She Was Not As UGLY As You Thought

38 Apology Under A Snowfall

When Aliya entered the van, she saw Rishi trying to calm down Bhavna while she was shedding tears. In a glance she appeared in front of them and admonished Rishi saying

"How DARE you make her cry!"

Turning to Bhavna she asked

"Was he interrogating you?"

"Yes but.....

Before she could complete, Aliya stormed on Rishi

"I KNEW THIS! I was waiting for you to be free so that I could APOLOGIZE to YOU.

Pointing finger at Rishi she said

"You again messed up everything. Rishi if you had any questions regarding last night, you could have asked me. Why to threaten her?"

As Rishi had already lost his cool last night in spite of being in this climate, he stood up and leaned close towards Aliya to have an eye contact. He replied in his cold voice

"First of all, I wasn't petrifying her nor threatening her. Secondly, you have no rights in meddling in my affairs. And lastly, have some MANNERS to talk to your seniors."

As he completed his last sentence, he walked straight to the door and banged it. Aliya was about to turn to Bhavna, when the latter exclaimed

"What have you done Ms.Volcano! He was about to ask me about our yesterday's conversation but I started weeping in order to distract him. He was just giving me some tissues. Now run behind him to say sorry! Go!"

"You Ms.Innocent! Neither you know how to lie nor to hide a truth."

Saying this Aliya quickly got out of the van. When she turned to her right, she saw Rishi heading towards his car. She pursued him and yelled

"Rishi wait!"

When Rishi turned around and gave her a disgusted look, she corrected herself

"I mean, Sir please halt."

Rishi stopped and folded his hands.

"Why did you stopped me?"

"Sir, can you see me gasping for air? Don't you know how hard it is to run on such a thick cover of snow?"

"What do you mean?"

"Uhh! Let me breath!"

As Aliya took three deep breathes, she started

"Sir, I am sorry I misunderstood you. Bhavna 'opened my eyes'.......

As she was beginning to say, snowfall had started disrupting her. She looked up and found tender, small snow balls falling on her face. Before she could get lost in that moment Rishi woke her up saying

"You may continue, it is not a heavy one. But speak fast. You have to return to the sets."

"Yes.I have forgiven you for your past mistakes not because I am being sympathetic but even my heart felt a pain when you were explaining me everything"

The next disruption for Aliya was Rishi's charming smile which he hadn't shown it to anybody since years. He grinned as he heard her words. He was glad upon hearing that she could connect his heart. But Aliya suddenly warned him something that startled Rishi

"Stop smiling. It distracts me."

Realizing what she had uttered just now, Aliya bit her tongue and clenched her fists. When she saw Rishi's eyebrows raised on a next level she said

"I mean first let me complete. Then give your reactions, 'Sir'."

"Oh! Fine"

"I also apologize to you for what I had done yesterday. I know I shouldn't have ran away like that leaving you in that state. But I couldn't stop myself. I am not justifying it but what I mean is, I realized that that I wasn't doing correct by misbehaving with you and not forgetting some actions you did in your adolescence. So... I mean.... I... I couldn't face you after that.... I hope you are understanding what I mean to say."

"Hmmm... I understand. I have gone through such kind of emotions where you feel guilt of doing something wrong. So it is okay. But what I feel is you were not completely in fault. You didn't know what I had gone through.So your behaviour towards me was natural. Thanks to you that you finally agreed."

"And also, I thank you that you took an initiative to clear things out. Otherwise I would have held grudges against you."

"Mention not.... Ummm so?"


"You don't have anything else to say, do you?"

"Not at all. I am done. So I feel I should join the crew on set. Good Bye!"

"Yeah bye!"

Rishi had a slight disappointment on his face. He thought he was expecting too much from her. It was just the start. Now from here he has to work hard to he get a place in her heart.

While Aliya was returning on the set, dabbing off the soft snow settled on her head and coat. She thought that unlike her, it was not hard to convince Rishi. She sighed in relief that this burden was now finally off her shoulders.

"Madam, you have a call on Ms.Bhavna's phone."

When she looked at her right side, she saw the same spot boy holding her the phone and running back to the set. As she quickly predicted, it was Anushka calling






"Make them vomit everything they know. It shouldn't take much time."

"Okay Aliya."


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