Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 224: dark Knight

Chapter 224 Dark Knight

Just a little while, Caier led the partners to the black knight's shackles. ("")

The addition of these awkward black knights, the strength has increased significantly, the speed of the children's advancement has plummeted, and the brilliance of the purple light, whether in attack or anti-strike ability, is much stronger than before. Combat skills are also more powerful. It is not only necessary to protect themselves, but also to protect the dragons that are on their backs. But even so, these purple cockroaches can only be annihilated one by one in front of her death sickle, and she is getting closer and closer to the black knight.

In the eyelids of the black knight's helmet, the purple-black soul fire rose, his eyes locked on the children, slowly picking up the five-meter spear hanging on the saddle.

The height of the black knight is three meters away, and the hummer is more than four meters long and two meters high. Compared with the children, it is a giant.

The purple-black flame instantly rose up in the spear, and the premise of the Hummer suddenly lifted up. Suddenly, all the areas covered by the purple light suddenly became sticky, and the children clearly felt their bodies. Suddenly condensed. Then, the thousands of purple light is like a moment to find the source, the Heina is like a spear in his hands. Purple light flashes. Like a cold electricity, straight to the picking thorns.

So strong!

This black knight is just a shot, and everyone in the light of the morning hunter can't help but change. The smell of this guy has clearly reached the level of the ninth-order powerhouse, even if it is a ninth-order primary, but it is also a pure nine-order! Moreover, they look at the experience of their interaction with the Holy Spirit. The strength of the sanctuary cannot be simply measured by equal steps. They have ancient martial arts far superior to those of the same rank.

There is no dodge in the children, and she is a partner behind her. If she is flashed at this time, then Zhang will be the first to bear the brunt.

But at this time, a golden light and shadow rushed into the air from her side, and it had completely turned purple during the ascent. Thousands of Thunderbolts thundered and fell, and they slammed down in all directions. It is Sima Xian’s purple thunder.

Sima Xian is not helping the children to resist the attack of the Black Knight, but to help her solve the embarrassment around her. Let her face the black knight without any worries. This is the trust between the partners, they all believe that the children will be able to pick up the enemy.

If Long Haochen faces an attack like the Black Knight, then there is no doubt that his Sun and Moon Shield will immediately stop in front of him.

But the children are not Long Haochen, she does not have such a strong defense. If it is only passive defense, she can't stop the attack of the 9th power. The latest chapter of the church is an assassin. Her most powerful attack is her attack. Therefore, she can only attack and attack.

The left foot suddenly stepped forward, can see that this is a short step, and behind the picking, there is a series of overlapping ghosts. Before the death of the sickle, a gray crystal mantle condensed at the front end of the sickle, just on the dark purple light.

In an instant, the air seemed to solidify, and the strange scene appeared at this time. A series of overlapping ghosts appearing behind the children's body actually flashed again, and her whole person seemed to be illusory, as if it were made up of countless children.

Then, the Death Scythe in her hand lit up, and among the gray crystals, the purple knight's purple light was annihilated.

The black cockroaches around the children have all been blasted by the purple thunder, and on her front, there is only one enemy at this moment.

A huge figure has already rushed into the air at this time, it is Sima Xian. He caught up with his own light pill in the air, and the spirit wing unfolded and floated there. The whole light was on the pill, the purple light shone, and the chest of Simaxian was also red and dazzling.

The position of Sima Xian before was already supplemented by Yang Wenzhao at the right time, and did not reveal any flaws to the team.

Blocking the black knight's blow, the face of the child was slightly pale, but she did not have any pauses, and her body flashed, and it was in front of the black knight. The speed was as fast as a moment. You know, she still carries a dragon in the morning, but at this time it seems that it has no effect on her speed.

The black knight flashed a spear in his hand, and suddenly he turned into a shadow of the sky. At the same time, a circle of dark purple halo swayed from him. The aura is only ten meters in diameter, but it seems to solidify on the ground as the purple light rises. The dark elements in the third floor of the Aion Tower suddenly rushed to him. That feeling is a bit like the dragon knight's skill. However, the dragon's momentum can not be moved, and this black knight is not affected by this, as long as his body does not out of this aura range, the momentum will continue. It will make his fighting power even more terrifying.

For all of this, the child is like not seeing it. Faced with thousands of guns, the body of the children suddenly became illusory. The illusory figure was shattered in the gun, and her body had appeared behind the black knight. Death Scythe in the air brought a glory of gray glory, straight to the back of the black knight.

The black knight did not return, because it was too late, but the tail of the gun seemed to be a long eye, and it was at the tip of the Death Scythe.

The body of the child’s body trembled fiercely, and she was naturally unable to compare with her opponent.

However, the black pike was also hardly cut down by her death slashing knife. What is even more entrenched is that the layers of light blades are like a lotus flower that bursts out from the slashing knife and is shrouded from the rear. The black knight did not give him a chance to turn around. ("")

The black knight was also tough, and when he made a decisive move, he slammed into the back of the Hummer, and a dark purple light shield suddenly appeared behind him.

The horror of the attacking power of the Death Scythe is almost the next second, and the Light Shield has turned into a shard. But after all, he got a time for the black knight, his body shape was reversed, and his long gun was swept backwards.

"砰——" The sound of a muffled sound, the body of the child was suddenly swept away. It’s not that she doesn’t want to dodge, but she can’t dodge. The moment the black knight shot, the surrounding air suddenly solidified, making her speed greatly reduced.

At this time, a fierce thunder and lightning roared, and the purple electric light column descended from the sky and went straight to the black knight to bombard.

Sima Xian's purple magical thunder gun has already been completed in the air, waiting for the black knight to turn around the flaws revealed at this moment.

It’s not just him who shot, but a bright phoenix was hidden by the roar of thunder, and the blue phoenix floated and flew up. After the purple thunder, he rushed to the black knight.

Both Sima Xian and Lin Xin have already made their best efforts. The purple magical thunderbolt plus the blue fire phoenix, this is one of their most powerful attacks.

The light morning hunter demon squad will never be alone in the battle, and the children attract a lot of attention from the black knights, and their attacks can naturally exert the greatest power.

Lin Xin's blue-fired phoenix and great changes two years ago, first of all, the volume, much smaller than before, the wings spread, and less than two meters, looks like a big bird. However, this blue phoenix is ​​much more beautiful than before. No flame rises in it, and the whole body is like a complete piece of blue crystal. Three beautiful tail feathers swayed behind them, and the whole body was full of hair, just like a living thing. A pair of eyes are more shining, full of fire.

This black knight is indeed powerful, sweeping and flying, and the frontal attack is coming. He suddenly lifts up the front and rear hooves of the Hummer, and the upper body is hardened. At the same time, a dark purple flame was ejected from the mouth and turned into a shield in front of the body.

However, how can this dark purple flame resist the power of the Sima Xian epic power and the synthetic evolution of the purple magical Thunder furnace?

The shield was broken instantly, and the purple magical thundergun was still bombarded on the horse.

Suddenly, the Hummer was like a frontal impact on a thick wall. In a loud bang, with the black knight retreating, the entire horse head and the first half of the body were all fragmented, and the black knight was smashed down.

In the face of the leopard devil Osset, with this purple magical thunderbolt, Sima Xian was hard to block the opponent, and at that time Osei was still in the demonization. No matter the black knight or its mount, how can it compare with the leopard demon in strength! Naturally can't stop this blow.

However, the sacrifice of Hummer is not without cost. Although it was smashed, it also blocked most of the attacks by the black knight. Only some aftermath shocked the black knight. The black knight is full of purple light, and the speed is slightly slow. At this time, Lin Xin’s blue fire phoenix arrived again.

The bright phoenix sound finally resounded through the third floor of the Aion Tower. The black knight fell to the ground at this time, with a long gun in front of his hand, and a gunman thorns the blue fire phoenix head. Trying to destroy it.

However, the body of the Blue Fire Phoenix suddenly solidified in the air. The next moment, the blue fire phoenix turned into a blue light and disappeared instantly.

It was a blue light like a needle, almost a flash of blue light, and it pierced the black knight's rifle.

The black knight clearly felt a huge threat, and a scream in his mouth, the intense purple light suddenly solidified with the darkness of his rising body. One center is black, and a purple ball of light is lit from his chest. His body also solidified at that moment. Under the purple light, the whole person stands like a statue.

This is obviously a passive defensive skill, a bit like a **** block.

In the next moment, the power of the Blue Fire Phoenix Furnace broke out.

The black knight had a long gun in his hand and melted from the tip of the gun. The blue light spread at an alarming rate and he reached his arm in a flash. I saw the black knight's long gun and right arm, actually vaporized directly in the blue light, and even a trace did not stay, and the blue light continued to extend to his body torso, and he fixed his body shape after the chest The purple-black light ball created a fierce conflict.

The power of the Blue Phoenix is ​​too strong, and the horrible heat has caused distortions in the surrounding air. Despite the blocking of the purple-black light ball, the black knight's right shoulder melted quickly and still extended to his chest.

At this time, a savage gray light smashed from the back of the black knight. The light of the **** of death in the sky also projected a gray light shining on the fierce gray light blade.

The gray light flashed, and the purple-black light ball shattered and shattered, as well as the body on the left side of the black knight.

The Blue Fire Phoenix lost its block and suddenly spread at an alarming rate. In a blink of an eye, the black knight’s body burned.

A group of purple-black flames came out from the head of the black knight, and some sharp voices sounded, "San Wei No. 8, obey your orders." When the voice fell, it has turned into a purple light, integrated into the chest of the child's chest. The melody disappeared.

The battle is not too long from the beginning to the end. Lian Caier did not expect that they could easily defeat this Sanwei No.8.

Undoubtedly, the biggest heroes of this battle are Sima Xian and Lin Xin, the purple magical thunder and the blue phoenix, which is the most important thing to end this dark knight. Caier himself did not play at all.

Along with the death of the Black Knight, the dark world around them suddenly became distorted, and the black scorpions disappeared in this distortion.

When everything is clear again, they find that they are already in a wide martyrdom.

It is a bit like the first floor of the Aion, except that the surrounding pillars are all black. In the distance, they saw a white light curtain.

The children took a deep breath and nodded to Lin Xin and Sima Xian.

At this point, both of them have sat down on the knees, Sima Xian is better, he has a red dragon to weaken the purple illusion of the spirit of the spirit of the furnace, but the spiritual consumption is a bit large. But Lin Xin can't do it. The power of his blue-fired Phoenix spirit furnace is much stronger than before, but it is also more intense, and it is extremely terrifying for spiritual consumption. You must know that the other party is a ninth-order powerhouse, and that this black-level knight is also melting in front of his blue-fired phoenix. This is his strongest attack, and he is more arrogant than Vulcan. More. If it is not for the purpose of fighting for the rescue of Long Haochen, he will never use it easily.

Sima Xian Xiang Caier: "Deputy head, don't worry about us, we have passed the front of this point, here is safe, we will leave the spiritual power first. You continue to move forward. When we recover some will chase Go up."

In the Aion, except that the light system can absorb enough elements to restore the spiritual power, only the death attribute of the child can be used. Others who restore spiritual power cannot rely on the elements inside the Aion, and can only rely on the magic crystal.

At this time, Lin Xin’s hands were each carrying an eighth-order fire magic crystal, which quickly restored spiritual power. This is not the magic crystal produced by the Mozu, but must be dug out of Warcraft. Because this is the only way to not have dark attributes.


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