Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 212: Colorful Excalibur (middle)

The twenty-second chapter of the colorful sword (middle)

The other side of the scene is even more sturdy. The golden light is a huge metal ball, and the metal ball passes through it like a thunderous roar. No cows and monsters can be close to each other, and they are immediately smashed into powder.

In addition to these three people, there is also a magician who is proud to be behind, waving in his hand. As soon as he comes up, there are twelve bursting fireballs flying around, exploding among the most dense cattle and demons.

The blue fireballs are like blue ghosts. Even if they are only contaminated with the last ignition star, they will instantly melt the bones. Once they are affected by their explosive power, they will instantly become coke.

Behind the magician, there is a knight, a left-handed heavy shield, and a right-handed epee to protect the rear. A group of five people inserted into the enemy line at an alarming speed and went straight to the direction of the central prisoner.

Their appearance is too sudden, and the attacking power is too strong, especially the magician. His attack coverage is very large. Every explosion of a fireball can cause dozens of cows. The damage was violently bombarded by him, and it was a blast. The cattle and demon army was caught in a chaos.

Undoubtedly, these five people are the opening Han Yu, the left and right wings of Wang Yuanyuan and Sima Xian, Lin Xin, who is in the center, and Zhang Fangfang after the break.

Just as the five of them appeared strong, a loud dragon screamed suddenly, and then a black dragon turned out and went straight to the army of the bulls. In the air, the head of the black dragon mouth, which is more than ten meters long, erupted in a breath, just a sweep, that is, hundreds of cows and devils were eroded into water, disappearing. On the back of this black dragon, sitting on a girl. The girl's body shines with a strong twisting brilliance. If you look closely, you can see that the twisted light is turning into a layer of black dragons that fit underneath.

Against the sky!

If Han Yu’s rushing is not enough to disturb the bulls’ army, it’s just a bit confusing. Then, along with the emergence of this anti-day demon dragon, and attacking the bull demon army, it suddenly broke the army of the bull demon army. For a time, the bulls and the army did not even know whether it was the battle or the flight. In this case, the people of the Light Morning Hunting Devils are almost long-distance, and the target is directed at the prisoner.

Of course, there is no wise man in the army of the cattle and the demon. Guarding a few tall and powerful bulls and devils beside the van watched the enemy approaching the enemy at an alarming rate. One of the bulls and strongmen immediately screamed, grabbed the iron cage of the van, and turned over to the prisoner.

Seeing the enemy looks like two prisoners, and these human beings are quite powerful. They must be prepared to kill the prisoners when they attack.

The faint gray light flashed, but the cow who had just jumped into the prisoner from the left shoulder to the right waist was slanted and slashed, and the two bodies were dropped directly into the car.

A figure of the figure also appeared on the prisoner. Black long skirt, black sickle. Sen cold's murderous fluttering out, the huge sickle in his hand swept, guarding the fate of the prisoner's book, the cow demon was instantly killed.

Although the overall strength of this bull demon army is good, but there is no particularly outstanding strong, in addition to the dragon riding the **** Asmode, the strongest demon is the strength of the sixth and seventh. How can such a cow demon bring trouble to the children?

In Long Haochen's plan, he attracted Asmode as the first step, and then the partners' storms. After all, with the help of one child, although it is close to the prisoner, it is very difficult to bring the two men out of this army. Yang Wenzhao and the memory of the memory have been arrested for so many days, and the physical condition can be imagined. Can not afford to bump, they come to rescue nature must first ensure the safety of these two people. The task of the children is to ensure that the memory and Yang Wenzhao will not be hurt again before everyone rushes to the prison.

Taking advantage of the other cows around, they haven't rushed over. The death slashes and waves, the steel cage in front of it is like tofu, and it is directly cut into pieces, but there is no harm to Yang Wenzhao and the memory.

The two of them had already fallen into a semi-conscious state, lost the support of the cage, and suddenly fell on the prisoner.

The children rushed forward, and they inserted a medicinal herb given by Lin Xin in their mouths, letting them lie on their backs. The medicinal herbs naturally liquefed into the body.

The appearance of the anti-day demon dragon shocked the cattle and the army so much that he saved Yang Wenzhao and the memory of the memory, but not many cows attacked her.

Undoubtedly, the anti-day demon dragon is the McDull. Although Chen Yinger used to display the door of life through the stack of time, she has the support of the soul sacred clothes, and the combat power is still there. The anti-day demon dragon that McDull is now incarnate is no longer a display. With the enormous spiritual support of the soul sacred garment, it not only does not need to swallow the magic crystal, but also can maintain the strength of the nine-order Warcraft for a period of time in the support of the soul sacred clothes. Flying in the air, I quickly came to the location of the children.

Picking one hand grabbed one, and set off, with Yang Wenzhao and the memory of the fall on the back of the McDull, against the sky, the dragon slaps the wings and flies. At the same time, it was a breath, and this time it was back. Help Han Yu to sweep an enemy over them.

Han Yu and the five people also spurred the spirit wing to fly and merged here.

The Niu Mozu is not a race that can fly, plus the shackles of the Devils, their actions are very smooth, and they quickly converge in the air.

The movement here has naturally attracted the attention of the dragon riding **** Asmoor.

From the five men of Han Yu, to the rescue of the children, the sky dragons vacated. There is only one minute before and after.

Asmod was originally playing with Long Haochen, and he was even more reluctant to output more spiritual power. Because he is not eager to kill Long Haochen. In the process of hard work with the dragon martial arts, he consciously benefited a lot. The use of Long Haochen's skills on the fire has given him considerable inspiration. So that until the breath of the demon dragon appeared there, he was shocked.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain and be fooled. Asmode made the right judgment at the first time. I don’t care about it and I’m entangled with Long Haochen. With a roar, the flag gun suddenly condensed in the air, and then a huge black flame burst out from the flag gun, turning into a huge fire column with a diameter of more than five meters and went straight to the dragon and the morning bombardment.

With the role of the St. Spiritual Furnace, he had to kill the dragon to deal with the situation on the other side.

The horrible black flame gives a feeling of near-viscosity. In the meantime, Long Haochen only feels that he has entered a dark world without light.

The feeling of suffocation even made him feel the pain when he was suppressed by the demon **** Samikina. This blow is obviously the one that Asmode has already prepared, specifically for the skills of Long Haochen. How can your martial arts be more brilliant and suppressed under absolute spiritual power? This is a practice of reducing the benefits of the 10th.

After launching this attack, Asmode almost turned around and flew toward the army.

The appearance of the demon dragon is also great for him, but it is the tribe of the demon god! Is there a rebellious demon dragon betrayed the devil of the devil? He has to get it clear.

However, just when he thought that Long Haochen would not be killed under his own attack, he would be seriously injured and could not maintain the Holy Spiriting Furnace. Behind it came the sound of Long Hao Chen Qing Lang.

"Where do you want to go? Your opponent is me."

“Well?” The attraction of the St. Pleasant Furnace did not disappear. Asmode was pulled by the air and re-turned almost instantly. He was surprised to see that two huge black flames were swept away in the distance, and Long Haochen was still in his former position, but the sword in his hand had changed.

The bright goddess aria that unlocks the seal is an orange-red epic gear, but at this moment, it has turned into a colorful gold.

Artifacts are not necessarily all seven colors, but seven colors must be artifacts. This has been proven on the Sun and Moon Shield.

Long Haochen is still holding the epee in both hands, staring at Asmode in a burning gaze. It can be seen from the black flame that it is enough to swallow the eyes of Asmode. The attack of this opponent was actually taken out by him. It did not really hurt Long Haochen itself.

That strange golden light caught the sight of the dragon riding the **** Asmode. It is one of the devils who are best at fighting. It is only at this moment that Asmode immediately puts everything underneath and concentrates on Long Haochen.

In the battle between him and Long Haochen just now, as for the dragon's strong and powerful but full of mysterious swords and swords, Asmode was secretly admired. At this time, the weapon in the hands of Long Haochen suddenly became an artifact, which was not allowed by Asmoud. A human knight who can practice swordsmanship and swordsmanship to the utmost extreme has such a sword. It is not just as simple as a tiger, but it has really threatened Asmode.

Asmode did not regret that he had not tried his best to fight with Long Haochen. This war has brought him a lot of inspiration. He is absolutely certain that through this battle, he will definitely be in martial arts. There is no small progress.

Like the human beings, the more close the battle is, the more they can inspire their potential. Looking at the sword in the hands of Long Haochen, Asmod’s eyes are already bright.

"Very good, you really are qualified to be my opponent. If I kill you today, I will bury you personally to show your respect." Asmode said coldly, the right hand flaggun pointed, The person who speaks is the head of the middle.


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