Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 222: I will give you this glory (middle)

I want to challenge you! A few simple words, Long Haochen said that it is powerful.

The star **** Devil Wasak, who had been calmly expressiond before, listened to his words and his face could not help but reveal the color of surprise.

In such a desperate situation, in the face of opponents that are impossible to compete, there is still the courage to say such things, they have to make them look at the dragons and dragons!

"Good--" The demon **** suddenly screamed, and the closed eyes reopened. From his eyes, two cold flames came out, and his eyes stared at Long Haochen. In his eyes, there is deep sadness and deep appreciation. This complicated look is more than a touch.

"I don't care for people I value. I will give you this glory." The demon **** in the loud voice, his body flashed, it has already fallen 20 meters in front of Long Haochen.

Long Yuchen’s right fist crosses his chest and slams on his chest. He has a standard knight to the demon god. “Thank you. I hope you will keep your promise.”

Feng Xiu looked deeply at Long Haochen. "If there is a choice, I hope that you don't die like this. But it is too late to say anything. You know, you are dead in my hands, for me. It is also a very cruel thing. I want to kill me by myself..."

Having said that, he paused. He didn't say anything anymore. There was a strange smile on his face. "Some things, you still don't know well. I hope that you can die without regret. Come on. Take the strongest of you. The big powers are coming out, let me see how much you can do now."

Long Hao nodded in the morning, at this moment, there was no tears in his eyes, and some. Just a persistent attachment. One is his own attachment.

Standing there, Long Haochen did not directly start, and he seemed to have entered a strange state. In his eyes, gradually a dead more, in the golden eyes of the transparent, the gold became more and more pure.

A faint mist of light gradually rises around his body, which is white in the process of ascending. Long Guangchen had separated the bright goddess aria and blue rain, the hibiscus of light slowly closed on the top of the head. Ya Ting has reappeared behind him.

As the elemental elf of Long Haochen. Once the dragon died in the morning, it is difficult to survive with the closeness between her and Long Haochen. However, at this time, Yating. There is no sorrow in the eyes, only a touch of tenderness and perseverance. She had never seen the demon god, and her eyes always solidified on Long Haochen. Not willing to waste time on anything else.

Orange and green are gradually welcoming in the air. The golden Ya Ting became the catalyst for their integration. The brilliance of incandescent color once again appeared in this star tower. The strong sacred atmosphere rises into the sky, blending with the white haze rising around the body of Long Haochen, emitting a strong incandescent flame.

There is no doubt that Long Haochen at this time has reached the peak that he can achieve in his life so far. Even his eyes have turned into incandescent colors.

The demon **** Huang Fengxiu quietly watched Long Haochen, his eyes have never changed, sadness and appreciation in the depths of the eyelids.

Long Hao morning moved. His left foot suddenly took a step forward, and the epee that was held in both hands suddenly shook out. It seemed that his movements were slow. However, seeing this sword, even a strong man like the Moon Devil and the Star Devil can not help but move.

The dragon sword, this sword, has no trajectory, only full of persistent swords, this sword is not sharp. But there is no way to dodge, with the sword of creation and life that has transcended the ordinary artifacts, the sword meaning hidden in the sword has reached its limit. At this moment, he really did the purest swordsmanship. He was both a sword and a sword. No more points to each other. He and the sword have been combined into a whole in the state of unity of nature and man.

Feng Xiu did not move, he just looked at Long Haochen quietly, watching the sword slowly come to his head. In the whole star demon tower, at this time, it has been turned into an incandescent color because of the dragon 皓 morning. Strong spiritual fluctuations are more violent in the air. All the darkness of the atmosphere is in the sword of the dragon, and it is suppressed to compress around. Even the star demon pillar is also star-studded at this moment, and it radiates its own powerful atmosphere to resist the bright spiritual power contained in the sword of Long Haochen.

Behind the dragon's morning, a white shadow slowly emerges, it is the goddess of light.

A seemingly simple sword has already condensed everything that Long Haochen has. Artifact, **** descending, sword, and all his own persistence and spiritual power. This is the most outstanding work of his life, and it is probably the last perfect sound.

The demon **** Huang Fengxiu was slightly moved, his right hand slowly lifted up, the movement looked equally slow, and, along with his movements, there was no strong elemental appearance, giving people the feeling that he was like a re The ordinary human beings are just so simple and calmly lifted their hands.

One finger, a finger of Feng Xiu slowly points forward, the white finger like a woman, so lightly on the tip of the sword of creation and life.

However, it is just that, all the incandescent colors, instantly rewinded, there is still no strong dark atmosphere in the star demon tower. But the body of Long Haochen, under his finger, trembled fiercely.

The horrible sword was finally erupted at this moment, but it was not erupted toward the demon **** Huang Fengxiu, but it was bursting out in all directions. There are countless sharp swords and mad rhythms. The harsh and screaming sounds made the people in the morning of the light hunter go back to the scene when they feared the sorrowful cave.

The outbreak of the sword and the sword, which lasted for more than ten breaths, gradually dissipated. The blazing light gradually converges. Feng Xiu slowly took back his right hand and sent his fingertips to himself. However, Long Haochen still keeps the previous movements motionless. His entire atmosphere seems to have been taken away by the previous sword. His eyes are still full of persistence, but it is still not static. Perseverance.

Feng Xiu's fingertips gradually ooze a drop of blood, and a drop of dark red exudes a strong golden blood.

"Good, very good." Feng Xiu suddenly smiled, hysterical laughter, in his mad laughter, the entire star devil tower is shaking. In his big laughter, the Moon Devil and the Star Devil have to mobilize their own spiritual power to protect the body. What is even more unbearable is the people of the Light Hunting Devils, who are forced to collide with the walls of the Star Devils by the terror pressure brought by this laughter. At this time, the children of Wang Yuanyuan’s arms were awakened by this crazy laughter.

"皓晨——" The children were just blinking, and they immediately shouted. She saw it at a glance, and stood there quietly, but it was a motionless dragon, and saw the demon **** who was laughing in laughter.

The power of the demon **** is really terrible. Even if it is just this laughter, everyone who suppresses it can not be moved at all.

"Child, goodbye." The devil's laughter suddenly converges. He is full of grief and slams his hand. The drop of dark red blood that radiates strong golden light at his fingertips has already flown like a arrow to the dragon. Lightning printed on his left chest.

“噗—” The blood is collapsing, a small blood hole appears in the heart position of the left chest of Long Haochen, and then, with a shock, a blood hole with a fist size suddenly appears. The location of the blood hole penetration.

Surprisingly, there is not even a drop of blood flowing out. On the chest of Long Haochen, only a penetrating blood hole appeared, and his heart disappeared. The fine gold base warfare actually did not play a half-blocking role.

No one can help Long Haochen, the ban in the Star Devil's Tower is not under the Star Devil Wasak cloth, but the Devil's Emperor Fengxiu, the Moon Devil Agares and the Star Devils Wasak. Arranged. Even the power of super artifacts can't travel through space.

"No--" Chener yelled wildly, but she was still suppressed by the breath of the demon god, and could not be moved.

Seeing the scene of the broken heart of my favorite man, the child only felt that the brain was blank, and a blood spurted out. Her whole person was soft in Wang Yuanyuan’s arms.

Blank, blank, memory, memory.

The sound of the cracking of porcelain is constantly erupting in the brain of the children, and all kinds of things have appeared in her mind bit by bit.


"Are you OK?"

"I can't talk, there are bad people chasing me, I will be there soon. Sister, save me."

"I am a brother, not a sister."

"I feel their breath, they are coming soon, they can smell my taste, let's go, or it's too late."

"No, I am a man, I want to protect you."


"Little sister, where are you going? I will help you."

"No need to."

"Let me help you, I will send you home."

"I said, no."


"Can you please send me something?"

"it is good."

"Where do you live?"

"Forward sixty-six feet, turn right thirty-eight feet, then turn left twenty-three feet, it will be."

"What is your name?"


"My name is Long Haochen. What about you?"

"My name is Caier."



Have you seen the dead woman, have you seen the dead man? Who, who is it, don't throw eggs and tomatoes. Cough, everyone continues to watch, ** has just begun...

Fifth! ! ! Seek monthly ticket, recommended ticket.


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