Shen Yin Wang Zuo

Vol 4 Chapter 225: Dragon Death is still on (on)

The twenty-fifth chapter of the dragon is still dead (on)

"Go ahead. ("")" After the children nodded again to the partners, they led the partners to walk toward the white light curtain that was incompatible with the dark world.

Yang Wenzhao and Xiao Yi have some feelings of awkwardness at this time. Although their cultivation is also a seventh-order, in the previous battle, they all clearly understood that every member of the hunter-gray group of this light is stronger than them. You know, when they were in their respective teams, they were the mainstays, and they were not stronger than the strength of other members. But in the morning of this light, the hunter demon group, all they can do is to resist some of the squadrons. Moreover, because the injuries have not healed, they felt a little hard before they resisted the black scorpion.

On the other hand, the main force of the early morning shots is Caier, Sima Xian and Lin Xin. With the three of them teamed up, they even killed a ninth-order powerhouse. And it was still the suppression of the killing, so that the black knight did not have the ability to play all the power and died in their hands.

Long Haochen and Caier are so powerful, even Lin Xin and Sima Xian are now so strong. The attack they had launched before, Yang Wenzhao and the memory of the memory have never heard of it.

In fact, the three children can easily defeat the black knight under the joint hand, in fact, mainly the advantage of equipment. Plus the all-out shot.

In the short-lived battle, Lin Xin and Sima Xian have all gone all out to come up with their own killer. The Guardian in this Aion is powerful, but they all share a common weakness, that is, equipment.

To put it simply, if the black knight is wearing the dragon's fine gold pedestal, I am afraid that they will not be able to win even ten times. It is impossible to pay no price.

The death sickle of Caier is an artifact, and Sima Xian’s Light Pill is also an epic! The whole light of the morning hunter demon group, who has no weapons above the legendary level?

The white light curtain is in front of you, passing the test of the black knight, but it does not mean that they have passed the third floor of the Aion. ("") According to the experience of the first two layers, they only passed half of the test of this layer.

The more difficult the test will be, the more difficult the battle will be waiting for them.

Taking a step out of the children, they have already entered the white light curtain, followed by Zhang Fangfang, Wang Yuanyuan, Chen Yinger and others.

Step by step out of the white light curtain, everyone can not help but whisper, because the air behind the light curtain is very different from the air on the other side, completely different.

Before that was the absolute dark world, and at this moment, when they stepped out of the white light curtain one step at a time, it was a very bright light!

The darkness around has vanished, replaced by endless light.

The pillars on the sides are exactly the same, but the golden brilliance is full of sacred atmosphere, the ground is completely golden, and the magnificent pattern extends forward.

There is no such thing as the existence of the Bohai Sea. The second half of the third floor of the Aion Tower is completely empty. Until the end.

At the end of the third floor is still a statue, the statue of the dead god, the **** of sleep, and the statue of Electrolux.

Below the statue, sitting on the knees. The white light magical robe hangs over his body, slightly lowering his head, so that they can't see his appearance.

He was sitting under the statue of Electrolux, as if he had been sitting for an endless period of time. It seems as if they are waiting for their arrival.

Although there is only one opponent to face this time, their look is more dignified. It is precisely because there is only one opponent in front of him that his strength will undoubtedly be stronger. At least it is much stronger than the previous Black Knight.

Caier turned to look at the partners and said to Chen Yinger: "Sakura, don't shoot. The next level of the church is mainly based on your strength. Others, follow me."

As he spoke, the child's figure flashed and rushed toward the light magician wearing a white magic robe. As an assassin, she is obviously the most suitable candidate against the magician.

Han Yu, Yang Wenzhao and Xiao Yi can clearly feel that their spiritual power has increased greatly in this place full of light. The three immediately applied the aura skills and attached them to the children.

Although Yang Wenzhao is a disciplinary knight, he did not rush out, and the injury has not healed. If the opponent is stronger than the previous one, he will not have any effect if he rushes up.

It is Wang Yuanyuan who followed the children. The strong **** murderous moment instantly rose behind her, and it was faint to see a layer of red light rising into the sky, condensing into the same illusory light and shadow as Wang Yuanyuan.

Wang Yuanyuan's murderousness is very different from that of the children. The murderousness of the children is full of death, and Wang Yuanyuan's murderousness is full of **** atmosphere.

One is attached to the attribute itself, and the other is killed in the army. At the moment, the two murderous murders have a complementary effect. Under the full force of the explosion, the place that was originally full of light and holy atmosphere was actually confused by their madness.

The light magician moved, and the magician's body was already suspended from the ground when the first step of the attack was taken.

A golden staff appeared in his hand, and the staff was in front of him, and a layer of water-like golden halo swayed.

The child is carrying the dragon and the morning, can not directly enter the stealth state, but her speed is the fastest in the morning light. She was already accelerating in the moment of the charge. Before she was less than two hundred meters away from the light magician, at her speed, she only needed two flashes to get there.

However, just after she was close to a hundred meters, the soft halo was already in front of her.

It was a feeling like a tulle falling on the body, rushing into the golden halo, but the child was surprised to find that his speed was completely reduced, and it was directly tied. The whole person has become sluggish.

The murderous gray light suddenly erupted from the Death Scythe, and the artifact was an artifact. The light magic that didn't know the name suddenly broke in front of the sharp edge of the Death Scythe.

Just as the child was walking and preparing to continue the rush, the broken golden light was entangled like silk, sweeping her body.

Wang Yuanyuan faced the same problems as the children. They arrived at a distance of 100 meters from the magician of the light, and they wanted to move on but it was difficult to move.

A twisted light passed through the air at this time, and went straight to the light magician, and the evil eye lord took the lead.

The light magician slowly raised his head, and the powerful soul wave suddenly spread from it. It can be seen that under the cloak is a pair of eyes that beat the fire of the golden soul.

The spiritual impact of the evil eye lord has not yet reached the front, and it has been smashed by the power of the powerful soul. There is no harm to this light magician at all.

The staff swung again and the low humming sounded. At this time, several knights have already come to Caier and Wang Yuanyuan. I don't know what the magic of the light magician used before, and the golden halo also blocked the way they marched, and they couldn't get in.

"This is the nine-order light magic, sacred bondage." Yang Wenzhao suddenly cried: "But, this magic has not been lost already? How can it appear here. Damn, it is instant."

Nine-order magic... and without any process of singing spells, it is close to the existence of the curse level, no wonder they can't break into it. If it is only the eighth-order magic, the children will never be blocked so thoroughly by relying on the death knives.

The spell of the Light Magician continues, and everyone knows that once his spell is completed, everyone will be extremely difficult to resist. The magician's attack power is far above the warrior, not to mention the light magician still appears behind the black knight. Don't look at it here is full of light that makes everyone comfortable, but it's much more difficult than before. In particular, how can they break through the sacred **** in front of them?

At this time, the children suddenly sighed low, "the original."

The time when Wang Yuanyuan rushed into the golden light curtain was almost the same as that of the children. Hearing the call of the children, the two looked at each other and they were able to see each other.

Although Caier had just restored her memory, her memory after her memory loss was not lost because of the previous memory recovery, but completely integrated. Therefore, their tacit understanding has not disappeared.

"One..., two..."

Picking began a slow count, and her gaze was always on the light magician.

In addition to Yang Wenzhao and the memory of the memory, the people of the Light Morning Hunting Devils seemed to be quiet and stopped the impact on the barrier. This is a tacit understanding. There is no need to say anything about the children. They understand what the children need to do.

"Three..., hands-on." The children screamed.

Under the gaze of Yang Wenzhao and the memory of the memory, I saw that Wang Yuanyuan suddenly burst into silver. In the next moment, she disappeared out of thin air, and when she appeared again, she had already come to the light magician. The **** storm of orange-red and scarlet, with an unparalleled **** murder, suddenly broke out, and the dark cracks appeared in front of the light magician. It is the strongest skill attached to the **** storm, the dimension storm.

You know, the current **** storm has evolved into an epic weapon in the killing. Power can be a far cry from the original.

The intense light element is in front of it, and it is instantly divided. The horrible dimension of the storm makes the nine-order light system defensive magic full of screams. In the face of the outbreak of **** storms, the space inside this ninth-order magic is like being split into countless pieces.


Seek monthly ticket, recommended ticket. **Continuous...


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