Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 215: Siege Leopard Devil (on)

The twenty-fifth chapter of the siege of the leopard demon (on)

They are now completely different from those of the past. Before the jihad, they encountered so many powerful enemies that they would concentrate together to maintain their formation. The sanctuary is safe. However, now they all have the strength to be independent. Faced with this level of enemies in front of you, if you gather together, the battle will only affect their combat effectiveness.

At the same time, Haoyue showed its very different side from the previous attack of mercury and diarrhea.

In the low and seemingly messy magic sings, the small fire was first launched, and a total of six flashes of light flashed, including the Long Haochen, and the six people who rushed out had a layer of flame shield. This shield is about three meters in diameter and shines in a dark red light. These lights will not affect their actions at all, but outside the mask, the leopards facing it will feel a strong heat. The low-order leopard, the hair directly exudes a scorching taste.

Xiaoqing is the second one. What he exerts on everyone is acceleration. The blue light flashes under their feet, and the body is obviously lighter.

Then, the two aura skills that shrouded the audience spread, all aimed at the enemy. The gravity of the Guardian No. 9 was staged in Xiao Huang’s spell. The speedy and fast-spirited Leopard Mozu suddenly felt the whole body sinking. Speed ​​is greatly limited.

The other aura comes from the small light, and the simple light elements oscillate. For the dragons and the morning, they will add more light, but for the dark nature of the leopard, it is a good weakening.

The spells of Xiao Zi and Xiao Lan are still humming, and it will take a while to complete. But there is no doubt that the longer the spell, the stronger the power.

Also as a magician, standing on the back of the moon, Lin Xin was a bit stunned at this time. ("") At this time, the moon is really like six eight-level holy magic mentor fighting together! From the previous comprehensive attack to the current overall increase, its strength is fully demonstrated. And it has also shown that it has a horror of individual wisdom in each head.

A body, there are six wisdoms, but it is so coordinated. What kind of Warcraft is this? Chen Yinger’s shock is not less than Lin Xin.

With the increase of Haoyue, the six people of Long Haochen have already joined the enemy at the same time.

Long Haochen was the first to act. He saved two positions of the eight-stage leopard, and a large number of sixth-order leopards. The lowest level is the sixth-order repair. Obviously, these leopards also know that the low-level is useless to these humans who dare to harden the Leopard Palace.

Thousands of orange-red swordsman swayed out, and the fierce swordsmanship instantly filled the broken hall with a killing machine. The sturdy light element blooms in a nearly solidified manner. Sword star rain.

Even if there is no increase in the moon, Long Haochen’s current combat power is extremely horrible. The swordsman’s rainy swordsmanship instantly covers all enemies within 30 meters of the landscape. The huge swordsmanship is like the essence, just like the goddess of light, the sighs instantly split out countless avatars to kill the enemy.

Long Haochen’s storm is really too fierce, let alone the six-stage big leopard, even if the golden leopard is facing his sword star rain, he can only retreat quickly and resist.

The blood is collapsing. In front of the sword star rain, the six-stage big leopards are torn and shattered. Their passive defenses are impossible to stop the attack of the sword star rain. As for the eighth-order gold leopard, they can only barely Self-protection, counterattack is an idiotic dream. The only role of these leopards resisting is to use their tough body and their own spiritual power to consume the power of the sword star rain as much as possible. ("") Even so, the dragon's sword not only broke their counterattack, but also left more than 30 bodies of the big leopard.

In the sharp roar, just as the sword star rain has just declined, the two golden leopards have fluttered from the sides to the dragons and mornings like golden lightning. The claws have long turned into dark gold, and they are attacking wildly.

However, at this time, Long Haochen had already added another epee in his left hand. The emerald-like green brilliance almost shined at the same time, and the misty golden green glory swayed out. Covering himself, it is like a spring rain that shines in the sun, hiding his body shape.

Under a series of intensive crisp sounds, the two golden leopards retreat at the same time, leaving a lot of small breaks on the tough claws of their day. The figure of Long Haochen has already rushed forward again, and he did not pay attention to them. The speed of light flashes, and the speed reached in an instant has surpassed the golden leopard magic, and the strong rushed into the big leopard magic group. The green and orange colors flashed at the same time, turning into a crazy blade storm.

The horrible suction draws around the big leopard, these very powerful demons on weekdays, but at this moment it is like the fruit entering the mincer, in front of the two epic swords, turned into a fleshy powder.

The two gold leopards couldn't stop Long Haochen at all. In the face of this degree of blade storm, they didn't even have the courage to rush.

In other directions, there is also a strong killing atmosphere. The attack of the children is the most straightforward and direct. From her hands, there are only simple gray lines. The gray light blade of the Death Scythe is filled with death and silence, and with a bit of purification of the darkness.

Just in the morning and the morning, the dragon and the dragon rushed for such a time, and the children had already married an eighth-order golden leopard. At the same time, the cold and cold blade of the death sickle was in the middle of the cross, and the crazy slaughter of the ordinary big leopard The cold gray light of the coldness has become the nightmare of the leopard.

Compared with Long Haochen and Caier, Han Yu and Zhang Fangfang seem to be in a good position. The two hands each hold a big shield, the right hand epee, rushing into the enemy array, and rushing. Although the lethality cannot be compared with the deputy heads, their own defenses are impregnable. Every time they are shot, they must be targeted. As guardian knights, they are obviously reserved, ready to support their partners.

The real highlights are in Wang Yuanyuan and Sima Xian. As soon as he entered the state of killing, Wang Yuanyuan became a blood red, as if he had returned to the time when the Warrior Temple resisted the Mozu army. The blood in the body has already boiled, and the **** storm in the hands bursts with a layer of red brilliance to produce an extremely terrifying attack. The shield of the giant spirit makes her a long-range attack weapon. I saw the **** female goddess passing by, and there was a flesh and blood everywhere. There is a layer of blood-red breath that comes out of Wang Yuanyuan. Anyone who is close to this layer of blood red or sees Wang Yuanyuan's eyes will have a feeling of coldness.

This is the horrible **** murder that Wang Yuanyuan cultivated on the battlefield. She came out of the sea of ​​corpse. In the past two years, in the southeastern fortress, I don’t know how many enemies were annihilated under his **** storm. As soon as she enters the battle, she will naturally have a violent killing atmosphere. First seize the mind, and then launch a strong cross attack.

The **** split and the blood saw dance alternately, plus her enchanted space door, but just after the battle, she directly drilled into the most dense place of the enemy, and then launched a **** kill. For a while, the big leopard who died in her hands was no less than the one who died in the morning. Although Wang Yuanyuan was a girl, she is now a big general.

On the other side, Sima Xian is also extremely tyrannical. Although this guy can't directly move to the enemy array through the spirit furnace like Wang Yuanyuan. But the horror of lethality is still above Wang Yuanyuan.

Behind the wing of the wing, Sima Xian lit up a layer of red gold luster, the whole person is like a copper cast iron, even the face of the skin has become red gold. It is vaguely visible that this red gold is emitted from his chest position. A golden leopard directly found him, wanted to block him, and then besieged with other big leopards. But at this time, the horrible light of the hands of Sima Xian was raised.

What is shocking is that the light of the Pills actually exudes an epic orange-red brilliance, and then the orange color becomes purple. Thousands of purple lightnings burst into the air with awe. Fully blasted into the leopard group. Even the Golden Leopard was not spared, only to defend.

The speed of lightning is simply impossible to dodge, so the speed of the Leopard is completely useless. These purple electro-optic bursts will cover at least hundreds of leopards. Under the bombardment of purple thunder and lightning, these leopards are all full of scorching, the body twitching with hair straight, and not dead also lost half life.

Then, in the hands of Sima Xian, the light of the pill broke out. Unlike the Guangli Pills of the year, the current Pills are connected with a dark gold chain. This chain looks very small, only the thickness of the little finger, but the length has reached an astonishing ten meters.

It can be seen that the strong golden light suddenly came from the big hand of Sima Xian holding the chain. The moment of the light ball that flew into the air, when the length of the chain reached its limit, actually stopped in the air. Then, thousands of white light burst out from the light of the pill.

The white light fell, and the leopards who were previously hit by the purple thunderbolt completely turned into fly ash. Just the magic crystal that fell off the ground. Even the golden leopard, now the whole body is dark and falls to the ground, and the body is still twitching.

Sima Xian's right hand pulls, the light of the powerful pill falls from the sky, while landing, a circle of white halo is the first to cover the eighth-order gold leopard. So that it can not escape at all, and then the best of the light of the Pills, crushing, crushing and triple blasting. In the roar of terror, the golden leopard that did not turn into fly ash turned directly into meat.


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