Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 222: I will give you this glory (on)

The look of the demon **** Huang Fengxiu looks very gentle. His appearance is too young. He looks a lot older than Long Haochen. At this time, he is like a brother who chats with Long Haochen.

"I was really surprised that time. I felt the threat from you for the first time. Unfortunately, at that time, I still didn't know. You were the one selected by Austin and Griffin, and brought it to it. This world. Until Abao told me this news and told me that Austin and Griffin had grown to four heads, I realized that the people who brought the devastating future of my family turned out to be you."

Long Haochen’s cold road: “So, you have launched a holy war of life.”

The demon **** faintly said: "No matter how unwilling to kill you in my heart, but when your existence threatens the safety of my family, I have to make a choice. I don't want to be a soldier, let alone I am the head of a family. Even if this person with Austin and Griffin is Abao, I will make the same choice. In order to let you come here, I will not hesitate to play with Agarez. In fact, I already knew that Jihad. There will be no result. It is only the consumption of human power. Unfortunately, you are not me, not the superior, you can never understand what the rule needs to give up and choose."

Long Haochen Shen Sheng said: "If you are not acting in person, how can we believe? You brought us here with a bait that we can't refuse. You succeeded. Say no help, let's do it."

The demon **** shook his head and sighed, saying: "Listen to me. I don't want to kill you, but I have to kill you. I have no choice. I am willing to do the last thing for you. You cut yourself, you die. Austin and Griffin will naturally die in another world. My purpose will be reached. I will let you go with these companions, so that you can feel peace of death."

"Your Majesty--" Agarez couldn’t help but yell. Long Haochen, this light morning hunter demon group. It’s not just that he is excellent alone! In this hunter, there are two other oracles. In the history of the Mozu to the sacred continent, almost every oracle has brought them a great blow. In the case of this desperate situation. If the gods are not fully grown up, letting go of these potentials is infinite, and it is a young class full of endless resentment against the Mozu. It is tantamount to returning to the mountains!

"Shut up." Feng Xiu's gaze suddenly became cold, and the unparalleled horror of the breath suddenly broke out from him. The suppressed Agares closed all the words he wanted to say later. this moment. The imperial demon dragon emperor's ceremonies are undoubtedly obvious.

Agares looked white, but bowed his head with respect and respect.

Feng Xiu glanced at Agales coldly. "No one can question my decision."

"Please blame." Agares lowered his head.

Feng Xiu waved his hand and stopped paying attention to Agares and facing Long Haochen again.

Although I know that the demon **** will not speak out. But Long Haochen couldn’t help but ask: "You, what you said is true? Are you willing to let go of my companion?"

Long before the discovery of falling into the trap, Long Haochen and his partners had a mortal awareness. At this time, the demon **** suddenly said that he was willing to let go of his partner, which is the biggest surprise for him.

"If I have said it, I have never counted it." Feng Xiu slowly closed his eyes and said faintly.

Long Haochen is not familiar with the demon god, but the moon demon and the star demon **** are very familiar with him. The star devil Washak does not have a half point, but the moon demon Agales is secretly surprised. Because he knows that the demon **** can only have such a look if he is extremely entangled in his heart. He has been following the Demon Emperor for so many years, and this situation has only occurred a few times, but it has appeared in the face of the enemy that must be killed.

"Boss, we want to die with you." After Long Haochen, the people in the morning of the light hunter are almost unanimous.

Long Haochen suddenly turned around and angered: "Nonsense. Is your life belongs to me? Your life belongs to the alliance as long as it becomes a hunter, and belongs to the whole human race."

His body is shaking slightly. I am deeply watching each of my partners. "Remember what I said to Yang Wenzhao and the memory of the memory? If you live, you will have a future, you can revenge your partner. If you die, you will lose your chance forever. Death, and It’s not terrible, but if you go with me like this, I won’t forgive you even if I’m underground, because you’re a coward. I’m watching you all the time, watching you come back here one day, Come to this magic city. If you still recognize me as the head of the team, don't do stupid things. I command you, every member of the morning light, to live well. In the near future, revenge for me. I am fighting."

Looking at the obstinacy of Long Hao morning's gaze, watching his eyes that gradually turned into red, the light of the morning, the people of the hunting demon group, one by one, trembled unconsciously because of excitement. Yes, death is easy, and living is even more difficult.

"No--" The child suddenly screamed in hysterical screaming, plunging into the dragon's morning, but without waiting for her to speak again, Long Haochen's hand was quietly pinched in her neck. on. The child snorted, and the softness had slowly fallen into his arms.

Two lines of tears, flowing down the dragon's morning cheeks, in his heart, and the various occurrences of the children have been flashing. He also clearly remembers that when he first saw Caier, when he was only a little girl, he clearly remembered every point and every drop that happened after he and his children, for him, The happiest moment of the life may be to participate in the preliminary stage of the hunting squad selection, and to send the children back every day, holding her hand and quietly walking on the street.

However, all this can no longer happen. He knows that he can persuade other partners to let them obey their own arrangements in the righteousness, but he can't convince him. Therefore, he only let her calm down first.

Bowing her head, gently kissing her on the forehead of her child, and then kissing her white and tender cheeks. At this moment, every member of the Light Morning Hunting Demon Group clearly saw the thick part of his eyes. The sadness.

"Headmaster." Lin Xin had already burst into tears and shouted.

"Stop." Long Haochen gave a big drink. He certainly knows what Lin Xin wants to say, but he can't let him talk. He was so hard that his partners could barely suppress their emotions. If they were ignited again, he would not be sure that everyone would calmly accept the upcoming tragedy.

Long Haochen did not go to see the partners, but bowed his head and gave all his last feelings to the children in his arms.

"Stupid girl, how can I watch you do stupid things? Do you know? I especially hope that you can lose memory again after leaving here. Forgot me, I forgot all the pain. Sorry, I can't continue to accompany you. It’s still old.”

As he said, he cherished the unforgettable ring that he had never left. The blue forget-me-not pattern shines with a faint glow in the dark golden light of the star tower.

Long Haochen took it on the finger of the child, and kissed her cheek gently again, stepping forward and passing her to Wang Yuanyuan.

Looking up, looking at the partners again, he saw the tears of everyone and saw the almost sorrow in their eyes.

"Don't be sad, you can live away from here, I am already very happy. Remember my words, live well. I am in another world, will wait for the day you avenge me. My soul will be in the dark I am looking at you. I will finally ask you one thing. In any case, don’t let the hunger rush to avenge me. I must let her live. After she wakes up, even if you stun her, you can’t let her do it. Stupid thing."

Wang Yuanyuan took over the children, and nodded hard like her. At this time, it was already crying and could not speak.

It’s easy to die, and it’s really hard to choose to survive. How much they want to die with Long Haochen here! However, they understand more deeply that Long Haochen is right. They are the demon hunters. As long as they have been selected through the Demon Hunting Group, their lives are no longer their own, but belong to the Alliance and belong to the entire human race. They can't just die here. Only they can avenge the dragon in the future.

Suddenly turned back, Long Haochen did not dare to go to see the children, he was afraid that he could no longer suppress the inner feelings. Looking down, he murmured to himself: "I am sorry, I am sorry. I have not been able to protect you, but I am still tired of going to die with me. If we still have an afterlife, I am willing to integrate with you. You Always my good brother, born and born."

After saying this, he suddenly raised his head, slammed the tears on his face, looked up and closed his eyes in the air and never stopped him from bidding farewell to the goddess Huang Fengxiu.

"The devil is under the sorrow, although we are hostile, but you are willing to let my friends leave. I thank you. But I have a request, I hope you can promise."

Feng Xiu faintly said: "You said."

Long Haochen’s face reveals his own pride. The loud voice: “I am a knight in the Knight’s Temple. I grew up, I grew up in the spirit of learning the knight. As a knight, I didn’t Guarding my friends, today, I am bound to die here. But I am a knight, I hope you can give me a decent way of death. I don't want to be a self-disciplined coward, I want to show you challenge."


The third child broke out with the best plot, hoping to rush the popularity of our gods. Monthly ticket, recommended ticket, fire at me! Fourth


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