Hunter said to Zunnie when she came back munching on a slice of cake.


"So that was an exciting auction…" Hunter said seeming rather amused.

"I must say, I got to make more money than I expected. Enough to open a few departments at the hospital." Zunnie smiled.

"Ha-ha, you don't play I see. Money talks, bullshit walks." Hunter was surprised at Zunnie's reply.

"Yes, at the end of the day. I am a businesswoman after all. How long have you known San?"

"We've known each other for a few years now. She's a regular at my bar and we've done business together."

"I see. She does like to go to your club."

"You're right."


Hunter looked to where Alex happened to be standing. This is a good chance for him to meet the woman he spent ten billion dollars for. Hunter couldn't help but wonder what Alex had planned.

When he saw how adamant Alex was during the auction, he remembered the time Alex called inquiring about Miss Bai. Yet he wondered if Alex had only been curious. After seeing him spend so much money to outbid Malon Nang and the other bidder, he understood.

Alex had been speaking with a client when he saw Hunter and Zunnie Bai. He immediately ended the conversation and walked to where they were.

"Ahh Alex, have you come to collect your winnings?" Hunter smirked as Alex got closer.

"Mhm...go get some wine." He eyed Zunnie then said to Hunter.

"My glass is no…." Hunter didn't even get a chance to complete his sentence when Alex said, "Go get some wine!"

Hunter quickly understanding Alex, excused himself and hurriedly left the two standing there alone.

"Sit." Alex pointed to the chair next to Zunnie.

'Handsome and bossy.' Zunnie was speechless, as she sat in the chair and waited for Alex to speak first.

Alex sat facing Zunnie. When their eyes met, he swallowed to calm his nerves and introduced himself.

"Alexzander Zi," he stretched his right hand towards the beautiful girl whose deep blue eyes were questionably gazing at him. Alex was mesmerized by her attractiveness. When he saw her earlier in the lobby he had been oblivious to her beauty. Now he could clearly see every inch of her.

Zunnie had not expected him to be polite. However, she was aware that he had followed her in the lobby and he spent ten billion dollars to have dinner with her. She couldn't help getting upset, thinking he may have ulterior motives.

"What do you want? You don't have to pretend. You followed me in the lobby and you spent ten billion dollars for dinner..." Zunnie sneered, ignoring his outstretched hand.

"I want you…"

"Huh…W-What?" Zunnie was shocked by his bluntness.

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