Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 222: I will give you this glory (below)

"Chen, how long can you live in the Holy City?"

"What do you ask for this?"

"I, I just want to know that I can send you back in a few days."

"I am just a blind woman, send me back, is it really so heavy?"

"I, I don't know."

"Do you not give up on me?"

"How can you dislike you?"

"Cell, in fact, I am actually very ugly. I am so ugly, what qualifications are disgusting you."

"It's ugly?"

"Well, it's ugly."

"If that, let you take me forever, are you willing?"

"I am willing."


"I'll help you."

"I will come."

"This is our home."

"Cell, I promise you, I will definitely give you a warm home, our home."



"Stupid, don't wear clothes for me."

"Oh, oh."

"Don't peek."

"Oh, oh."


I remembered, yes, she remembered, she remembered everything they were together, every process of being together. Whether it was before amnesia or after amnesia, all memories were merged at this moment.

Tears, from the eyes of the children, the heart of Long Haochen broken, her heart seems to be broken, her tears are reddish, and gradually turned from light red to bright red.

Long Haochen’s body swayed gently and slowly fell to the ground. The attachment in his eyes never disappeared. As soon as he challenged the demon god, he cut off the soul chain of his body. In the process of his body falling down. The gaze just looks at the direction of the picking. His eyes are slowly closed in the process.

In the eyes of the children, his eyes are so soft. Even in the process of closing, it seems to be talking to the children. With a touch of grief, there seems to be more encouragement. As if to talk to the children, live, and live bravely.

Yes, Long Haochen is dead. He died in sight. With the promise of the devil, his partners can finally leave here alive. For him, this is enough. Desperate. The partners can still leave here alive, he is already satisfied.

Yes, at the moment he fell. He saw the eyes of the children, and he understood too many things from her eyes. I saw the past and saw the cold and gentleness that only belonged to the children. She recovered her memory and she finally recovered her memory. Long Haochen is so reluctant, but even at the moment of his death, he is still reluctant to let the children see their inner pain and unwillingness. So, he closed his eyes. On his face, he even had a faint smile.

"Hey--" Long Haochen's body seems to be very heavy on the ground, the strange thing is that the pierced wound in his left chest, but still no blood flowing out. All of him fell into the dark under this heavy fall. Everything is in the blink of an eye. He only felt that he was flying far away in one direction in the dark. This feeling was very comfortable, as if all the troubles and responsibilities were separated at this moment.

He felt that he was light and light. Going in one direction, there is only endless relaxation and relaxation...

The demon hunters of the Light Hunting Demon Hunting Group were all sluggish, and they watched Long Haochen so much that even their tears could not flow out in their eyes. Time seemed to be fixed at this moment and permanently fixed. They want to shout, want to yell, want to swear, but they can't make any sound.

The leader who led them to the mainland and countless times to be born and died, the Knights of the Knights Templar, the gods, the son of light, Long Haochen, died. Leave them forever and die.

The body of Long Haochen, lying there quietly, the smile on his face is still there, but he seems to take away the soul of the morning demon hunting squad. Each of them seems to have become a walking dead at this moment.

The eyes of the demon **** Huang Fengxiu were also sluggish, and quietly watching the dragons lying there, his fingers that were popping blood were streaming blood to the ground.

Yes, he was injured. Although he did not use any of his abilities and did not use any equipment, he was injured. With millions of spiritual powers, the invincible demon **** of the mainland, in the last sword of Long Haochen, the finger that was stabbed.

The eyes of the Moon Devil and the Star Devil also solidified, but in their hearts, they also greatly relieved. This person, finally died, Austin, Griffin's blood partner died.

The threat of the Mozu finally went away, and the sacred sacredness that made them extremely fearful also went away.


The world of black jade red.

A huge figure squatted in the cave, its six big heads high up. Surrounded by a mess, in this solid cave, countless broken traces are so similar to its body.

Its six heads are still rising high, but among the six big-eyed eyes, they are dripping blood and purple blood.

Its breath is weakening bit by bit, and the amethyst enamel color on its body is gradually fading away.

Unwilling to whisper, echoing in the cave, but its six big heads are always high, refused to fall, refused to fall...


All the pressures are gone in an instant. The demon hunters of the Light Hunting Devils have fallen to the ground. Each of them is still so dead on the ground. Their gaze has never left the young man who lay down on the ground with a smile on his face but has lost all his vitality.

The body was fiercely earned, and the child was forced to stand up. There was no tear in her eyes. In her mind, before she reminisced about her memory loss, he used her body to block the enemy attack again and again.

Her body trembled unconsciously, and her whole body's breath became stronger and stronger in this trembling.

Step by step, he walked toward him, and walked up to him, and the child snorted and fell on him.

Hand, gently lifted up. Falling on his handsome and clean face, groping. He is dead, yes. He is dead, my morning, I am dead.

"You, how are you willing, just leave me." Caier whispered softly. "Stupid, I remember! I remember everything about us. You are my fool. I have not yet Death, how can you die? You said, you said that you want to protect my life. Forever be my guardian knight, how can you die like this?"

"Hey--" sounded in the middle of the sound, and Long Haochen’s chest moved. A golden thing bounced off the edge of the left chest position of the fine gold base.

It was a little golden hoe. It was the eternal melody that was embedded in the dragon's chest muscles, which could not be separated anyway.

At this time, he died, and the eternal melody finally popped out of his body and separated from his body. As the key to the Aion, it is not necessary to guard a dead person. So, it left.

The child captured the golden **** almost instantly, and her body could not help but tremble more intensely. But it was at that moment. Her body suddenly stiffened. But the stiffness only lasted for a short moment, and she slammed into the dragon's morning and burst into tears.

"Roll, give me a roll." The demon king in silence suddenly broke out, and he once again entered the state of hysteration before, madly roaring.

The gate of the Star Devil Tower suddenly opened, and a hurricane suddenly appeared, sweeping the body of every demon hunter, including the body of Long Haochen, all of which blew out the Star Devil Tower.

"Through my orders, no one can prevent them from leaving the city of Modu. No one can pursue them. Otherwise, destroy the whole family."

The icy voice of the demon **** suddenly burst into flames. Under the eruption of his powerful and horrible spirit, he even spread the entire magic city. The horrific pressure of that moment made it even more so that all the demons of the magic city were afraid to move.

Yes, their great emperor is angry, and every time the demon god's anger is almost the end of life.

With a fierce wave, the Star Devil Tower was closed again, until now, the Demon Emperor Feng Feng was able to breathe.

He leaned his head, but his chest was violently ups and downs. The magical volatility of the horror caused the moon **** Agales and the star devil Wasak to change, and shivered in a slight tremor.

The emotionally unstable Demon Emperor is absolutely horrible, even if it is to kill them two, it is not impossible.

Feng Xiu's double fists clenched tightly, and after all, there was still a drop of dark golden tears falling from his corner of his eyes.

Suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the moon **** Agares. "Are you very strange, why should I let these people go? Is it? Is it?"

Agares was stunned and bowed his head.

"I tell you, because the young man I just killed is flowing with my blood. He was originally the second heir to the Mozu I set. From the day he was born, I never did it for him. After that, until I discovered that he existed, I never interfered with him. But he had a **** relationship with Austin and Griffin. I personally killed the loved ones who ran my blood. Do you understand? Do you understand? What I can do for him is to let him try to reduce the regrets of death."

Agares suddenly raised his head, his eyes filled with an unbelievable look. He couldn’t believe it. The dragon who was called the gods, the son of light, and the hope of the future of mankind, was the blood of the demon god. . That is the blood of the royal family of the Devils!

The star devil Wasak has never been snoring. Except for the demon god, only the person who used the great prophecy knows the relationship between Long Haochen and the demon god.


After the completion of the six, the monthly ticket, the recommended ticket.

Xiaolong glory to die, how will the follow-up develop..., Khan, I am not selling off, I can not spoil. Right. Don't forget what I said before. If the monthly pass is in the seventh place, add two more, and add two more to the sixth place. Make up enough.

If you want to see the plot as soon as possible, then cast your valuable monthly and recommended tickets. What I can tell you secretly is that the real ** has just begun, and this ** will last for a long time.


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