Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 212: Colorful Excalibur (on)

The twenty-second chapter of the colorful sword (on)

In the distance, the morning light of light hidden in the darkness, people can't help but want to rush out, but they are stopped by the children. "Trust him, he can do it."

"Oh--" The crisp crash sounded, making everyone feel incredible scenes.

In the face of a strong sweep of Asmode, Long Haochen actually gave up the sun and moon sacred shield, only to greet the enemy with the sigh of the goddess of light. What is shocking is that when the epee collided with the flag gun, Asmoud’s flag gun was picked up by Long Haochen.

Yes, it may be impossible for everyone to see it.

Asmod's flag gun was picked up by the goddess of light, as if he had found another way forward, swept over the top of the dragon's head. At this time, Long Hao morning was launched.

What he used was a most common entry skill for disciplining knights, spurs.

The golden light is swallowed, and the orange-red smashed light blade is both spit.

Asmode’s left fist slammed and slammed the dragon’s head and the ram’s head slammed. It was a bang.

Asmode, who stood on the back of the hell, actually swayed. If someone could watch it at close range, he would find that there was a wound on his left fist.

Long Haochen’s pick and thorn can only be described as wonderful. After the blow, he did not stop, and the four wings of the back rushed out instantly. He seemed to no longer intend to hide his identity. The body flew out and the star king was taken back.

"Asmod, dare to compete with me for martial arts?"

Asmodewan did not expect this strength to be significantly worse than his opponent could actually hurt his body. Just the attack of Long Haochen, the most important one is picking it up. What he picked was the most difficult position on the Asmode flag, and the weakest point. There was no hard touch, but a simple borrowing force that changed the attack route of Asmode. And made him open the door. This can be done in the case of a disparity between the two sides. Long Haochen can already be said to be at its peak in the application of skills.

However, the difference between him and Asmode is too big, so that after the first sword is picked out, the second sword can't use the sword. Otherwise, the thorn will definitely threaten to a greater extent. Smoud.

"Don't dare to provoke the seat. Look for death." Asmode screamed, his toes on the back of the **** dragon, lightning chasing the dragon morning. At the same time of flying out, a strange scene appeared. Before it was the **** of his mount, the huge body was instantly decomposed, turning into a piece of bone and falling on the steel male body of Asmode, and he was instantly The body is completely covered, the strong black flame bursts in an instant, and other attribute elements in the air except the dark elements are driven wildly.

Although the dragon riding the **** Asmod is angry, he will never look down on his opponent. Long Haochen can hurt him and he has already caused his vigilance. He naturally can see that the bright goddess aria in the hands of Long Haochen is not an ordinary weapon. It is not a wise choice to slap with this epic epee.

Hell dragons and phlegm, this is similar to the fusion of Haoyue and Longchenchen, but it is still a little worse at the level. The fusion between Haoyue and Longchenchen is a kind of **** fit, and Hell Dragon and Ah Smoud, but only a simple armor cover, this is essentially different. However, even so, the coverage of the dragon dragon armor of Aswand, the dragon riding demon, is also a fierce increase. A huge pair of bone **** slammed behind it, almost instantly catching up with Long Haochen. In the hands of the flag gun in the air, 10,000 points of black mans, straight to the body of Long Haochen covered. Even more frightening is that in his flag-gun attack, there are countless black crickets that rush from the flag, covering a larger area. Look at that, just a moment will be swallowed up by the dragon.

Jin Mang’s swallowing, in the face of such chasing, Long Haochen is no longer retreating. He still holds the goddess of light and sighs in his hands. In an instant, his whole person is covered by a layer of golden streamer, giving him the feeling that he is no longer It is a person, but a mere sword.

The fierce swordsmanship broke out in an instant, and the dragons in the morning of the dragon screamed with dazzling golden light, and the body seemed to be swaying in the guns.

"叮, 叮, 叮, 叮, 叮..." In a series of crisp collisions, I saw a group of golden light covered in a huge black awn, seemingly struggling left and right, but that black mans But it is not close to him.

The goddess of light aria is used by Long Haochen in a very small range. The tip of the sword constantly changes direction, and every time it is provoked, it is all by force. It never touches the dragon riding **** Asmod. Aspen Maud’s flag gun was constantly being picked aside. As for the black hoes, they were directly purified by the golden flame that appeared on Long Haochen.

Asmode’s eyes sparkled with horror, and he never imagined that this seemingly powerful opponent had such superb skills. With his strength, there was a strong feeling that he could not make it when attacking Long Haochen. Every sword of Long Haochen is chosen to be the most vulnerable place of his attack, so that the flag gun is naturally changed direction and can not really exert its attack power.

One or two times can be said to be a coincidence. But in the case of his coverage attack, but in the absence of a shot that can really touch the dragon and the morning, how can it be a coincidence? As if in the invisible dragon, there is another eye in the morning, which can instantly capture all his weaknesses.

In fact, even the friends of Long Haochen do not know that Long Haochen’s strongest ability is not an attack, but a defense. Although he is a disciplinary guardian and guardian of the Knights, he must not forget what he chose when his father asked him to choose.

In the past two years, Long Haochen has hardly cultivated the skills of the disciplinary knight. All the elective skills are guardian knight skills. At this time, although he is using the sword against the enemy, in fact, he is purely in defense.

At that time, when he was still in the town of Odin, Long Xiaochen followed his father to practice. His first lesson was faced with the horrible ants who were so terrible to him at that time, facing thousands of ants every day. The ants, he can only rely on the bamboo sword in his hand, can not block the attack of the ants, that is, extremely intense pain. At that time, Long Haochen began to practice defense techniques.

Before Long Xingyu left, his skills have already achieved something. Without the use of spiritual power, even Long Xingyu could not break into the defense of Long Haochen. Should this sword defense skill be a disciplinary knight skill or a guardian knight skill? In the heart of Long Haochen, he was summed up as the guardian of the knight.

Over the years, with the continuous improvement of strength and a deeper understanding of martial arts, coupled with the tempering in the Aion, Long Haochen's own martial arts are gradually becoming more successful. It is absolutely impossible to defeat the dragon riding **** Asmode in his current cultivation. But if it's just a case of martial arts, it is not that easy for Asmode to force people.

With the lessons of the past, Asmode did not even dare to attack all the forces. He had already felt before the attack of Long Haochen. Once he showed flaws, he would face the attack of the dragon and the sword.

Of course, there are many ways for Asmode to curb the performance of Long Haochen's martial arts. However, as a demon who focuses on individual combat effectiveness, how can he not see the huntering of an opponent like Long Haochen? For a time, he was reluctant to use the more powerful ability to quickly destroy Long Haochen, but only to use martial arts to compete with Long Haochen.

The black and gold battles in the air are in full swing, but no one can tell the other. Long Haochen relied on his own efforts to contain Asmode. And this is the most important part of his entire plan. Only if he restrains the dragon riding the demon, his partners can smoothly carry out other plans.

Of course, Long Haochen is not showing his full strength. He also has a card. Asmode is the 32nd demon. Once he uses more powerful ability, Long Haochen naturally needs to keep some Strength to deal with. At this point he has already shown the four wings, and he has no plans to hide his identity. The demon **** predicted that he would come to the vicinity of the exorcism through the star devil, Washak, and he came. He even intends to use the mouth of Asmode to sue the devil's own movements, thus lifting the danger of exorcism. This is all in his overall plan.

Long Haochen here is in full swing with the dragon riding demon **** Asmode, and the other side of the Warcraft army also reached the last moment.

More than five hundred World of Warcraft, the final remaining only thirty, but all are more than seven levels of Warcraft, under their left and right, the Bull Demon is also a heavy loss.

However, the cattle and the devils are quite aggressive both in attack and defense. The so-called ants are more likely to bite to death, and they are not afraid of death attacks, and are constantly reducing the number of these Warcraft.

It was at this time that the change suddenly appeared. From the last few World of Warcraft, suddenly turned out a few people, the first one, holding a blood red epee, screamed, rushed out, the epee in the hand flashed, several huge golden rays broke through the air The body of the book, the devil, is like a sharp knife and rushes into the camp of the Mozu.

Not only that, but two more sturdy figures broke out on his left and right sides, with silver on the left and golden light on the right. The silvery light swayed, whether it was the weapon in the hands of the cows or their powerful body, as long as they were in contact with the silvery light, they would be split into pieces in an instant. At the same time, there is a more huge silver light flying with a piercing "squeaky" sound, sweeping the bulls down.


The four more outbreaks began, the first more.



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