The next day when Aliya woke up she recalled the whole incident which happened yesterday. She knew she had done too much. Actually she was tired because of the work before lunch break. She was experiencing her first day and wanted it to be a good memorable day. She had a lot of thoughts running in her mind. Moreover she was disappointed by the office's canteen menu. Due to these small reasons, she couldn't control her negative emotions and it all burst on that poor man.

'Wait. WHAT POOR?! He is the CEO of that company. In all aspects he is not a poor person. And the conditions which his company had put in front of me... Uhh.. This is how he became popular. I think God gave me the chance to give him an answer. Though indirectly, but he tasted his own medicine. HE WAS BEING UNJUST TO FEMALES. I BECAME UNJUST BY SCOLDING HIM TOO MUCH FOR A SMALL MISTAKE. IT'S TIT FOR TAT. SIMPLE.




"Sir, I'm sorry but you don't even know who she was. There are many females working in Viewer's Choice. How can I gather information about her."

Manager D'souza replied in low voice avoiding his CEO's eye contact.

"I don't know about this. You have to find everything about her. She appears to be anew model of that company. Also she had anger and tantrums like a model. I think she is a model. I know that company won't allow you to see CCTV footage but you can use other ways too."

"Okay sir. I'll enquire about her. But sir can you help me to make a sketch of her face?"

"Ya. But it see to it that it doesn't takes too much time. I've pending meetings"


After Rishi helped the sketch artist to draw the sketch he immediately left for his meeting.

When the manager took a look at it, he was shocked. He recognized that she was the same lady who gave interview in his office a few days ago.

'Defenitely this girl must have messed up with our boss. She has a lot of attitude. God knows how boss will answer to her silly attitude. I'm just eager to catch her and present her before Mr.Rishi. I wont inform him that she had come to our office before or else he'll ask her for the reason of rejection. And I dont want to mess with him. I just want Aliya to be insulted. '

D'souza giggled and left in search for Aliya.

D'souza deliberately came late in Aliya's workplace. He knew this was the time when the employees left office. So there was no chance that Aliya will see him. He then went to the guard near the office gate and asked him

"Brother,is the office closed now? I wanted to meet someone."

"Yes,the office is closed. But whom did you wanted to meet?"

"I wanted to meet the industrial psychologist of your office."

"She left the office few minutes ago. Should I call or leave a message for her?"

"No, no need. But she is Aliya Sharma, isn't she?"


"Thank you."

D'souza immediately passed on all the information to his boss. He claimed that he went in disguise and gathered information secretly. But the truth was that he alreadyknew everything about Aliya.



Aliya woke up and turned off the airplane mode of her phone. She immediately received 7 messages and 5 missed calls from her boss. As soon as she read the messages she was frightened. Her boss texted her to come as early as possible. She hastily got ready and left for the office.


She hurried to her boss's cabin. Her boss, Mr. Verma, was waiting for her impatiently. As soon as she entered the room, he offered her a seat.

" Aliya, I tried to contact you so many times. Where were you?"

"I'm so sorry. Actually I have a habit to turn my phone off before going to sleep. That's the reason I couldn't pick up your calls. But what's the matter sir? Have I done something wrong on my first day?"

"You were well on your first day. I'm happy. But Aliya before joining VIEWERS CHOICE did you gave interviews to other companies as well?

"Ya sir. I had given an interview to FASHION AND THE CITY. But I had rejected their offer later."

"May I know why?"

Aliya narrated the whole incident. Mr.Verma was confused. Seeing his state, Aliya asked him

"What's the matter sir?"

"If you had already rejected the job then why is the CEO of FASHION AND THE CITY claiming that youbelong to that office?"

Aliya was in shock. She had no idea what was going on. 'That CEO..... Is he taking a sort of revenge from me? I may apologize to him but why is he doing this? Doesn't he knows that I already rejected his offer? What is going on? And what if Mr.Verma finds about yesterday's incident? Oh God!! Save me!!!!'

Mr.Verma had to call her name 2-3 times before she replied.

"But sir I'm telling you the truth. You may ask the manager, Mr.D'souza."

"I know I can ask him. But before I could ask him, I came to know that the CEO has already fired him from his office."


"I dont know the exact reason. But Mr.D'souza had been a loyal employee for 6 years in FASHION AND THE CITY. Him getting fired by the CEO, he must have done something very ridiculous."

"I dont know anything about what's going on now. I don't belong to that company. And moreover the CEO has no right to do this. Its unethical."

"I know Aliya. But FASHION AND THE CITY is no ordinary company. It has global connections. Needless to say our company is obviously small compared to it. The CEOhad called me personally yesterday night. He just said that you belong to that company and told me to give you your termination letter and allow you to join his company. I felt like he was ordering me. As I had no knowledge about your previous interview, I kept quite but he had already cut the call. I had to clear the matter first with you and then speak to him."

"UNBELIEVABLE. How can he just order you? Hasn't he enquired about that interview and my rejection with his manager yet, who is now his former manager? Is he so dumb? I think that he is deliberately doing this. And if it's not so then he should enquire about the whole thing."

"I hope so Mr.Rishi is not that stupid enough to do such a thing."

"Who Mr.Rishi?"

"Come on Aliya. What a stupid question is this! Don't you know Mr.Rishi Singhania is the CEO of FASHION AND THE CITY!?"

Aliya was dumbfounded.

All silence.


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