She Was Not As UGLY As You Thought

4 Her Encounter With Him

He was about to apologize while Aliya's anger burst immediately.

"Excuse me..... But Mr.?Mr.Whatever are you blind? Can't you see while walking. By your looks you seem to be a cultured person. Then how are you taking so much time to apologize. By the way do you know how much a plate of salad costs??"

"Mmmm.... Uhhh....."

"How will you know. You people know how to waste money on burgers. Do you know, after 15 mins I got this salad to eat because this was the only thing which was nutritious in our canteen. Even if you don't apologize I'll let you go. Just remember to be alert of things and people while walking."

The Man was dumbfounded. Not because he heard her lecture for 10 mins without interrupting her but because of her BEAUTY.

He had 'played' with many beauties but she was something else. She was someone..... someone whose beauty can mesmerize any male. Her dusky and glowing skin, her peacock-shaped eyes, her naturally pouted lips, her long and layered thick black hairs, her tall and perfect figure, her curves ..... Her everything.

This man was about to say "Wow" but he realized that this lady had gone mad after the collision.

" I am sorry for what I've done. I promise this will not be repeated. I can compensate the money for this salad."

He replied in an apologetic way.

"What!See Mr.Whatever, I'm not angry for the loss of my money but I'm fuming because of the loss of food. Also the lunch break is over now."

"I'm sorry. I hope you'll forgive me."

He replied with a cold-eyed look.

"Ya I forgive you. Now return back to your work."

What!! Return back to your work?? She is definitely not aware to whom she was talking or you can say whom she was scolding.

They both were about to part ways when Aliya turned back and asked him " Have we met before?"

"I hope so."

She didn't understood the meaning behind his 3 words.


In a corner, the receptionist Aisha was shocked to see Aliya having an argument with.... with... with...



'He is the one who dominates all the magazine companies in the country . He is 'the 1'for whom almost every model is ready to climb his bed. He is the one who guaranteed the future of the models he chose.

And Aliya was arguing for such silly reason with HIM? And why was he listening to her? Oh God! please save her from the outcome of what she did just now.'

Aisha's thoughts ended here before she led Rishi out of the office.

Luckily, except Aisha, no-one heard their conversation.




"Come in" said Aliya.

Aisha was standing near the door to talk to her or rather warn her.

"Oh,Aisha why are you still standing over there? Come, have a seat."

Aisha was not sure if Aliya knew Mr.Singhania or not. But still she asked

"That man with whom you were talking, do you know him?"

"No I don't know him. I thought he is an employee of our office. After scolding him I felt like I was exaggerating the situation too much. It was an accident..... Wait, isn't he from our office?"

Aliya doubted.

"Actually madam, he is not our employee. He is.... "

Aisha was now shocked to hear that Aliya didn't knew about him. She was about to tell when Aliya interrupted.

" Sooo who was he?"

Aliya realized that she should have not reacted like that in the previous accident.

"He... aahh.... He.. is the CEO of Fashion and the city."

As soon as she heard the name of that company, memories of day before yesterday flashed in her mind.

Her eyes first widened and then narrowed. She laughed mockingly.

"So he was the CEO of that shit place, ah? Actually for a fraction of a second I felt guilty but as soon as you said the name of the company I feel I have done right. That man deserves this. Hah! I feel like my heart is free. He got what he did. Bloody Mr.Whatever."

"Madam his name is not Mr.Whatever. His name is....."

"No need. I have nothing to do with his name. And Aisha it's my request to you not to remind me of that company again. Okay?"

"Uhh... Ya... mmm....Ya....ya... I.. I..promise I wont remind you ...." (but he will definitely remind you of his company)

"Better. Anything else."

"No, I'll take your leave now."



5 pm

Aliya was leaving the office after she met her boss to talk about her day. She drove her car to her home. After a tiring day ( especially after her fight) she felt she should have some rest. She refreshed and then cooked some food for herself. After having dinner, she set her phone on airplane mode and went to sleep.


Only if she hadn't put her phone on airplane mode, she could have got an idea what her next day would be like. ( twists or something like that)

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