Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 223: The only hope (below)

The only hope of Chapter 223 (below)

The body of the skeleton is black, just like this space, the only thing that can bring some light to this space is the flame of soul that beats in their eyes. ("")

With their actions, the Bohai Sea moved, swarming, holding up different weapons and rushing over to them.

Behind the wing, the children did not stay in the team. As an assassin, she should have swam away. When she was in a flash, she had already surpassed Zhang and put it on the front. It was like a sharp knife, and it was cut into the sea.

As early as two years ago, they have passed the test of the first two layers of the Aion, and they can enter this third floor, but they have not entered. Now finally, the test of the third layer is not too difficult for them.

However, when it really rushed into the Bohai Sea, the children immediately felt tremendous pressure. The test of the third layer has greatly exceeded the second layer in strength.

Here, there is no longer a single level, but a bigger test. No longer one-on-one, but a group battle.

The gray radiance shines, and the large scorpion is swept into pieces by the Death Scythe. It is only a blow, and at least the fire of the souls of the twenty warriors is destroyed. But she also felt that the strength of these shackles is enough to be equivalent to the sixth-order human. Although they do not have the same combat skills as the Guardian, they are winning in endless numbers!

But at this time, the power of the team appeared. The four golden halos expanded almost at the same time. Covered a great range.

These four golden halos are naturally released from the four Templars in the ranks.

Long Haochen is gone, but the most of them are still knights, and they are the best knights of the young generation of the Knights Templar, the seventh-order Templar. ("")

The skills of the four auras are exactly the same, and the guardian's holy light guards the aura.

For all dark attribute enemies, increase the attack effect by 30%, and the dark attribute enemies invaded by the Holy Light guardian aura, their speed and attributes will be weakened.

This is a six-order aura, and it was displayed by four Templars, covering hundreds of square meters. The speed of the Bohai, which rushed up, slowed down. Like a sharp knife, the top of the picking is suddenly light.

At this time, the terrorist attack power of the children was fully revealed. The memory recovery also restored her assassin instinct. Death sickle in her hand, really like death is coming.

The gray light filled with terror and destructive power is on the battlefield. When it passes, a large piece of sea is turned into pieces. Under her leadership, the light morning hunter demon rushed into the depths of the Bohai Sea at an alarming rate.

The evil eye lord has been suspended above Han Yu’s head at this time, and the invisible spiritual fluctuations have quietly swept across the sea. Looking for the culprit that created the Bohai Sea.

Wang Yuanyuan and Sima Xian defended the two sides of the team. Long Hao’s morning war died. They all suppressed extreme sorrow and anger in their hearts. At this time, they broke out completely in this sea. Two people, one gold and one silver, arranged all the rushes on both sides of the team. The black cockroaches that were killed by them were almost completely turned into powder.

Lin Xin is not idle, the fire crystal wand in his hand is like a magical gun. It is a meteor fire, and it is indiscriminately bombing in front of the sea.

Along with the killing of these cockroaches, everyone has gradually discovered some benefits.

At the beginning, the situation that once appeared on the first floor of the Aion Tower reappeared.

On the first floor of the Aion Tower, they encounter a small number of baboons, but each scorpion can provide them with a 10 point spiritual increase, which makes the Light Morning 曦 曦 魔 有了 有了 有了 有了 有了 有了 超越 超越 超越 超越 超越 超越Become the new generation of the first hunting demon. ""

At this time, although these cockroaches do not provide them with 10 points of spiritual power, each time they kill a cockroach, their spiritual power will increase a little.

Don't underestimate this point, kill one or two is not obvious, but if you kill a few hundred, you can improve a few hundred points of spiritual power!

If it wasn't for Long Yuchen who was killed by the Demon Emperor, they would find it in this place. They will be rejoicing. They don't need to be eager to find the Dark Guardian. They only need to kill the squad. They can greatly enhance their spiritual power here. It is.

However, now they can't, they must use the fastest speed to break through the barriers at hand and fight for the resurrection of their heads.

Suddenly, the body of the rushing rushed to the front, and the body was turned over in the air, and returned to the team, falling in the middle of the partners.

"Stop." At the same time as she sipped, she put the sick knives on the ground. The shadow of the **** of death slowly floated up in the air, and it quickly became clear. The two hands were combined, and a strange pattern was combined from the shadow of the **** of death.

The lines are white, and soon combine into a circular aura. On the halo, there seem to be countless fine lines that eventually combine into this magic pattern.

When the children were retired, Zhang’s pressure was greatly increased, and a large number of black-skinned warriors rushed toward him.

Stepping forward on the left foot, the shield crossed the chest, and the right-handed epee was held high above the head, and Zhang released and slammed. Suddenly, thousands of golden light burst out from the sword, and the surrounding area was rendered golden.

The light of judgment.

Under the light of the judgment, these sixth-order cockroaches will not die, but their soul fires are also violently beating, panic back. Some of the closer distances are directly shattered by the light of judgment. The surrounding darkness is greatly reduced.

At this time, the magic of the children has been completed.

"Purification." The cold words spit out from her red lips, and the magical lines of the dying shadows in the air suddenly spread. I saw a circle of white halo quickly expanding, where the white light passed, the one black cockroach turned into white, solidified there and motionless.

In the dark world where the marginal world is not seen, a large white cockroach suddenly appears, giving a very strange feeling.

Then, these white cockroaches turned into a smoky cloud of white light and rushed to the shadow of death, and their souls were integrated into the white in the process of ascending. The grey shadow of death is also becoming more solid.

Gorgeous gray armor covers the whole body, and every body of the body seems to be composed of sharp blades, crystal clear and shining with a little starlight. The only thing that can't be seen clearly is its face, just like the illusory night sky, and the depth is boundless.

The child took it one step at a time and re-entered the front of Zhang Fangfang. The death slashed and led the partners to move on. Just now, she purified the life of thousands of black scorpions, and the spiritual power increased by more than a thousand points.

At this time, the black scorpion in the distance suddenly stopped, and they flashed out to the sides, revealing a passage.

At this moment, all the black cockroaches seemed to be quiet, and then, the crisp horseshoes rang, and the cockroaches, cockroaches, and cockroaches became more and more clear.

A tall and sturdy figure also appeared in the sight of everyone in the morning of the light.

This stalwart figure is covered in black armor, and the next big horse, which is also covered with armor, is even with a dark purple halo. As soon as he appeared, the darkness of the air suddenly became extraordinarily rich. The black scorpion in the range of 100 meters in diameter around his body was also covered with a dark purple brilliance.

Come out of yourself? There is no doubt that this black knight should be the level they are facing. Although the assessment of the Aion Tower is difficult, it will never be completed. If the black scorpion here is really boundless, even the strong man like the demon **** will be killed sooner or later. Therefore, this endless black shack is only a kind of spiritual assessment for them. When they kill a certain amount, it is likely that the black knight who is probably the Sanctuary 8 will naturally appear.

"Follow me." Caier snorted, the first one rushed up, the death sickle was dragged on her side, the sharp tip left a deep trace on the ground, a strong murder moment from her The body burst out. At this moment, the whole person was covered with a layer of gray. Crystal clear gray.

Soon, she approached the central passage of the Bohai Sea. Just as she rushed into the passage, the blacks on both sides suddenly rushed up and tried to stop her from going.

The appearance of the children was cold, but there was a fire in the heart, a burning flame of intense fire. At this moment, in her mind, there has always been a resounding of the various things that have been with Long Haochen. No matter how powerful the enemy is, she will only move forward. Unless she is dead, she will not stop moving forward.

Before that, the shadow of the **** of death that absorbed a lot of purifying souls always followed the top of the head of the pick, just like her shadow, but did not exert any ability. And its body is exactly the same gray as the children. Full of gray of death and killing.

Zhang Fangfang and the light of the morning hunter hunter group behind the picking, the speed is not slow, just as the children were surrounded by black scorpions, they also rushed into the sea.

How can these sixth-order black scorpions stop their charge? Suddenly they were rushed into it like they used to, and quickly caught up with the children.

Every time the death slasher in the hands of the children is thrown out, it will surely end the life of a sly, and these black scorpions will be turned into a gray airflow and immersed in the light and shadow of the gods in the air.


The third is more. Seek monthly ticket, recommended ticket.


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