She Made The Whole Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 120 Five Elements Lotus Platform

"The more than 20 scraps you gave were dismantled, restored and refined again. I added some more materials, and finally only got this one."

Jiang Yuebai held the lotus platform, eyes full of joy, "Is this a magic weapon?"

"A growth-type magic weapon that is far superior to ordinary magic weapons, Tianbao Madman's refining skills are really good. After you build your foundation, if you can find the five elements to refine it, you may have a natal spirit weapon in the future when you form an alchemy. Chuanna Five Elements Pagoda is still strong."

Jiang Yuebai's entire face lit up. The whole sect has seen how powerful Master's Five Elements Pagoda is. In the future, she will have a spiritual weapon that is even more powerful than Master's Pagoda as a talisman.

look forward to!

"If I gave you this thing before Xiaobi, you could make Zhuo Qingfeng cry."

Jiang Yuebai lost his mind, and said baldly, "Then why don't you let me beat him to tears?"

Wen Miao laughed angrily, poking Jiang Yuebai's head up with a finger.

"He's a guest. When you come to Tianyanzong as a guest, what's the matter if you make him cry? And you didn't make him cry, and you broke his leg. What else are you dissatisfied with?"

Jiang Yuebai smiled slyly, "Hey, is the five-element lotus platform still the original function? To increase the speed of aura circulation, refine the essence of the five elements, and gather the source of the five elements?"

"Well, in addition, Jiuchuan also changed a few places and added two functions according to the advantages and disadvantages of his natal magic weapon in the process of using it."

With the cool summer breeze and the undulating grass waves, Wen Miao lighted the five elements lotus platform to explain to Jiang Yuebai. Jiang Yuebai nodded and asked questions from time to time, keeping the use of the five elements lotus platform in mind.

"...Throw anything you don't need into the lotus platform in the future. It can decompose and absorb the five-element aura in it, and refine it into five-element essence for storage. Just use your spell of laying golden needles to explode into a sea of ​​thunder, and use the lotus platform to mobilize the five-element essence to cast it. The speed of forming a formula has been reduced by at least half, and even the formation of Jianzong's five bundles plus He Wangchen's formation can't bear it."

"In the lotus pod in the center, you can gather the essence of the five elements into lotus seeds and take them out. Alchemy can increase the quality of the pill, and you can also make some powerful one-time instruments with special techniques. The essence of the five elements has many functions. You can explore it yourself in the future."

"This treasure is very rare. You have refined it into your dantian early, so you don't have to show it off in front of others, you know? If you have nothing to do, hurry up and save more energy of the five elements, so as not to be caught blind in case of danger."

"Understood, thank you Supreme Elder, Xiaolu is right, you are a peerless beauty with a beautiful heart and a kind heart."

Xiaolu heard the words and flew in front of her, and another ten words appeared on the lantern.

[There are beauties in the north, peerless and independent]

Wen Miao laughed, "I know why your little lantern has such a sweet mouth, it's really the same as you, okay, I'm not in vain for your praise, little lantern, put it away."

With a flick of Wen Miao's fingers, a rune and a wisp of gray flame flew to the little green lantern, and the two phosphorus fires around it exploded fiercely, turning from green to gray.

"This is a trace of ghost fire that I got from the sea of ​​darkness. The eighth-grade spirit fire is not particularly strong, but it is the most suitable for its strength at this time. After it is fully refined, it can break the limit of the ghost lamp, and it will also help you kill the enemy in the future. .”

"There is a very strong obsession in this little lantern, which is very good. If you encounter all kinds of yin fires in the future, you can let it absorb them, and you will be reborn a little bit, or have some changes."

Jiang Yuebai glanced at Xiaolu, "If it listens to me and stops eating, I'll find Yinhuo for it. If it doesn't obey, I don't want it now!"

[Bow your head and obey your ears, obey your orders]

Xiaolu immediately went to Jiang Yuebai to be good, and Jiang Yuebai pushed it angrily.

"By the way, Supreme Elder, I want to ask you a question."

Hearing this, Wen Miao's heart trembled for no reason.

"For the soul, how do you distinguish between good and bad?"

"For people in the ghost way, the most affectionate, the most true and the most pure is a good soul."

Jiang Yuebai suddenly realized that in this case, Jia Xiuchun's love for Lin Xiangtian was indeed extreme.

"Elder Taishang, I suddenly remembered that in the records of Wuweishan people, the five-element lotus platform can evolve into a small world. Can I also evolve into a small world like the mirror of heaven, earth, and universe?"

Wen Miao glanced at her, "Hmph~ You want to evolve into a small world just because you are practicing Qi? Let's talk about it after you transform into a god."

Jiang Yuebai was not discouraged, "My grandfather said before that even though the road is far away, the journey is approaching. Although things are difficult, they can be accomplished. The important thing is to have a goal. It doesn't hurt to be bold."

Wen Miao nodded, "Your grandfather is a wise man."

Jiang Yuebai's eyes suddenly darkened a little. If grandpa was still there, seeing her achievements today, she would be very, very happy, right?

He would definitely make a big table of delicious food for her, and he sat beside him drinking wine, his face blushing, listening to her talk about how Xiao Bi broke Zhuo Qingfeng's leg.

Suddenly, Jiang Yuebai's nose soured, "Elder Taishang, if a person's soul flies away, does it really mean that there is no chance of reincarnation?"

Wen Miao looked at her, in the world of cultivating immortals, some things may not be a complete dead end, but she is too far away from the Tongtian Dao at this time, giving her illusory thoughts, it is better to let her let go as soon as possible.

"Well, there is no chance, the dead are gone, you have to learn to let go."

Jiang Yuebai nodded vigorously, "I know, I've figured it out for five years in the Yinshan Mine, but today I suddenly got my revenge, and I always feel in my heart... I don't know what's wrong with me."

Wen Miao leaned closer and looked at Jiang Yuebai, "What's the matter? After getting revenge, you suddenly became confused?"

Jiang Yuebai raised her eyes, her eyes met, she saw her own reflection in the gentle and clear pupils, she was indeed confused.

All these years, hatred has supported her, and she has been working hard and hard, to grow faster, to get revenge faster, and not to drag her own practice.

But no matter what she said or what she thought in her heart, hatred became an important goal of her practice.

Even if it is this small competition, taking the first place and worshiping the real monarch, in the final analysis, it is still for revenge.

So now, she is indeed... without a goal and lost.

"Elder Supreme, what is the top of the Great Dao like? I keep saying that I want to go to the top of the Great Dao, but I don't even know what it is exactly?"

Wen Miao's hands shook, her eyes dodged, she picked up the jug and took a sip.

Why did she accidentally fall for this girl? If she wants to know what the top of the avenue looks like, can she still sit here and drink? She has never been to that level!

Jiang Yuebai looked at Wen Miao sincerely, waiting patiently for her answer.

Wen Miao raised her eyebrows, "There are three thousand avenues in the world, and countless small avenues. The so-called peak of the avenue is the ultimate understanding of the Tao, and the unity of heaven and man. Everyone's way of cultivation is different. For example, my patriarch Lu Xingyun, Xiuba The way of the heaven and the earth, the people of Wuwei Mountain practice the way of freedom and freedom."

"Speaking closer, what Lu Nanzhi wants to cultivate is the way of killing. Everyone pursues different things, so the way they practice is different. In addition, the rules of operation of all things are the way, and the insights and perceptions of life are also the way. .”

"Tao cannot be expressed in words, but can only be realized by oneself. Tao is everywhere, and Tao is everywhere. This deity, on Tianxian Peak, is also everywhere."

Jiang Yuebai frowned and scanned the surroundings. She didn't see the Tao, but only dirty and messy.

"Why don't you pull out the weeds, and those spider webs, which can be cleaned up with a spell, how uncomfortable it looks?"

Wen Miao and unfathomable straightened her sleeves, "The grass is growing well, and the spiders have worked hard to weave their webs. How can I cut off their vitality just because they look uncomfortable?"

Jiang Yuebai pointed out the trail, and there were many trampled grass and insect corpses beside it.

"What about these? Haven't you cut off their vitality?"

Wen Miao smiled, "I don't cut them off for selfish desires, but they can't block my way either. I follow nature, myself, and the way."

"Are you's not because of laziness?"

Wen Miao knocked on her head, "What do you know, little girl? This deity cultivates for the sake of the Tao, which is damaged day by day, and damaged again and again, so that there is nothing to do. This is the way of this deity. Simply put, it is to lighten desires, eliminate Selfishness, but this deity is still in the mortal world and can't achieve the ultimate. I used to imitate the demeanor of the ancestors and poured yellow soup, but now I am addicted and hard to quit. I am really ashamed."

The word Chuan between Jiang Yuebai's eyebrows is getting deeper and deeper.

"If you don't understand, don't force it, just find your own way." Wen Miao drank from the pot.

Jiang Yuebai asked again, "You just said that the ultimate of the Dao is the unity of man and nature, so what is the unity of man and nature?"

Wen Miao almost missed the flagon bottle, she had enlightened many disciples, but this one was the most difficult to deal with, she didn't ask about her own practice, she asked what they were all about, she should worry about enlightenment as a mere qi practitioner thing?

Wen Miao remembered that the little girl had just said that she wanted to boldly set a goal, and felt that she might be ambitious, and now she set her goal at the top of the road, so she was anxious to find out exactly what kind of place she was going to.

Wen Miao regained her strength and transformed herself into a dignified spirit, how could she be baffled by Xiao Qi training!

"The unity of heaven and man is a mysterious and indescribable realm. Simply put, the closer your cognition is to the way of heaven, the more in line with the way of heaven, and you can use the power of the way of heaven, and the power of the way of heaven is controlled by extraordinary people Only monks of my generation need to practice exercises, to train myself, so that I can carry more power of heaven."

Jiang Yuebai nodded ignorantly, "It's like Master taught me to comprehend the rotation of the five elements. The five elements are the power of the heavens. It exists naturally. Because I didn't understand it before, I couldn't rotate the five elements. Later, I understood the truth and saw the essence of the five elements in the world. part of it, you can use the five-element cycle, right?"

Wen Miao's eyes light up, she just heard Jiu Chuan say that this girl has a high level of comprehension, but now seeing her put the empty things into practice, and give examples to comprehend by herself, only then did she know that this girl's comprehension is really good.

Jiuchuan, you have taken in a good apprentice!

"In that case, Supreme Elder, I would like to know..."

Jiang Yuebai bit her lip and lowered her head in thought, her gentle little finger trembled suddenly, every time she had a bad premonition, her little finger would tremble.

Jiang Yuebai looked up, "I want to know why birds can fly in the sky, but fish must swim in the water? Trees must grow towards the sky, and fruits must fall towards the ground? Why does the sun rise in the east, not the west? Why do four seasons reincarnate in a year ?”

"Uh...some places don't have distinct seasons."

"Then why aren't there four distinct seasons?"


"Where did the world come from, and where did people come from? There is still time, why can we only go forward and not go back? It is said that cultivating immortals is against the sky, so if you cultivate to the top of the Dao, I can understand the rules set by the Dao of Heaven." Can't change? Can you go back to the past and change the fate of others?"

Wen Miao: My life is over! !


Li Jiuchuan's hearty laughter came from not far away, and Wen Miao was so out of breath that she took a picture of Jiang Yuebai with the Mirror of Heaven and Earth.

Jiang Yuebai disappeared, Wen Miao glared at Li Jiuchuan.

"Girl, remember, the so-called Dao, you see yourself, ask where you came from, and find where you return, and you should study it under the tree of asking."

"By the way... come out after refining the Five Elements Lotus Platform Ceremony!"

Sorry for keeping everyone waiting for a long time, the second update is waiting for me to post it, there are many things on the weekend, and the time is uncertain.

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