She Knew She Loved Him(Completed)

Chapter 88:Suspicions of An Energizer Bunny

The new year came and went and Zunnie and Alex's relationship blossomed beautifully. There had not been anything out of the ordinary and even if Zunnie had been cautious since the day she had this awful dream, she had not bumped into Natalia at all. Zunnie did see her movies and photos on TV and in magazines. Talia became more popular and even though she was still the third highest paid actress she was always being talked about on social media.

When she and Sanua returned from the trip with Nyo he would not shut up about how much fun he had. He bragged to his parents, showing them the pictures of him swimming with the dolphins and all the food he ate.

The trip had been just what she and Sauna needed. They both came back rejuvenated and glowing.

Alex refused to let her rest and wanted to make love to her every night.

"Honey let's get married in the spring. The flowers will be blossoming, and it will be the perfect time for our family and friends. Since we got the marriage certificate I've always thought about a springtime wedding. What do you think?" Alex was laying between her naked breast after making love to her when he brought up the topic.

"San and I did talk about that on the trip. She said it would be great to have a spring wedding. I think so too. An outdoor wedding sounds magical." She combed her fingers through his hair.

Zunnie enjoyed spending time with him like this. Even though she had fun in the Bahamas, she did miss him.

"Mhm, then it's set. A spring wedding it is." Alex snaked his hand around her waist and licked her nipples.

"Ahh, that tickles…Don't you get tired."

"Ha-ha, for you'll become the pink Energizer bunny." He bit her nipples then playfully sucked on it.

"You said it, hurry and become a pink Energizer bunny." Zunnie giggled and ruffled his hair.

Alex immediately began kissing and caressing her all over.

"Darling, this isn't a pink Energizer bunny; you're still in your human form." Zunnie joked with him.

"Don't worry honey, it takes time for me to transform just let me continue." Alex looked up and grinned at her.

"You're such a pervert, I'm going to shower." She broke free from him and walked into the bathroom.


Alex was about to follow behind her, but he stopped when his phone rang.

"Whose calling this late." She pouted because she had expected him to follow her.

"My secretary, I'll come wash you so don't rush." He winked at her and answered the call.

"Zhang, did you find anything about the car? It's almost a month."

"Boss, I haven't. It's like the car disappeared into the air. Whoever was driving it must be really good at covering their tracks. I was calling to let you know a friend of mine mentioned that you and Carson Maule know each other. He's the best tech guy in Una City. I think you should ask him to help you. Maybe he can uncover something our guys can't." Zhang informed.

"Why did I not think of that. Thanks, Zhang will see if he can help. See you on Monday," he ended the call.

Since the incident, Alex couldn't help wondering if Talia had something to do with it. He had been ignoring her calls and texts and wanted nothing to do with her. She was not happy about him marrying Zunnie and he knew that. The best thing he could do right now was to avoid her. But hearing what Zhang said, he had no choice but to have a chat with her and find out whether she was the one.

Alex was aware of the risk he had taken announcing their relationship to the world. He wanted to rule Talia out as a suspect because she was not the only one he had rejected. Now that all the women interested in him knew Zunnie is his wife, he had to keep an open mind. He would not only think of Talia as the culprit but everyone who has wanted to harm him or be with him. Alex sighed as he recalled Zhang's advice. He knew Carson loved Zunnie and would be glad to help but going to the man who loved his wife for help, was discomforting.

"Mr. Zi, I got sleepy waiting. I'm going to bed." Zunnie said distracting him from his thoughts.

Alex strode to the walk-in closet picked her up and carried her back into the bathroom.

"You missed a few spots, let me help you."

"I washed everywhere. You did not see so put me down now." She scolded him.

"My point exactly; I did not see, so that means you didn't." He stripped the robe off her and got into the jacuzzi with her.

He wasted no time and slide his finger into her softness.

She gasped as she grabbed a handful of his hair. They did it twice in the tub. Alex washed her afterward, clothed her naked body and carried her back to bed almost asleep.

He kissed her forehead, then walked out of the room toward his home office.

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