Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 223: The only hope (on)

The only hope of Chapter 223 (on)

Feng Xiu suddenly smiled, his emotions seemed to return to calm at this moment, cold and cold: "The end of jihad." "Agales, you go, let all the troops withdraw. After all, he still hooligans." Part of the human blood, he has died in my hands because of the continuation of my family. Within ten years, my family no longer actively attacked humans. To sacrifice him in the spirit of heaven."

His eyes suddenly became soft again. "Children, at the moment you die, you don't know the relationship between you and me. I can do it for you. There is only this. Human beings have a word called tiger poison. Not eating, saying that people who are hot and hot will not kill their children, their loved ones. However, I killed you and killed you for the continuation of my family. You are my loved one, I Loved ones! Haha, hahahaha..."

The laughter of the devil of the demon **** once again made the star demon tower tremble fiercely. The banned power in all the demon towers was ignited by him at this moment, and the tower that stood on the pillar of the star demon was barely maintained. As for the crash.

"砰, 砰, 砰..." The morning of the light hunter hunter group almost indiscriminate landing.

The demon gods actually let them go, but at this time, there is only endless sadness and pain in their hearts.

The child took the body of Long Haochen and landed on the back, which did not cause him to suffer any further impact. The slender waist is violently forced, and it is straight up from the ground.

Sima Xian held the Light Pills on the ground and rolled up for a week to stand up. His eyes were red, and the Pills of Light picked up and rushed back. "I fight with them."

"Stand up." A cold drink sounded like a thunder, and the extremely cold voice of the child screamed Sima Xian.

The light of the morning hunter demon group, also attracted her to see her at the same time, the child's eyes full of demise and death, the coldness of the eyes, cold and round eyes of everyone, "all with me "In her voice, there is an unquestionable majesty." The latest chapter of the Templar At this moment, the people of the Light Hunting Demon Group only felt that the reincarnation of the Virgin in the Hunting Orchestra trial was back. Their will is not affected by the sound of the children.

There are still two traces of blood and tears on the face of the children. Looking at her, no matter how much pain and sorrow in the heart of the morning, no one will object to her at this time. Yes! How can they compare with the children when they are sad again?

"I am going with me." Caier snorted, so he squatted with the dragon and the morning, and did not avoid the magical strongmen who had already surrounded this place from all sides, behind a pair of gray wings. Open, pushing her body to fly far away.

Around the Star Magic Palace, a large number of strong demon dragons, moon demons, and star demons are suspended in the air. But no one dared to shoot her, the words of the demon god, each of them listened very clearly, who dares to violate?

A Bao, a deep purple armor, stood quietly on the wall and looked at the picking child who was flying in the morning of the dragon. For a time, his eyes turned a little blank. He only felt that he seemed to have lost something in his heart.

In the past two years, he has only paid much in his own heart. The almost crazy practice has made his strength more than once a qualitative leap. But at this moment, he found that his opponent is gone. Long Haochen, who was held by the children, has clearly lost his vitality. The hollow in his chest looks so dazzling.

He is dead, is he actually dead? Die in the hands of the father.

A Bao did not feel a touch of ease, but his heart was full of unwillingness. He is going to beat him by himself! But Long Haochen was so dead and died in his father's hands. He did not qualify for questioning, but he knew that this would be the biggest regret in his life. Long Haochen died, he can never prove to the moonlight night that he is stronger than him.

The light of the dawn of the people each released the Spirit Wing, followed by the children behind, and flew together in the distance. The cold tears can't help but linger on the face. Even the radiance released on their wings has caused dramatic fluctuations. ("")

The body glides in the air, but the eyes of the children are always on the pale, no-blood face of Long Haochen. He is still so handsome, but there is no semi-separator.

Her memory has recovered, but he has left. She did not even say a word to her who recovered her memory.

The children did not cry again, because in her heart, there was a last hope. The last hope she produced when she came into contact with the body of Long Haochen. If it weren't for this hope, she would have been living alone in the Star Tower, and she would not be alone in any way. She would definitely follow Long Haochen.

In the rapid flight, they quickly flew out of the magic capital. Bring the city that brought them endless sadness and pain behind you.

After half a flight of time, the children caught the dragon and suddenly the wings converge and fell to the ground.

Although the people of the Light Hunting Demon Hunting Group were still unknown, they still followed her to fall.

Although Long Haochen died, but because of the existence of Zhang Fangfang, their hunting demon group still maintains a complete system. The words of Long Haochen before his death have always echoed in their hearts. They can't just die, they have to avenge the head, they must return to the magic capital one day.

This is a forest that is not dense, and the children are directly plunged into it with a dragon, and he is carefully placed on a flat lawn.

In the morning of the light, the people of the hunting demon group surrounded themselves and surrounded him. Chen Yinger directly cried and lost his voice. The tears in the eyes of other people can't stop.

The child slowly fell down and her eyes were attracted by the blue ring on her hand. Don't forget the ring, he gave it back to me.

Gently take the ring off, picking up the dragon's left hand and taking him on the ring finger.

"A fool, why are you giving it back to me! It has long been yours, just like my heart."

As he spoke, the children raised their hands and slowly picked up the eternal melody necklace on the neck of Long Haochen. The golden gimmick that popped out from the chest of the dragon's morning was shining in the air.

Taking a deep breath, a trace of obsessive light flashed through her eyes. She slowly put this key on the neck with the key of the dragon's body and the connection to the Tower of Eternity.

When the eternal melody touched her body, the golden light was suddenly released, and when the **** was smashed, it was drilled into the cloak of the child, and it was closely combined with her body, just like when she was with Long Haochen. Same time.

The Tower of Eternity needs a spokesperson for the world. Long Haochen has already died in the forbidden barrier of the demon god. There is no use value. Of course, he has to choose a new spokesperson. This has nothing to do with the undead Scourge Electrolux's choice of passing people. The Tower of Eternity has become more greedy after it has continuously acquired souls from this world. The sense of autonomy has also become more intense.

"Let's go." Caier glanced around the circle of partners, and after faintly speaking these three words, the strong golden light suddenly burst out from her chest, just like the dragons took them with them. Everyone was swept in, and the golden light flashed. They entered the space shuttle.

When the light flashed again, they had returned to the Aion.

The strong death of the Aion is still the same, but at this moment, the eyes of the people in the morning of the light, the eyes of the hunter, are also full of dead silence.

Yang Wenzhao and Xiao Yi have been waiting anxiously for their return. Seeing that they are coming back, the two rushed over. However, their footsteps soon became slower, and their eyes solidified in an instant. Because they saw the dragon that was lying on the ground and motionless, with a fatal scar on the chest. I saw his pale, handsome face with no half-blood.

The head of the light hunter hunting demon group, the son of light, died in battle.

“How could this be?” Yang Wenzhao said in a voice.

Chen Yinger suddenly plunged into his arms and burst into tears.

No memory was asked. He just stumbled on one knee and his right fist was **** his left chest.

The Mozu and the humans fought for six thousand years. After the dark age, how many humans died in the hands of the Mozu like the dragon in the eyes. He doesn't need to know much, and the result is in front of him. Long Haochen, dead.

Picking up the child's lower body, gently licking the dragon in the morning, muttering: "Come out, you are coming out. Come out!"

Everyone didn't understand what she was talking about, and at this time, the cold eyes of the children were full of anxiety.

Just when they were unclear, suddenly, a green radiance sneaked out of the dragon's fine gold pedestal, and the green brilliance looked weak and weak. Smoke can be dissipated at any time.

A faint voice sounded in the green smoke. "He is dead. The contract between me and him is gradually disappearing. All I can do is to keep his soul from dissipating within seven days. But you There are only seven days. The only chance to resurrect him is in this Aion. Only you have the inheritance of this tower master, and with the mystery of the light of the undead magic, it is possible to restore his soul and recast the heart. If he can resurrect, the contract that I have left on him will be restored. Otherwise, after seven days, the soul will dissipate, his soul will be imprisoned by this tower of eternal life, and it will not be super-eternal forever. So, if you can’t bring him in seven days. Resurrection, take him out of here, at least let his soul not suffer here."


The only hope. Well, this book will not end for a while, not the end of it..., everyone is slowly watching, I said, the moment when the big ** died in the morning, it really started. The better-looking plot is still behind. Hey, let's vote. The monthly ticket and the recommended ticket come together.


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