Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 211: Dragon Rider Des Moss Asmod (middle)

Chapter 211, Dragon Rider Des Moss Asmod (middle)

"Can you tell which demon god?" Long Yingchen stopped the excitement and almost jumped up, Chen Yinger, gave her a gesture of pressing down. ""% net Chen Yinger spit out his tongue, this is quiet and did not ask.

When I heard the question of Long Haochen, the face of the child’s face suddenly became a lot of condensation. “It’s the dragon riding the **** Asmode.”

Chen Yinger, who was very excited before the moment, listened to the words of Caier, and immediately took a breath of cold, and her face became pale. Other people's faces are not good-looking, they are in big trouble this time.

As the leader of the younger generation of the Great Temples, they are naturally familiar with the Devil's 72-column demon.

The Dragon Rider Des Moss, the Mozu 72 column devil is ranked 32nd. The Devil's Devil's ranking is based on comprehensive strength. Although Asmoud is ranked 32nd, his combat strength is the most powerful of the devils after the 24th.

Asmode did not have as many insights as the insight of the goddess Croce. But his strong frontal combat power is very famous among the Mozu. At least 200,000 spirits, and have their own field.

Asmode has three heads, the head of the bull, the head of the head, the head of the ram, the tail of a snake, the mount of hell, and the weapon is a long gun with a flag.

The head of the bulls attacked, the ram head defended, and the head of the master wisdom. He has an extremely balanced ability. I don't know how many human powers have suffered a lot in his hands.

Yang Wenzhao and the memory of their two hunters have met the dragon riding **** Asmode, and it is no wonder that the whole army will be wiped out.

Long Haochen pulled some cold hands and said: "Very good, we have to arrange the accurate news. You are resting now."

"Yeah." Caier nodded, not much to say, rushed to sit next to it and immediately entered the state of meditation.

Long Haochen indicated that everyone was sitting down, and he was sitting next to the children. Shen Sheng said: "The dragon riding **** Asmod is a powerful demon, and it is difficult to kill him with our current strength. The devil's ability to attack and defend is quite strong, and his mount strength is close to the level of the 10th level of Warcraft. Moreover, we can't reveal the identity now, so we can't join the battle to help us. Now let's develop the following tactics. ”

As he said, Long Haochen picked up a branch from the side and began to draw on the land, while drawing and explaining. Others listened to his arrangement and nodded again and again.

"Everyone remembers that our goal is to save people, remember that we can't fight, save Yang Wenzhao and after the memory, you immediately concentrate. There is a dragon riding **** Asmod, we want to get away is not easy, if it is really impossible To get away, I have to use the Aion to transmit. My transmission capacity can be about 10 to 15 meters in diameter. Therefore, you must gather as much as possible while you are close to me. Do you understand?"

Everyone nodded, only Chen Yinger hesitated: "Boss, but this is the case, you..."

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: "How? Can you believe me?"

Chen Yinger shook her head vigorously, clenched her fists, did not say anything, Da En did not thank, Long Haochen and her friends gave her the dedication, she was deeply in mind.

The 10,000-strong army has swiftly ran in the wilderness. This 10,000 demon family is all cattle and demon heavy infantry.

The cow demon is also a big family in the Mozu. Unfortunately, they do not have the blood of the devil. Therefore, although the family is quite strong, the position in the Mozu is far from being able to be with the Xiong Mo, the Hell Mozu and the like. compared to. Of course, they are much stronger than the two-knife, the wolf, and the like.

The army of the bulls and the devils mainly fought against the temple of the soul at the beast of the beasts. In front of this, the 10,000-know heavy infantry was temporarily drawn from the side of the dragon-riding demon Asmode. Support the exorcism off.

The exorcism gate suddenly killed two demon gods, the love **** Sidi injured, coupled with the constant harassment and sneak attack of the Assassin Temple, the original absolute advantage suddenly became a very unfavorable situation. The dragon riding demon Asmode received the command of the demon **** to go to the exorcism to strengthen the reinforcements. On the other side of the beast, although the battle is fierce, the summoned beast of the Soul Temple is too difficult to deal with, and there will be no progress in one time. The cow demon has no blood of the demon god. For the owner of the cow head, Asmode has always been very close. After seeing the demon god, he immediately proposed to support some troops and let Asmode move.

The cow demons are all tall and strong, although they are not as strong as the bears, but their height is also two meters away. The upper body has thick bronze muscles, the back is especially wide, and the pieces are like the muscles of the shovel. It looks tremble. There are double horns on the head, and once it collides, even a steel plate that is half a foot thick can be worn. The most common cow demon warriors are fourth-order powerhouses. The patriarchs of their family are even more up to eighth.

Like most of the Mozu, the Warrior weapons of the Niu Mozu are also uneven, but most of them like to use heavy weapons such as axes and hammers.

The dragon riding **** Asmod is still very easy to identify among this group of cattle and heavy infantry. Although the cow demon is strong, but compared with the dragon riding demon god, it is a small witch.

Asmode is also wearing the upper body, and the **** is wearing dark blue shorts. Dark skin. The height reached an amazing three meters away. The three sides of the neck stand side by side, the center is the human head, and the left and right sides are the head of the bull and the head of the ram. The dark muscles exude a metallic luster, and the majestic body is like a mountain standing in the army.

Crossing the **** dragon is more than fifteen meters long, and the bone dragon is a bit like, but the bones are not as thick as the bone dragons, but the whole body is rising with a dark flame. Inside the eyelids, the deep purple **** fire beats. The surrounding cows are at least 20 meters away from it. Otherwise, it will be baked by the fire of hell.

The cows have always been running forward, and this way forward has lasted for ten days. The biggest characteristic of the cow demon is the endurance is super strong, almost the most powerful of all the same class of the Mozu. Good at long distances. Even weight-bearing.

Not far from the back of Asmode, there are eight cows pulling a prisoner. The prison car is a huge iron cage with four skeletons below. Two people were imprisoned inside, their hands were locked, and their heads were stuck outside the iron cage. The face is unkempt, the body is full of blood, and I can't see the face at all. Only occasional physical convulsions prove that they are still alive.

If it wasn't for Asmoud that they still had the value of using them, they would have been killed. However, these two human injuries are serious and not far from death. If it wasn't for these days, Asmode would give orders to the devils, and they must let them live, I am afraid they could not hold on. Every day, relying on some liquid food to maintain life.

Asmode, who was riding on the back of the hell, looked up and looked at the sky. His three heads had three kinds of thoughts, just a common body.

The bull's head is very impatient. "It's too slow to go so far. I knew I wouldn't bring these burdocks."

The ram snorted and said: "Isn't it that you have to have face to let these cows follow us? If we just went on our own, we have already arrived. Not only with so many cows, but also those two I am dragged."

The central person’s head is cold and cold: "You two are quiet, do you need me to explain it to you again? These two human beings are all hunters, and they are still the head of the hunter. With their The age can have this kind of cultivation, and it is by no means a nameless person among human beings. If their lives can be exchanged for a demon god, we are a great achievement."

Listening to the first person, the head and the head of the sheep are honest at once.

The brows were slightly wrinkled, saying: "There are still three days, we can reach the destination." Just said here, the head of this fortitude face suddenly turned to look in one direction, his eyes suddenly condensed.

Just on the hillside where their brigade passed, a series of roaring sounds, a large number of Warcraft rushed down the hillside and went straight to the army of the demon.

The cow demon is also a family of good warfare. It does not need Asmode to command, and has already greeted the screaming.

The number of Warcraft down the hillside is really quite a lot. Although there are some weak ones in these Warcraft, most of them are also above the fourth level, and there are several eight or nine levels of Warcraft.

In the middle of these World of Warcraft, sitting on a huge evil eye with a diameter of more than one meter, four long tentacles waving, layer by layer of spiritual fluctuations constantly spread from its huge one-eyed, those Warcraft seems to have received it The general commander is advancing and retreating, and it is shocked together with the army of the bulls.

"嗡 -" A layer of strong twisted ripples fanned down to the cattle demon heavy cavalry.

Under the influence of this twisted ripple, the large piece of the cow demon body was stiff and was caught in the chaos after being hit by the later bulls.

Hundreds of World of Warcraft, which had already rushed down the mountain, immediately launched a crazy attack with their instincts.

The evil eye lord still sits in the middle of the town, one after another, the spirit of the magic, issued to stimulate their own World of Warcraft, and at the same time interfere with the cattle and the demon army with a spiritual impact, for a time, in the number of absolutely inferior, they actually killed the cattle and demon people. And the subsequent Warcraft continues to rush out from the hillside.

However, this 10,000-magic army must be the regular army of the Mozu. After a brief chaos, it will stabilize its position and maintain a good formation and Warcraft. A Warcraft is gradually being killed under their encirclement, and the Cow Devils are constantly injurious. The air gradually drifted into a strong **** smell.


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