Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 223: The only hope (middle)

The only hope of Chapter 223 (middle)

The sound ends here, and the green cloud of smoke disappears. The latest chapter of the church

Yes, this is the vitality in the heart of the children, which supports her power to lead the light of the morning hunter to fly out of the magic capital.

When she touched the body of Long Haochen in the Star Devils Tower, this voice appeared once in her heart, telling her that there is still a line of life in Long Haochen. Therefore, no matter how sad, the child should return to the place with Long Haochen and return to the safe Aion to find the opportunity to resurrect him!

"That, that voice is..." Wang Yuanyuan said dumbly.

"I know, I know. It is the little girl in the dream temple. Yes, it must be her." Lin Xin fiercely said.

Han Yu grabbed Lin Xin’s shoulder and shouted excitedly: “Yes, yes, it’s night tears. It’s her. She has some kind of contractual relationship with the head. She came to help us. There is an opportunity to be resurrected and there is a chance."

The previous silence was swept away in an instant. Everyone had a bright light in their eyes, but they were all desperately trying to touch the tears on their faces, but the tears could not be cleaned. Just now the tears are different from before, now is the tears of excitement! Even if there is only a glimmer of life, it is like catching a straw for them.

The children squatted in the morning, and the tears rushed out again, but she was not so immersed in sorrow. Suddenly cried: "Who has a strong rope or chain?"

Sima Xiandao: "I have, I have." As he said, he took a dark gold chain from his storage ring and handed it to the children. This chain is five meters long. It is exactly the same as the chain on his light pill, apparently as a spare.

The picker took over the chain and stood up with Long Haochen. He looked at the end of the first floor of the Eternal Tower and said with a slap in the air: "Seven days, we only have seven days. ("") In seven days, we must climb At the summit of the Aion, I want to inherit the inheritance of the Holy Spirit and the undead Scourge Electrolux."

"Yes--" The light of the morning hunter demon group of people at the same time pleasing. The momentum that erupted in that moment gave people a feeling of flash floods.

"I will go too." Yang Wenzhao and the memory of the memory are almost identical.

Their injuries have recovered a few percent. Although the battle is still somewhat difficult, how can they retreat at this time?

There is nothing to say to the children. To the side of Wang Yuanyuan: "Help me tie my morning to my back and use this chain. There are people who fight with us, nothing can stop us from moving forward."

"Good." Wang Yuanyuan said nothing, immediately went forward, Chen Yinger, who is also a woman, also broke free from Yang Wenzhao's arms, helping Wang Yuanyuan to tie Long Qichen's body from behind to the children.

Long Haochen is slender and sturdy, and his back is on the back of the children. It looks a bit strange. He must stalk his arms and legs, especially on his legs, and finally he is coiled around his waist, which can be tied firmly.

Feeling the weight of Long Haochen, the persistence in the eyes of the children has become more intense. The gray light flashed, and the Death Scythe reappeared in her grasp. I don't know if it was because she had recovered her memory. When the Death Scythe appeared in her hands, the brilliance of this artifact was different. The murder is solidified and the sickle becomes more crystal clear.

"Let's go." As he spoke, the children strode toward the second floor of the Eternal Tower.

The light morning 曦 曦 曦 魔 加上 加上 加上 加上 加上 加上 加上 加上 加上 曦 曦 曦 光 光 光 光 光 光 光 光 光 光 光 光 光 光 光 光 光 光 光 光 光 光 光

All the tests of the first and second floors of the Aion, they have already passed through Long Haochen, and they have been recognized by the four sacred Guardians. ("") At this time, the eternal melody is on the chest of the children, and the four holy guards naturally become her guards. However, in the Aion, the four holy guards cannot help them fight.

On the second floor, everyone released the wing and flew to the deepest.

They have never entered the third floor of the Aion. Since the discovery of the Sun and the Moon, the **** of the dead, the undead natural disaster, Electrolux, is the culprits of the world’s souls. Long Haochen is not willing to get any of his inheritance from this Aion. Therefore, everyone in the morning of the light hunter has never continued to move upwards. But now it is different. The child replaces Long Haochen and becomes the inheritor. Moreover, she must also obtain this inheritance to resurrect Long Haochen. Not only do they have to move on, but they must also rush to the seventh floor of the Aion, and gain the inheritance of the undead Scourge Electrolux.

Therefore, they did not dare to delay, seven days, they only have seven days. If these seven days cannot resurrect Long Haochen, they will never have a chance.

Now, it is not at all considered how difficult it is to pass the next four layers. Even if the test they face is like facing the demon god, the children will never stop moving forward. If Long Haochen is really dead, then she will definitely follow Long Haochen.

Soon, they came to the second floor of the Aion Tower to the third floor. The children returned and looked at the partners behind them.

Han Yu Shen said: "Cell, before the resurrection of the head, you are our acting head. Let's order. Even if we fill in with life, we will definitely help you to the end."

She took a deep breath, and she did not say thank-you, but just forced her to point her head. The first one entered the channel of the transmission.

The radiance shines, and the strange transmission sends everyone to the third floor of the Aion.

Just as soon as it appeared here, everyone felt the body cold at the same time. The surrounding air became noticeably sticky.

It is no longer a world that needs to float in the air. What they see is a darkness.

The earth is paved with black bricks. In the sky, it is a dark purple moon. When they come here, they are like entering another world. Moreover, it is an endless world.

Looking at it, I can't see the margin at a glance. There is only endless darkness. And in this endless darkness, countless dark purple flames are beating. That is the fire of the soul, the fire of the soul of the sergeant.

Yes, on the third floor of the Aion, what they see is an endless sea of ​​enclaves. And here, there is more, it is a dark atmosphere of terror. Here, there are only dark elements and a thick silence.

However, no matter what the enemy is, the members of the Light Hunting Demon Group are only obsessed at this time. In their hearts, there is only one thing to do, that is, through all obstacles and barriers, to resurrect Long Haochen!

To the surprise of the partners, the children did not rush to the vast expanse of the sea, her eyes were cold and quiet, and there was no hysteria.

How much she wants to go so desperately! But she can't. Because she knows that her chances are probably only once. Never delay even a trace of time. Therefore, she can't fight blindly. Only by passing all the tests in the shortest time is what she is going to do now.

"On the first and second floors of the Aion, we are faced with the test of the four great sacred Guards. The attributes of the four sacred Guardians are fire, ice, earth, and wind. The most basic four elements of water, fire, earth, and wind. From the situation in front of us, our test on the third floor is first of all darkness. The Guardians once said that they have a total of twelve. So, host here. The test is also the fifth holy Guardian, the sanctity of the dark attributes."

"The 骷髅 in the Aion Tower is not the same as the 皓 in the world, and their strength has been experienced by everyone. So much 骷髅 is enough to kill us all. Even if they can kill them, I don’t know how long it will take. Therefore, what we have to do is not to kill them, but to find the dark sacred among them and defeat them. Through the test before us."

The cold sound of the children echoed in the third floor of the Aion. Her quiet words also calmed down the impatience and impulsiveness of the members of the Light Hunter. They were surprised to find that although there was no command of Long Haochen, the children who became the acting heads had completely entered the role. At this time, they were still able to maintain enough calm.

Confidence, unwittingly, breeds in the hearts of the hunters of the hunting demon in every morning of light. Yes! As early as the beginning of their hunting demon group, the team was a dual core. Only the light of the children has been covered up by Long Haochen.

Now the children, not only have been the gods of death, but also restored the original memory, Long Hao morning died, the only chance of resurrection is in front of the face, the child has no half of the cover and convergence, she wants to own herself Everything broke out and led the partners to fight for the last chance.

"Han Yu." Caier shouted.

"In." Han Yu stepped forward.

Caier said: "After a while, we will launch an attack in full. Once the battle begins, the dark sacred Guardian hidden in the hustle and bustle will not be able to calm down all the time. Your evil eye lord has the strongest mental power to find him. Come out and lock."

"Yes." Han Yu immediately responded, and at the same time summoned the evil eye lord.

"Zhang Fang placed in front, Yang Wenzhao, broken memory, Han Yu in the back, other formations remain unchanged. Sakura, in addition to McDull, do not carry out a large number of spiritual calls. Kill -"

Accompanied by the last word of the big drink, the child’s hand in front of the death slashing knife pointed, Zhang put the heavy shield across the front, and rushed toward the front of the sea.


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