The shoot was very tiring. The moment Bhavna had to take out her coats she started shivering. This shoot was important and at the same time most difficult for everyone. It was a huge responsibility. Bhavna was in the pressure to present the sarees of delicate patterns in the most gracious way possible.

Initially Aliya thought that shooting in a snowfall to present sarees was a dumb idea. But as she looked at the videos and photographs, she easily comprehended the idea behind the whole concept. The Kashmir valleys are globally famous among gallivanters. Kashmir has a humungous number of tourists during vacations exploring it gorgeous beauty. This place as a whole is a tourist destination and one can't choose specific spots from them to visit. Among these are the valleys, who are homes to many flower beds, residents and distilled lakes and rivers.

As Bhavna was flaunting the saree which was draped around her waist and shoulder, the intricate patterns on it were going well with the captivating background. The saree was magenta red in color which was complimenting well with the blue sky and white background. Although there was snowfall, it was not disrupting the frame. But it only added more beauty to it.

When Aliya was scrutinizing the photos, she couldn't find any hint that Bhavna was shivering or her whole body was trembling. It seemed that this divine soul had ascended from the heavens on 'the paradise of earth' - as quoted by the then Mughal emperor Shah Jahan. The white snow actually produced a glowing effect on her pure white skin. There was no need of any thermocol to do so.

This was the typical Indian style to represent dress designer's pieces.

After being satisfied that she has done a good job, Bhavna and Aliya returned to the van. Bhavna was getting ready to leave while Aliya was busy contacting travel agents. Bhavna had asked her to call a best travel agent in Kashmir so that they can explore this place as much as they can. As they had a day-off they decided to first leave for shopping and then do some adventures. But soon someone called in Bhavna's phone. When Aliya looked at it, it was Rishi's number.


"Is it Aliya?"


"Have you and Bhavna made any plans for today?"

"Yes. We are planning to go....

"Cancel it ASAP. I have texted you one address. Both of you reach there. Our company has already planned something."

"What is it?"

"A bonfire programme at night 8 PM onwards. It will be in our next location Sonamarg."


"Yes. It is summer so the temperature there will be from 20 to 25 degrees."

"Even at night?"

"Yes probably. Month of June is the warmest month of the year in this place. We have to reach today because there are chances of rainfall tomorrow night. And the bonfire plan, then it was because of you."


"Don't you remember? Just a few days ago you had shown me the plan to change work environment. It included some picnics and day-offs. So I decided to plan this as it will boost everyone's energy and they won't even feel lethargic in this climate."

"That's cool! We will join everybody after some shopping. Bye."



Seeing Aliya smiling, Bhavna asked

"Who was it?"

"Rishi Sir. We have to move to our next location, Sonamarg. There is a bonfire programme at night. But we have enough time and money to spend on our pending shopping. So we will be leaving now. Lets go."



The duo reached Sonamarg. The sun was descending by the time they reached. Even in that mere sunlight they could see the breathtaking view of vast expanse of this green land. Aliya could see the snow clad hills surrounding the whole plain. There was a range of pine trees in one side. The orange sunlight when hit the the peaks covered with snow, made an illusion as if the snow now turned into gold. When Aliya took deep breathes, she felt as if her lungs were not used to such pure air; air which was untouched by the pollution of the cities, smog and smoke from factories. As the sun was settling down, it threw some light on Aliya's face for a few moments. She closed her eyes and lived in that moment. It relaxed her mind and she let a smile visible on her face.

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