"This is the elixir reward for Xiaobi Yuebai's first name. Please ask the elder Taishang to bring it to her. There are many people in Huaxi Valley, and they are all people who come to see and make friends. Tell her to hide there. After a few days of practice, it will be fine. Alright, I'll take her back after I finish handling the trivial matters."

Wen Miao took the storage bag and threw it into the mirror, "The little girl is at a loss right now, and she doesn't know if she can break through."

Li Jiuchuan smiled gently, "She can do it. She is optimistic by nature and never makes things difficult for herself. When she finds a new goal, she will move forward bravely."

With itchy hands, Wen Miao took out the turtle shell copper coin, "Wait for me to make a divination to see what her fate is."

The copper coins swayed in the turtle shell, Wen Miao muttered something.


The six copper coins fell to the ground, and Li Jiuchuan looked at them with his probe. Wen Miao counted for a moment, and her expression changed drastically.

"How could she have died young?"

Li Jiuchuan's heart trembled, "Elder Supreme, can you see clearly?"

Wen Miao frowned, "Don't worry, her early death has already been fulfilled, that is to say, she should have died long before entering the Tianyan Sect, someone messed up her fate, this kind of thing also happens in the world of comprehension, messing up people's fate As long as the person can bear the cause and effect, if there is chaos, there will be chaos."

"It's just this person who messed with her fate... Let me ask Tian Chi."

Wen Miao reached into her arms.


There was a thunderstorm during the day, and suddenly the wind and clouds surged, and the mountains and rain were about to come.

With a dignified expression, Wen Miao slowly took out her hand, "The might of the sky is unfathomable."

Li Jiuchuan looked worried, "Will this have any effect on Yuebai?"

Wen Miao put away the tortoise-shell copper coins, "I haven't reached the level of practice to detect the power of the sky, I only know that her fate will be intertwined with that person, no one knows whether the future will be a disaster or a blessing, but the good point is that From now on, no one can use divination to predict her fate, otherwise it will be like..."

Wen Miao raised her finger to the sky, "Go and do your work, don't bother me here anymore, I'll help you look after the little girl for a while, after all... you can be regarded as my half-disciple."

Li Jiuchuan bid farewell to Wen Miao, Wen Miao continued to lie under the tree, drinking with her feet dangling.

"If you have wine today and get drunk today, answering questions and solving doubts is really tiring!"



Jiang Yuebai fell face down on the ground, and just got up when he was hit on the head again by a storage bag.

Pressing her forehead, she saw a pure white world, without sky or earth, without sun or moon, without wind or rain.

Thanks to her good eyesight, she saw a fingernail-sized bud in the pure white, with two leaves curled up and not stretched yet.

"That's asking... the tree?"

Jiang Yuebai frowned, and sat cross-legged in front of Niaoya to look carefully, but couldn't see the slightest eyebrow.

"Seeing yourself, asking where you came from, finding the way back, what does that mean?"

Jiang Yuebai understood the literal meaning, but she couldn't understand it any deeper.

In the vast space, Jiang Yuebai and this tender bud were alone, with nothing around them, fighting and running around for days, and the mood of intrigue suddenly let go.

After her parents left, until now, she has never been so... peaceful.

There seemed to be some kind of power here, which made Jiang Yuebai couldn't help recalling the past.

In Jiangjia Village, although her family was not rich, they were happy and happy. At that time, what she looked forward to most every day was when her father came back from working in the town. She often beat and cried her brother for the little pieces of caramel in her arms.

The mother beat her with a broom, she was so sweet that she could still laugh.

She thought that Jiangjia Village was her world and everything in her life.

Later, in the troubled times of drought and severe drought in her hometown, she walked out of Jiangjia Village, saw more people, and a bigger world. After going through hardships, she settled in Yong'an City.

After entering the Lin Mansion, she lived comfortably at first, but she also thought that the Lin Mansion and Yong'an City would be her future world.

At that time, she was content, as long as she was full, she could live no matter where she was.

Later, she was betrayed, escaped to the deep mountains after a narrow escape, and saw the beauty, that moment she will never forget.

It was the shock and aftermath of falling rocks in a quiet lake, like buildings collapsing.

From that moment on, she could no longer be satisfied.

Jiangjia Village, Yong'an City, Tianyan Sect, the vastness of the world is definitely not what she dared to imagine when she was young.

The Central Plains, the Heavenly Witch, the Underworld, the Demon Realm, the Earth Spirit Realm... are the ends of the sky and the end of the earth?

Compared with the caramel in her childhood, it is difficult for her to find the satisfaction and happiness she once had at this time, but she would rather give up that candy, and also want to know the heights of the sky and the depth of the earth.

Life is alive, success is on the verge of failure, there is a trade-off, there is a trade-off, there is a gain, and there is no reluctance.


Jiang Yuebai closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

When she opened her eyes again, Tao Fengnian was sitting across from her, with her back arched and her legs crossed, holding a cigarette stick and puffing.

"Bai girl, do you want to say goodbye to grandpa?"

There was mist in his eyes, and Jiang Yuebai greedily stared at his grandfather who he knew was illusory.

Tao Fengnian knocked on the cigarette rod to let the burnt soot return to the earth.

"Is Grandpa's "Huaxi Transcript" still on you? Open it and have a look."

Jiang Yuebai found the book that had already been turned over, smoothed the corners with her palm, and opened it.

"On the third day of March, harvest 1,250 catties of winter ling wheat, return 200 catties to my grandson, and lend 100 catties to Dong's family."

"August 20th, collect 2,700 catties from the spirit valley, and save up to 500 spirit stones. I want to buy what I need for my practice."

"August 25th, the second son of the Wu family, Hunting Yao, was seriously injured. He wanted to use Lingshi to buy medicine to heal his injuries. After thinking about it, it was not easy to survive together in Huaxi Valley, so he borrowed it."

"November 15th, the harvest is not good, the cultivation progress is slow, and the debt collection is not smooth, what should I do?"

Jiang Yuebai flipped through it subconsciously. She had read it many times before, and it was all like this, farming and harvesting, family members were short, not going out of Huaxi Valley, not out of Tianyanzong.

Tao Fengnian's cigarette stick pressed up, "Look at your own diary again."

Jiang Yuebai took out the jade slips she used to record the diary.

"On the third day of February, ice was formed in the water that day. How did it happen? Lu Ying told me that the apprentices of the Wang family and the Li family were fighting. It's none of my business!"

"March 17th, although the Divine Mechanism Stone consumes spirit stones, as long as it can improve my consciousness, I will recognize it. Even if I borrow it, I have to learn it."

Jiang Yuebai's heart trembled slightly, and then she looked at what she had done in the Yinshan mine.

"On July 19th, I fell into an underground river and encountered a group of blood-toothed crocodiles. I narrowly escaped death and slaughtered them all..."

"On May 11th, I was attacked by a mining team. I was injured and lost, so I temporarily retreat..."

"On the first day of June, a group of five people fought in a group, comprehending the 'Thunderbolt Power' between life and death..."

Jiang Yuebai put down the jade slip and held it tightly.

Tao Fengnian smiled kindly, "Bai girl, you are more transparent than children of the same age. In fact, you have long understood that grandpa can't walk with you all the way. Sooner or later, we still have to separate."

"Grandpa's world is this Huaxi Valley, this Tianyan Sect, and your world is the pinnacle of the Qingyun, the ultimate avenue. Now that the hatred is over, you can let go of it completely and go after the vastness and freedom you want. .”

Jiang Yuebai closed her eyes and nodded, again and again, tears streaming down her face.

Yes, she has always understood, but understanding and doing are two different things.

Jiang Yuebai took out the tobacco rod, the lock sickle, and the "Huaxi Transcript", these were the last three things she kept on her, which were related to her grandfather.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Yuebai wrapped his consciousness and threw three things into the Five Elements Lotus Platform.

Once decided, there is no longer any hesitation.

The three things gradually turned into five-element aura, injected into the lotus platform, and became the power to help her grow and fight.

"Girl Bai, the past is irreversible. You really have to let go of it, instead of hoping that one day you will reach the top of the Great Dao, and then turn back time. Ask yourself, what do you want to go against in your cultivation? Who are you going to fight with?"

Tao Fengnian in front of him slowly turned into dust together with those three things.

Jiang Yuebai stretched out her hand, watching the dust fly by between her fingers, the tear stains were still on her face, but her eyes became calmer.

Small buds stretch their leaves and grow.

"Against what? Compete with whom?"

Letting go of the last obsession in her heart, Jiang Yuebai unconsciously entered an indescribably mysterious state.

Like floating in the clouds, free with the wind.

Because of that female fairy, she first stepped on the road to immortality, and she aspired to become a spiritual cultivator just like her grandfather.

See Fuyi, shake the sky with his hands, practice the way of formation and want to worship at the door.

Appreciating Jiuchuan as a teacher is like a fish in water, and I will walk the Five Elements Road with him from now on.

There are also people from Wuwei Mountain who yearn for her to be at ease, but all of this will be attributed to one person in the end.

Figures flashed before Jiang Yuebai's eyes, then disappeared one after another, and finally returned to the original point.

Only the fairy in Tsing Yi was left, sitting on the sword with her belt fluttering.

"Little friend, are you going to compete with me?"

Jiang Yuebai stared fixedly at the female fairy, still not sure if she was Lu Xingyun, the founder of the Tianyan Sect, but her intuition told her that this was Lu Xingyun.

"Grandpa always said that I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, and always told me to be down-to-earth, don't be too high-spirited, and it is too difficult for me to compete with you at the moment. From the immortal cultivation panel you gave me, I realized one thing, that is to experience achievements and gains It’s crucial, even the tiniest bit, to keep me going.”

"Chasing in your footsteps, I won't get any sense of accomplishment for a long time. It's too difficult to persevere, and it's easy to give birth to frustration and powerlessness. Besides, as long as I go all the way up and surpass you, it's only a matter of time."

"There is also the lesson of Zhenjun Fuyi. After chasing you, I may suffer greater disappointment and blows, but there is one person that I will never be able to surpass, and who can give me enough motivation and please myself."

The female fairy raised her eyebrows and approached curiously, "Who is it?"

Jiang Yuebai calmed down and spoke slowly.

"Today's me is stronger than yesterday's, and inferior to tomorrow's."

The female fairy on the sword, with an unruly smile, is already Jiang Yuebai's face.

If you see yourself clearly, the world will shake!


At that time, Wen Miao finished drinking a jug of wine, with a hundred-foot-long scroll on her head, holding a knot in her hand, frowning and muttering.

"Ni Ni Ni, the whole article is filled with the word "Ni Ni", so that I almost don't recognize the word, huh?"

The heaven, earth, universe mirror flew out from the sleeve, and the strong wind turned into streamers of light that converged in the mirror.

Wen Miao was shocked when she realized that the aura on Tianxian Peak was being absorbed crazily.

"I just asked her to ask the demons a level during the small test of foundation building. How did she make such a big noise? What is this?!"

A grand and ethereal dao rhyme emerged from the mirror, leaving Wen Miao dumbfounded.

Wen Miao grabbed the long scroll on her head to stabilize her mind, "Although it's just a little bit, it's far from the realm of the unity of man and nature, but being able to touch this bit of sign is very valuable to her at this moment, and it will be of great benefit to her. Leave behind."

"Infused with such a strong aura... just help me, don't waste this gift from heaven and earth."

Wen Miao immediately sank her consciousness into the universe mirror, found the Xisui Pill and the Five Elements Lotus Platform, and injected them into Jiang Yuebai's body together.

Today's two chapters are more than 3,000 words, rounding up equals three more.

I will continue to code. If there is no update at 8:00 tomorrow morning, then I have not finished coding...

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