Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 211: Dragon Rider Des Moss (on)

In the face of Zhang’s question, Lin Xin smiled lightly and said: “These two questions should not be a problem. Exorcism is over there, we can’t do anything anyway, we can only inform the Holy Moon, I believe. The boss has already done it. And the demon **** is coming against us. The boss just said that we let the demon **** know that we are going deep into the Mozu, he will definitely chase it, and the exorcism will be in danger. I judge, exorcism The probability of being directly attacked by the demon **** is no more than 30%. As for the second question, I think it is even more. First of all, the cooperation with us on the moonlight night is not once or twice. We were taken by Abao. The siege of the people, or her initiative to take hostages, gave us the opportunity to escape. Her fiancé Abao even killed her in order to kill the boss and deputy head. Can she not hate Abao? And they have I dismissed the marriage contract. Therefore, I feel that the possibility of a problem with the moon and night is very small. Moreover, you have thought about it. If the information of the moon and night is fake, how can she know the story of the Star Devil's Great Prophecy?"

Zhang Fang said: "This is hard to say. After all, we used to ask the Moonlight Chamber of Commerce to help find Yang Wenzhao and the memory of the memory. She should be able to guess."

Lin Xindao: "Well, then when the news from her is false, then, the demon **** can think that we will choose to go deep into the devil instead of breaking into the alliance after getting this kind of news? From the point of view, it is impossible for the demon **** to set up a bureau that allows us to escape. Therefore, I am almost certain that the news of the moon and night is not false."

After listening to Lin Xin’s explanation, Zhang Fangfang put a slight decapitation and said: “What you said makes sense. It may be that I am worried.”

Long Haochen smiled and said: "It's about the survival of the whole team, or be careful. The action of the devil is not so easy to hide. And now the demon gods will carry their demon pillars in the course of their actions. I stayed and looked at it from a distance. If there are no devils coming, it means that the news of the moon and night is problematic, and if a large number of devils do come here, it proves that the news of the moon and night is not false."

He is still very respectful of Zhang Fangfang. Zhang Fang is the oldest in the middle of the crowd. He is very old and he is very heavy. He usually speaks very little, but he can usually cut the key points.

However, in addition to Long Haochen, even Wang Yuanyuan, they did not agree with Zhang Fangfang's opinion. They have already suffered from the loss of others' finger pointing, Lin Xin refuted. Naturally, they will not help Zhang put what he said. And Long Haochen said that after watching the movement of the demon in the distance, Zhang Fangfang would no longer say anything. This is already a fairly safe approach.

"Let's go." Long Haochen glanced at the distant Mozu camp and issued an order for departure.

In order to be on the safe side, everyone replaced the big cloak of the Moon Mozu, took the konjac, and no longer flew. Under the leadership of Long Haochen, they went down the mountain outside the Yumo Mountain Range. The mental barrier of Long Haochen opened and they were all covered. Going quickly toward the 100-mile south of the Mozu camp.

After half an hour, they arrived at their destination and stopped at the lee of a hillside. In order to maintain the spiritual coverage, Long Hao was sitting on the ground in the morning, and other people sat around him, waiting quietly for news of the children.

Close the eyes. Long Haochen soon entered the state of being settled. In addition to maintaining the mental barrier, he urged his mental strength to be connected with a special force in the body. This power is the soul chain.

Two years of retreat, especially the deep meditation, made him have a deeper understanding of many of his abilities. These include the soul chain.

This epic gear links them seven people and combines their vitality. With enough mental support, Long Haochen felt that he could feel the position of his companion before he met with his friends.

But because the former partners have broken the soul chain, he can't try. Until everyone reunited, he confirmed the feasibility of this approach.

At this point, he is to perceive the position of the children, and through the connection of the soul chain, tell the children their exact position at this time. Of course, this can only be done by him unilaterally, unless the spirit of the child is strong enough, otherwise, it is impossible to manipulate the soul chain like him.

Long time, Long Haochen has already felt the location of the children. She has been moving at high speed, so that Long Haochen can't completely judge her specific position through the soul chain. He maintains a trace of the soul chain. It quickly connected the perception of the child, allowing her to feel the position of herself and her friends, and then broke the connection. Keeping the soul chain links for a long time, the mental energy consumption of Long Haochen is too great.

"Sakura, don't be nervous. Caier is going all out to find the trace of the demon god. Through the soul chain, I can really feel her specific position. So, now we will follow the direction I perceive. In this way, as long as she discovers the enemy, we can also do it in the shortest possible time."

Chen Yinger’s mood at this time is completely understandable. Her fiancé’s life and death is decided within two days. Can she not worry? For them, time is life. Can save Yang Wenzhao as soon as possible, they can go deeper into the inside of the Mozu.

Chen Yinger bites her lower lip. "Boss, don't be embarrassed. You can't put our team into it because of Wen Zhao. I believe he will never want to see such a situation. If things are not possible, we will withdraw."

Long Haochen slightly decapitated, "I have a measure. How is your physical recovery?"

Everyone said that there was no problem. There was a rest of time before the rest, and their cultivation has been almost restored. Even if the spirit is a little tired, it will never affect the state of combat.

"Go." After trying the effect of the soul chain, Long Haochen took the initiative to change the strategy and led the partners to follow the direction of the children. He only needs to determine the position of the children at regular intervals, and the direction can be smoothly followed.

Because the children started more than an hour before them, they went all out to fly, so there was almost a difference between them and two hundred miles. Therefore, although the children are constantly changing their direction to fly and explore, they can only look for a general direction.

Then, for exactly seven hours, everyone spent this continuous flight. They must not only keep up with the speed of picking, but also maintain their strength as much as possible. Every hour must stop and take a rest. For such a long flight, they have been at least seven hundred miles away from the exorcism.

At this time, the strength of the children was revealed. In the case of her constant search, the people still could not catch up with her speed, but they were pulled further and further.

The four wings were flush, and the dragon in the forefront suddenly stopped. Others stopped by him and looked at him with doubt.

Long Haochen Shen Sheng said: "Chen children stopped, she seems to have found something."

Listening to him saying this, the most exciting thing is Chen Yinger, who can't take care of the tiredness of a long time, and immediately said: "So let's look at the past?"

Long Haochen pointed to the bottom, solemnly said: "Let's go to rest first. Sakura, you must be calm. If you really find the enemy, you can't be impulsive. Otherwise, you can't save people, but you will fight against it. The effect. Let's take a break."

Long Haochen rarely talks to his friends so harshly. It is because Chen Yinger’s heart is already in chaos. If she is not allowed to wake up and wake up again, once she makes a mistake, it will probably affect the overall situation.

"Yeah." Chen Yinger promised, no more words, everyone fell together, looking for a hidden place to stop. Sit back and knees, start meditating, and restore your strength.

Long Haochen once again launched the connection between mental power and the soul chain, and conveyed their specific position to the children.

The child stopped in a position for a long time, about a quarter of an hour ago. When she acted again, the speed surged and she came to the dragon's side at full speed.

At this time, the children are nearly three hundred miles away from them. Even if they are flying all the way, they must come close to an hour to come over.

Long Yuchen interrupted the spiritual connection, condensed in the spirit, and absorbed the spiritual power consumed by the outside light element before it recovered. He is almost certain that the children must have found something. As the core of the team, he must restore his or her state to the best. But he did not tell his friends about his judgment, they need to maintain a calm and restore spiritual power.

Sure enough, less than an hour, the children have fallen from the sky, floating in front of everyone, and also awakened everyone in the cultivation.

At this time, the child's face looked slightly pale, and it continued to explore and search for more than eight hours. Her consumption was quite huge.

Long Haochen floated up and put a big returning Ling Dan into her mouth, and her right hand pressed her vest to inject her pure light elements into the children's body.

The spiritual power of the children is a very special attribute, full of explosive power, which can be called the killing attribute, which is completely brought about by the inheritance of death. Her spiritual power does not resist any other spiritual power, that is, the elements of any attribute can be absorbed into her own power.

With the help of Long Haochen, the smell of the children gradually calmed down. Chen Yinger, who was anxiously watching her, nodded. "Found, a demon with a large group of cattle and demon soldiers. I saw Yang Wenzhao and the memory of the escorted by them. The cattle and the demon soldiers conservatively estimated about 10,000. ”


Third, continue to work hard to find a monthly ticket, two days and eight more, the third is working hard. And is there wood that has the power to put our monthly ticket on top? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)


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