Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 211: Dragon Rider Des Moss (below)


The gaze of the dragon riding **** Asmod did not pay attention to the battlefield, but looked at the top of the hillside. These Warcraft came too suddenly. In this place, how could you live so many Warcraft? And the racial gap is so big that it works together. There is only one possibility, the human summoner.

At this time, the total amount of Warcraft washed down from the top of the mountain has exceeded 500, bringing a lot of damage to the cattle and the demon army, Asmode is to judge the total number of summoners on the hillside. He is not in a hurry to shoot, but with these summons of Warcraft, it is not enough to break through the formation of the Bull Demon army.

In the sharp scream of “吱”, the colorless twisted ripples broke out again. This time, the huge monologue of the evil eye lord turned into a blood red.

As the owner of spiritual magic, this moment, the attacking power of the evil eye broke out.

I saw the place where the twisted ripples passed, and it was the most dense area of ​​the cow. The bulls who were affected by this twisted ripple were almost sluggish, but this time they did not recover from the mental shock as before. The next moment, a series of buzz. The blood is collapsing.

The cows and demons who were twisted in the ripples all died and died. Only this time, at least more than 300 cows are instantly annihilated, and they have won some time for those who have been besieged by the demon. Some of the powerful World of Warcraft immediately made a big move, and it was hard to break the gap between the bull and the army.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, only a few minutes before and after the work, the cattle and demons lost almost one-tenth. However, there are more than 500 wars that have been washed down from the mountains.

After launching a powerful blow, the evil eye lord also looked very weak. Four long tentacles were pumped on the ground, and the body flew down and went straight to the top of the mountain.

"Want to go?" The dragon riding the **** Asmod snorted, and the huge rifle in the right hand pointed in the direction of the evil eye lord. I saw that in the flag of the front end of the rifle, a black light shot out. In the air, a black skull with a diameter of one meter flies straight in the direction of the evil eye lord.

Other World of Warcraft is fighting in the battle. This evil eye has commanded the battle from the beginning to retreat at this time. Obviously it is not an ordinary summoning of Warcraft. In Asmode’s opinion, this should be a powerful summoner’s life. That's right. This kind of spiritual World of Warcraft even he felt very annoying, naturally does not intend to let this evil eye lord live back.

Seeing, the black cockroach is about to catch up with the evil eye lord. Suddenly, a golden light is shot from the hillside, pulled on the evil eye, and awkwardly, the evil eye suddenly accelerates, and the black **** is squatted behind. The next moment, a whole body shining with the red and the red light and shadow suddenly blocked in the black must-have road.

The orange-red ray flashed, and the black cockroach smashed, turning into black air and dissipating in the air. A knight with a golden helmet was suddenly there.

Under the sire of the knight, it is a stellar unicorn of the gods, the wings are unfolding, and the whole body exudes a holy light. Before the black shackles were blocked, it was the shield of the Cavaliers.

In addition to the summoner and the knight? There was a sneer at the corner of the head of the central city of Asmode. The next step is the Hell Dragon. The Hell Dragon has a pair of black flames. The head of the bull, the head of the head, and the head of the ram are all emitting the same black flame as the Hell Dragon. The long gun in the hand refers to the knight of the fine gold base in the distance.

In a sense, Asmode can be regarded as the knight of the Mozu. Seeing a human knight, the war in the chest can't help but burn. Among Ming's erroneous words, he is a bit like the mad **** Devil, and he is an absolute admirer of individual heroism. The more you face a strong enemy, the stronger the war will be.

The right hand was shot on the back of the Hell Dragon, and the dragon riding the **** Asmod rose up. The tall body stood on the back of the **** with a flag gun that was five meters long. Gazing at the opposite dragon in the morning.

The thick black flame bursts from him and the **** dragon, as if to burn the sky. A wild cicada sounded in the hell's mouth, and it was already rushing toward the knight of the fine gold pedestal riding the starry unicorn.

There is no doubt that the gold pedestal knight who appeared here at this time is naturally the head of the light hunter demon hunter, Long Haochen.

The previous animal tide was naturally completed by Chen Yinger alone. With the door of 18 creatures, more than 500 World of Warcraft were summoned. The horror of the high-level summoner is undoubted. You must know that in her more than 500 Warcraft, there are more than a dozen of the nine-level Warcraft equivalent to the human eighth-order powerhouse. The cattle and the demon army wants to destroy them all, and their own consumption is absolutely Not less. To a large extent, it dragged the army of the Mozu.

Chen Yinger, who has completed the call of the door of the soul, is restoring her mental strength, and don't forget, she also has McDull! It can be said that in the past two years, in the morning of the light, the biggest growth is not Long Haochen, but Chen Yinger. From the role of the team to the present, she is demonstrating to all partners with her own strength, she will be an indispensable part of the team. The left hand of the sun and the moon, the goddess of the shield, the right hand of the goddess of light, aria. Opposite to Asmode's powerful air-powered machine locked on him, Long Hao morning raised his hand in the epee, the whole body shines with dazzling golden brilliance. The light element in the air is moving in his direction at an alarming rate. On the trench of the fine gold pedestal, a strong golden flame emerged, and the clear flame was filled with the incomparable pure light. Star King's wings flapped, and went straight to the size of the Hell Dragon, which was several times his own.

The dragon riding the **** Asmod in front of the flag gun pointed, accompanied by a burst of his drink, a fierce black flame spewed out from the tip of the gun, turned into a dragon head in the air, went straight to the dragon and the morning bombardment. Compared with the previous attack on evil eyes, this blow is obviously much stronger. At the same time as the attack started, the sky behind Asmode had become dark.

At this moment, a golden light was separated from the back of Long Haochen, and then a milky white light beam emerged from the back of Long Haochen and went straight to Asmode.

Black and white form a sharp contrast in the air. Asmode’s flag was shot horizontally, and the black flame dragon deflected a few points in the first place, just biting in the white light. However, the dragon riding the devil was surprised that the white light column actually went straight along the dragon's head without any hindrance, and the next moment fell on him. A strange feeling spread throughout Asmoud's body, and the opposite knight seemed to become his life and death enemies at this moment, killing him as the only thought in Asmoud's heart.

That's right, the white light is not an attack at all, but an evolutionary version of the St. Spiritual Furnace released by Yating.

The St. Primitive Furnace can draw the enemy's attention and make itself the enemy's first target, but it does not affect the enemy's attack power. At the same time that the St. Clairman was on Asmode, the black flame dragon he had previously released had already reached the front of Long Haochen.

The sun and the moon are shielded in front of the body, and the gods block.

"Boom one by one"

Long Haochen is deliberately relying on his own hard power to harden his opponent's attack, because he wants to know the extent to which Asmide's true strength has reached.

When the black dragon first hit the moment on the sun and the moon, the dragon dragon couldn't help but **** a cold breath.

Asmode’s blow is filled with strong dark spiritual power. After the almost viscous dark elements hit the sun and the moon, they are like the bones of the skeleton. The body is spreading. Not only that, but the impact of horror directly stabilized the body shape with the Dragon King bombardment and the Star King retreating in the air for more than ten meters.

God's imperial block is the most practical and important skill of the Cavaliers. As long as it is used properly, it can withstand the attack of the enemy's multiple strength. And if there is a strong shield, then the power of the gods can be upgraded again.

Undoubtedly, the whole temple alliance may not be able to find a better shield than the sun and the moon, and the dragon's own understanding of the god's squad is even more so. Even so, he could not completely destroy the power of the enemy.

The violent impact force makes the Sun and Moon Shields and Shields emit their own power, and Long Haochen only feels that his body has fallen. Fortunately, his hands are the sacred shield of the sun and the moon, and he is naturally capable of restraining the dark spiritual power. This did not let the black flame dragon's corrosion spread and was washed by the light. But this is a tentative collision. Long Hao "" "" in the morning judged that the opponent's strength is far above himself.

St. Spiritual Furnace can effectively limit opponents when the strength of the two sides is similar, but if the strength of the two sides is different, it will become a reminder!

A hit and retreat to the dragon, the dragon dragon riding the demon **** Asmode's **** dragon is also an instant acceleration, almost chasing the dragon back to the morning, he has arrived. In the hands of the flag guns roll, went straight to the dragon on the back of the star king to sweep away.

On top of his gun, accompanied by a fierce black electric light, if you look at it from a distance, then Long Haochen is just a small group of golden light, and the dragon riding **** Asmod is like a dark cloud. Going to him.

At this time, Long Haochen made a decision that Asmode did not expect. The orange-red light converges, and he actually puts his own defensive power of the sun and the moon. Change the hands of the goddess of light to the aria. In the face of a sweep of Asmode, the epee in his hand made an upward movement from obliquely below.

court death! Asmode’s heart snorted, and a slap in the mouth of the cow’s head on the right side of the neck made the flag gun more powerful. Even if there is a mountain in front of him, he will sweep his waist.


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