When Zunnie was finally able to sleep, she snuggled into Alex's warm body after they made love. The past few days had been good, and she was truly happy. What Alex did at the ball had been something she wanted and deep down she couldn't ask for a better person to stand beside her.

Even though she had been a little skeptical about Natalia, Zunnie kept their conversation at the ball to herself. She trusted Alex and since he and Natalia were childhood friends, she wanted their friendship to grow. However, after interacting with Talia on multiple occasions, she knew that it was not going to be an easy task dealing with the jealous childhood friend.

Being a counseling psychologist Zunnie vowed to be more understanding of her situation seeing that she was really hurting. Asking Natalia to move on and forget Alex sounded cruel. But Talia was acting a bit too obsessive and that bothered Zunnie.


"Darling, are you up?" Zunnie asked as she got up from the bed.

There was no reply and Alex was nowhere to be found. Where did he go, she thought as she wandered aimlessly around their hotel suite.

She strolled to the window and pulled the blinds open but no sunlight came through. It seemed as if the glass window had been covered by a wall of darkness. Zunnie turned around to glance at the clock next to the bed. It was clearly showing 10:30 a.m.

With a confused expression on her face, she proceeded to touch the glass. There was none. She looked around the room only find out everything was gone, and she was now standing in a completely dark room with a small window to the right. She walked toward the window to peep through it.

When she peered through it, she saw Alex seating on a bench outside. He glanced at his watch and then to the right and left of the pathway as if he was waiting on someone.

"Darling, Darling, Alex…." She banged on the window calling out to him, but he could not hear her.

"What's going on?" She asked herself.

Zunnie tried to stay calm but fear slowly sneaked into her body. She called out to Alex, but he ignored her.

Finally, she saw him get up from the bench and walk toward someone, it was her.

He kissed her then took her hand in his as they walked down the path. Zunnie sighed a breath of relief and was about to turn away from the window when her walking with Alex turned to look directly at her.

Astonished her eyes grew wide when she saw that the person was not her. She became frantic.

"Alex…Alex…Darling…it's not me. Don't go Alex…" She cried out to him but nothing changed.

Shattered Zunnie sat beneath the window and began sobbing.

"Darling I'm here!" She cried out to him.

She stayed beneath the window and continued to cry out. Zunnie had no idea how long she had been crying when she heard his voice.

"Honey, Honey, Zunnie Bai, Honey…"

Not wanting to see him she shut her eyes tightly and ignored his call.

"Honey wake up" His voice called out to her again.

Tears streaming from her face, her heart felt empty. Zunnie pulled her knee to her chest and continued to cry. She did not understand why she had seen Alex with someone who looked like her but wasn't her. She was deeply pondering when she felt someone kissing her and calling her name.

"Zunnie, honey, don't cry, wake up."

She slowly opened her eyes but her vision was blurred. Light filled the dark room as she blinked away her tears.

A familiar scent filled the room as someone fingertips wiped away her tears.

"Honey, I'm right here."

She turned toward the voice and saw it was Alex, they were still in the same hotel suite and the room looked exactly the same way it had looked when she fell asleep.

"Ah, where are we? How come you're here? I just saw you with someone. She looked like me but it wasn't me. She had Talia's eyes." She began speaking when she saw his eyes looking down at her.

"We're at Hotel La Nuit, we came here last night, I think you had a bad dream. You kept calling my name but wouldn't wake up. I'm here honey. I'm not going anywhere." Alex replied as he embraced her tightly.

Feeling his warmth and hearing his voice, she knew now that it was a dream.

"I love you so much, darling. I had this really awful dream. I'm glad you're here." She whispered as she wrapped her arms around his next and kissed his cheek.

"I love you too honey."

They held onto each other until Alex's stomach began growling.

"Honey how about we drive up to your favorite Thai restaurant. I already got them to bring us clothes, we can eat breakfast and drive up there and spend the day there."

"Mhm, I…" was all Zunnie could reply since Alex immediately covered her lips with his.

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