Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 214: The coming of the moon (below)

The 214th chapter of the coming month (below)

A strange scene appeared. Under the gaze of the leopards, the moment when the shield was in contact with the purple, it suddenly seemed to be splashed with the snow layer, and it melted. The sacred church then hit the huge body directly at the top of the Leopard Palace.

"Booming -"

The violent roar was accompanied by the scattered splashes of earth and stone, and the entire city of the city trembled for this deafening loud noise. Haoyue actually broke into the Leopard Magic Palace so hard.

The top of the Leopard Palace was hardly pulled out of a big hole, and the thick and powerful limbs landed in the hall of the Leopard Palace. The huge shock force made the hard cover of the ground cover a large crack, but the moon was nothing. The six big heads are like the six magical cannons, madly spitting the attacking magic around.

A solid fortress is always the easiest to break inside. The same is true for the Leopard Magic Palace. The outer shield is strong, but who will arrange the defensive shield inside? Under the continuous bombardment of the six-line magic of the stormy days, the Leopard Palace was suddenly a mess.

Everyone in the Light Morning Hunting Devils has a stunned feeling. This is too embarrassing. Originally, they all prepared for the break of the Leopard Magic Palace shield, but who knows, Haoyue screamed, and then it was so hard to break in. At this time, in their hearts, there is a feeling of dripping. This kind of attack is very exciting.

Especially Chen Yinger, the excitement jumped directly on the back of the moon, Yang Wenzhao was hit hard, although the injury has begun to improve, but want to recover all, no one or two months is impossible. This hatred is naturally counted on the Mozu. At this time, they even attacked a Mozu city directly, or the capital of a province. In this way, it is really enjoyable.

This series of violent storms of magical bombardment in the month of the month is such that the leopards of the strongmen do not dare to rush in directly. The building of the Templars Palace is really solid. Although there is a large piece of damage in the violent roar, there is no overall collapse.

At this moment, a few yellow figures came in from the surroundings, and the intense darkness instantly turned into a layer of black reticle against the magical bombardment of Haoyue.

The eyes of the moon condensed, and the six big heads roared again at the same time. Suddenly, the purple color reappeared. The leopards who had released the black mask suddenly stiffened one by one, and the defensive magic in their hands stopped. The six big heads of the moon are a series of magic tricks. These are at least the sixth-order leopard body, which was suddenly shattered by magic.

Lin Xin swallowed her saliva and looked at Long Haochen: "Boss, how do I feel that we don't need to shoot us? This is a person who will get it!"

Indeed, under the full-scale power of the six big heads of the month, there is no room for them to intervene. The magic of Haoyue covers almost the entire Leopard Palace, as long as they jump from the back of the moon, I am afraid it will be affected.

Long Haochen’s eyes are also full of surprise colors. After the evolution into six heads, the magic power of Haoyue has increased greatly. Moreover, its spiritual power seems to be endless. When the magic is released, Long Haochen can feel a lot of Elemental feedback, re-injection into the body of the moon, quickly restore its spiritual power. Just for a while, the hall of the Leopard Palace seems to be a bit like a broken wall. How can there be a little devil's taste?

"Don't worry, there is a stronger Leopard Mozu. Everyone is ready to fight." Long Haochen shouted.

Just talking in Long Haochen, suddenly, a yellow figure flashed like a flash of lightning, straight to the moon. This yellow light is really too fast, almost just before the breath, it is in front of the moon, and when it accelerates in the air, it effectively evades the magic of Haoyue, drilled from the gap, leaving a slight behind the back. Distorted yellow light and shadow.

It was a leopard, and the whole body was golden and shiny like water. ("") A pair of yellow crystal eyes revealing Mori's murder. The strong front end of the arm, each popping out the claws of the length of the foot, in the moment before reaching the front of the moon, the wings behind it suddenly slammed, even changed the direction, rising upwards, the two claws directly squinted at the eyes of Xiaoguang .

Whether it is speed, strength, or reaction, this leopard is much stronger than the previous ones. The fierce darkness is like the essence. The claws even brought a harsh scream in the air. That is already close to the power of the coffin.

The disadvantage of the Leopard is that the defense is poor, but the speed and attack power are their good. This leopard magic will bring this advantage to the fullest.

In the face of this sudden sneak attack, Haoyue seems to have never seen it, how to release the magic and how to release it. Ignore it.

An orange-red light almost suddenly slammed into the front of the leopard's attack that was about to fall on the little bald head.

"When--" crisp sounds. The body of the leopard magic sounded up. A pair of claws made a wild horse splitting action. Each of the two claws swayed four dark blades of light, and went straight to block the dragon that he attacked.

The dragon's body flashed at this time, and that was the revenge of light brought by the gods. Just now he took the leopard magic and the body was slightly shaken. He immediately judged that this golden leopard had eight steps.

The toes are lightly on the back of the moon, and an orange-red light blade has been swept up like a practice. The moment the light blade appears, it brings up a six-foot sword, and the orange-red light is in the air, all black. The light blade was suddenly broken and broken. Then, the body of Long Haochen suddenly stagnate in the air, and the goddess of light sighs and sighs.

This sword, like an antelope hanging corner, can be found without traces. The sword is not sharp, and even with a bit of gentleness. However, the eight-order gold leopard magic felt that he could not dodge at all. Even backing is impossible. At its speed, it is completely impossible to get rid of the sword.

With a low scream, the golden leopard magic claws instantly turned into a golden color, and the body swiftly rotated for a week. The two claws simultaneously smashed out to the dragon, and the spiritual power released on the pair of claws actually appeared dark golden color.

"Oh--" crisp sounds accompanied by the screams of the Golden Leopard.

How many Devils have faced Dragons and Dragons? He has challenged more than five people in the presence of the Devil. Although not every time he wins, but he has fought with so many strong men, how can this eight-stage leopard can block.

The seemingly gentle sword is in a moment of contact with the golden leopard's claw blade, and the sound is crisp, and it is the goddess of light that sighs and smashes the claws.

However, this golden leopard is indeed powerful. After the sigh of the goddess of light smashed its claws, Yu Wei left a deep blood mark on his chest to the thigh, but he could not kill it with a sword. You know, this is the sword of the Excalibur. Can block this blow not to die, this leopard is also quite powerful.

Feeling the brighter goddess aria and his deeper and deeper affinity, Long Haochen did not go to see the leopard who was flying by himself, the orange-red light blade flashed again, this time, the swordsman is blazing, light The sword took out a half-moon and directly caught up with the body of the leopard. Instantly split it into two halves. An eighth-order demon powerhouse is so annihilated in the hands of the same eight-order dragon.

This is both a gap in strength and a gap in equipment. Long Haochen’s equipment is all epic. The goddess of light and the celestial shield can be transformed into artifact level at any time. Plus his understanding of the sword. Even the dragon riding **** Asmode should be careful to deal with it, and finally hurt in the hands of Long Haochen. Not to mention such an ordinary golden leopard.

However, at the same time as this golden leopard was launched, a golden figure also rushed in. The black light edge is intertwined in the air, which greatly intercepts the magical bombardment of Haoyue. The magical suppression was blocked, and a large number of leopards also came in from the outside.

Blocking the magical attack of Haoyue, at least eight other Golden Leopards rushed into the hall. Looking at the mess in the Leopard Palace, these leopards are screaming with anger. However, they only surrounded Long Haochen and others, but they were not eager to launch an attack.

The magic of Haoyue paused, and the cold eyes looked around at all the leopards. The low-pitched singer began to rhythmically sound from its six big heads.

Long Haochen certainly knows what to do in Haoyue. He immediately floated to the top of Xiaoguang’s head and prevented it from continuing to sing a spell in his heart.

This month is to spread the six attribute chaos elements! Don't look at the presence of a lot of leopards. If you are stripped of the six attribute chaos elements in the next month, I am afraid that except for the eight-order golden leopards that may not die, the other leopards must be swept away.

However, this level of chaotic element stripping is also a big load for Haoyue. Here is the Mozu heavy land. Long Haochen did not intend to launch it here. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain physical strength in the next month. Moreover, he has already felt that in this Leopard Palace, there is really an enemy he wants to encounter.

"Hands." Long Hao morning waved a hand, took the lead to jump from the back of the moon, into the territory of the Mozu, he no longer need to hide his identity. Four gold-winged wings stretched out behind the back, rushing toward the enemy like a golden arrow.

In addition to Chen Yinger and Lin Xin, other people have also jumped from the back of the moon, with the protection of the moon, the two legal professions do not need to worry about safety.

Wang Yuanyuan, Sima Xian, Zhang Fangfang, Han Yu, and Cai Er, each rushed to five different directions from Long Haochen. Behind everyone is the spirit wing open, releasing a strong pressure.


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